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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Ultimate in Spooniness


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Based heavily on one of the dreams I had last night. I dream too much. I'll continue it


"Are you sure we have to do this?" She asked, "It seems excessive."


"I know. But if they don't dare to defy us, how can they possibly be ready for what lies in store for them?


"Besides," he continued, "even if he doesn't have the nerve to suggest it, she does. And he'll carry it out if he knows she's willing."


"Do we really want her with someone who can't show that much initiative, though?" She showed a doubtful frown.


"Do we have any choice? She wouldn't have anything to do with the men we suggested. Let's see where her own decisions take her."


There was silence for a time, before the woman nodded reluctantly.


"I suppose we had best get ready to meet him, then." She said.


* * *

Ilanor strode through the hallways, watching carefully for guards. He had surrendered his sword at the door to the inner portions of the keep, and that made him nervous. The guards weren't a threat, however, so much as a sign. The Earl would be certain to have guards nearby, and he had important news for him.


The sooner that was taken care of, the better. He had important business for Siliera as well.


"Sir Ilanor!" A guard called from in front of him, running up. "We heard word that you were coming. The Earl is busy, I'm afraid. Can you wait?"


"I'm afraid not." Ilanor answered, "Unless he's unconscious or on his deathbed, I need to see him now."


"Even if..."


"Even then. But he's not. Trust me, I know the Earl." He fought back a laugh at the guard's blush. "Now, where is he?"


"Right this way, Sir!"


The guard nearly ran down the hallway, seeming intent on staying in front of the messenger. Ilanor chuckled softly to himself at that thought. He was more than merely a messenger from the King.


He was less, as well. Or so it seemed to many.


"In here, Sir." The guard bowed his head as he gestured at an ornately carved door. "Are you sure?"




Ilanor paused a moment, listening to the sounds on the other side of the door, steeled himself, and cracked it just open enough to slide through.

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Ilanor had returned.


She had received word within minutes of his first sighting, and had been readying herself for hours now. Her maid would be bringing him in to her any moment now.


The door slipped softly open, and she heard it close behind her.


"Lady Siliera?" The maid's voice trembled slightly.


"What is it, Leya?" Siliera asked, "Where is Ilanor?"


"I met him as he entered the castle moment ago." Leya began, "I told him that you wished to speak with him, and he said he had matters of the utmost importance to discuss with your father, before he turned and left. I had no chance to tell him how important it was to milady." She bowed, almost weeping in her nearly sickening display of deference.


"Leya," Siliera tilted her maid's chin upward and brought her face forward, "It was as you said. You had no chance.


"And if his business is more important than I am, I shall simply have to be where the business takes place." She reached to her back and began undoing the ties holding her gown in place.


"What? But milady, where are you going?" Leya blanched.


"If his news can't wait until he has seen me, he won't bother to wait for my father either. Father is in his bathchambers." She smiled, "I've been needing an excuse for a warm bath."


Her dress fell to the floor around her feet and, without a glance downward, she drew a loose robe around herself.


Leya could say no more than a shocked "but..." before the door closed behind Siliera and she was on her way to the bathchambers.

Edited by Alaeha
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