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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Inbi Infusco


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Inbi Infusco is a thief, but she also has high morals. She despairs at the thought of killing people, although one of her close friends for many years was an assassin. Needless to say she is very torn apart inside with the contradictions in her life. She began stealing in order to survive and although it is still her livelihood, she continues mainly because she feels apart from society and much prefers her simple life in the woods, stealing when necessary, to the company and restrictions of life in the city.

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Inbi has discovered that she has the magical ability to create and control ice and fire. This skill can be very useful when used wisely. For example, she can cause the ice to form in a tower that lifts her into the air, or she can use it to make an area slippery except for exactly where she's standing, by melting and recreating the ice as she moves.


The physical limit to her abilities is not the quantity of magic, but rather the scope of the ice and fire, which lessens proportionally to her health. Thus, as she gets injured in battle she is hindered both physically and magically. She is also constrained by her strong desire to do good and a consequential inability to kill innocent people.

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Inbi was raised by a man who claimed to be her father. For many years he exploited her magical abilities, training her for a purpose that she never knew. When he died, the spells that he had cast around her died with him. Suddenly she realized that he had magically enhanced her happiness, suspended any disbelief of his lies, and turned her into a servant. She gathered a few items and left.


At that point she ran into Tamaranis and during her time with him, she came to terms with the old man and the parts of her past that she could remember. When the quest that had joined them was done and Tamaranis disappeared, Inbi became a thief in order to survive. She shortly became very good at it, and continues this lifestyle because she prefers it to any other.


Inbi once stole an enchanted pendant that belonged to a powerful mage. She met Black while she was trying to figure out its mysteries, and he helped her in exchange for help tracking down another assassin. It was here that Inbi became skilled with daggers, although the pendant left her possession before she departed from Black's company.


During that quest, Inbi also discovered the portal from Terra to the Pen. She wasn't ready yet, and the bright lights and crowded halls scared her. She returned and completed her adventures, but soon afterward she became bored with the barren lands. Seeking more adventure she returned through the portal and made a home in the woods outside of the Pen keep. She lives there still.

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