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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Question from a new reader

Guest Kunax

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anyway Tralla if you have to say your self, is it worth a read :)

I rarely think my stuff is, Kunax. That's my third rewrite of that bloody story, and probably not my last. I am an author to the last drop of my cold blue blood - I can't stand my writing being at anything other than its absolute best. But this lot seems to like it very much, and I have a few hardcore fans who threaten ritual sacrifice if I don't post an update in sometime shorter than six months, and I have to say, I'm rather proud of certain large chunks of the material. =) To answer your question simply:




But then, many, if not most, of the works here are worth a read for some reason or another. That's what makes it such a pain in the butt. =P



btw: The entire storie is not in the first post, its cut short, perhaps there is a MAX. post size

Ehhhh... So you're right. I could've sworn I checked that. Ah, well, editing time again...



PS. Yui-chan ROCKS! :woot:

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Guest Kunax

Tralla: Ritual sacrifice sound fun :), anyway thanks for your reply much appriciated...


Yui-chan: heh i always though -san was used as a gender discription :). Thanks for the link it was intresting, in return here is another http://www.geocities.com/takasugishinji/japanese/index.html which may or many not be of interest.


Edited by Kunax
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