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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Collected Haikus of Finnius


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Posts: 408

Registered: Mar 2001

posted March 27, 2001 02:43 PM


Dragons overhead,

Bombing my castle non-stop.

Oh, when will it end?



Why is it such a long word?

Taking my first line.


Haikus should not rhyme,

But I do it all the time.

That was so stupid.


Blossoming flowers.

The moon reflects a river.

Stillness in my heart.


I write my haikus.

I have no purpose in this.

So what is the point?




Sunrise comes quickly,

Illuminating the world.

How to express this?


Just now I lost land.

It will take time to rebuild.

Better get to work.


Squirrels, frogs, and sheep,

Rushing over a low hill.

They will be here soon.


Sun sets in the west,

Crimson lining touches Clouds,

The Moon shines brightly.






Originally posted by peredhil31:

Black Adder watcher?!?

Nekkid Magess...sigh...supreme!

Sweet Hentai Haiku.





After reading this:

I rolled on the floor in mirth,

Laughing my a$$ off.

Edited by Finnius
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A Few of My Favorite Mages, In Haiku



Half-elf of the north,

Defying catagory.

The Mad Mage descends.



An empty shot glass.

A Slayer for the ages.

Things to remember.



Forest in the night,

Reveals to her its secrets,

Old life in the new.



Tainted elegance,

The low entwined with the high,

And very classy.



A floating castle,

Science, as magic itself.

Gyrfalcon's bane.


The Big Pointy One:

Watching intently,

Pestering for a haiku,

Laughing when it comes.



Shimmering white sword,

Cutting down the unholy;

Flying with God's grace.



Purveyor of booze.

Willing to cheat to make geld.

Almost a dragon.


More to come, with hope,

As they are revealed to me.

You people are cool.



Artful and tasteful,

A mage with soul of sea blue

And cerulean.



A budding author

With grammatical errors

Which are prevalent.



Lazy Old Grandpa,

His every wink a satire;

So grizzled, so wise.



Terra's reporter,

Finding news for its own sake.

Keep up the good work.



Terra's Best Player,

Wielder of the Mighty Bone,

Sexy, Sexy Man.



Violent shapeshifter,

Destroying all who mock him.

But, why a spider?



Happy, bouncing mage.

His spine shuffled by Wyvern,

While imposting cards


A special haiku for the person who made me decide to be a stripper.

Scarlett O'Harpy:

Watching as she grows;

Her giant teeth inspiring

One to strip for free.



Exceptional Red,

Beating up on the Verdants.

The wolf; Mod of Doom.



A little-known mage,

Showing up at the party

With gifts in his hands.



Short, but sweet, poem;

Filling me with wondering.

Master of Free-verse.

Edited by Finnius
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Lament on a Failed Marriage


Scarlett O'Harpy,

Why do you chase me with knives?

Is it for my flesh?


Why not order out,

For italian or chinese,

If you are hungry.


It was just a sham,

A ploy to save my buttocks,

Yet, still... I feel hurt.


Maybe it's the fork,

Jamming harshly in my ribs.

But maybe it's not.


We are parted now,

But I'll never forget it.

Scarlett O'Harpy...

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Message to Self, In Haiku


Sunrise and sunset,

Stars and blue skies in between.

I watch; uplifted.


To those falling out:

The dream always ends, unwanted,

I am sad for you.


If, within one life,

One can change the life of one,

Life is satisfied.


We all fall from grace.

The wise will pick their own time,

To ease the burden.


Sun on the mountains,

Moon in the night desert sky,

I give this to you.

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Decleration of Poetry War, Accepted


"Simple Yui-chan,

Do not take this the same way

As your direct war.


We two bandy words

To see who can make better.

It is more subtle.


The war you speak of,

Is it not five days over?

Why not let it go?


I admit, Yui,

I was mistaken to think

That this was the first.


Beat me at my best,

And then I will bow to you.

But not before then."


A blue mage reflects;

Poetry in symmetry,

Art defining life.

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Random Stuff


The mindless drivel,

Twirling, spiralling, it goes,

Into my toilet.


More Mages In Haiku


Things like Snit are nice,

Ayshela makes me happy,

Confused and sad, too.


Whizzing through the air,

By the power of pulleys.

Aardvark's catapult.


Wiggly Cabbages,

Humor, spiced and serious,

Gwaihir delights me.


Soft, fluffy comfort,

Protection from the ninjas,

Appy's warm blanky.


Alaeha is nice,

Defines haiku: I need not,

Huggles in shoutbox.


Orlan gets the girls,

By the power of his looks,

Sexy, sexy man.


Soft, fluffy comfort,

Protection from the ninjas,

Canid's pointy teeth.


And now for a change,

The next few haikus will be,

Written by Gollum.


Predictions of doom,

Shiny crystal balls and such,

We likes Madame Q.


Although they are green,

Canid gives us Oreos,

And we eats them all.


Name is one full line,

Degenero Angelus,

It confuses us.


Salinye has it...

We knows she has the precious!

Gives it back to us!


Finnius giggles,

Puts Gollum back in his box,

Hits it with a stick.


Once upon a time,

There was a Scaley Wyvern,

Cared only for Geld.


And also was Gyr,

Whose name was incoherent,

We all mispronounced.


Then there was Pered,

Polite Ancient of the Pen,

And dastardly Smith.


More haiku's to come,

Based on members of the Pen,

I need Oreos.


We like Psimon's work,

Haiku is a lost art form,

Why was I plural?


Headphones are turned up,

Roger Waters? A genius.

Pink Floyd freakin' rocks!


I notice the time.

My eyes are disappointed.

I must go to work.

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