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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Points of Experience


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With the freewrites coming more and more often as of late, I decided to put them all in one thread, and thereby create something I could eventually print and fling at people.



"In my hands"


The world was gray


Nothing left alive

the colors leak'd out long ago

leaving husks of gray behind


The gray stared at me

with lidless malicious gaze

I turn'd my face away

but I could feel it still


The rain froze to my expos'd skin

Sending tendrils of pain shooting

Until warmth was a gray memory

And then was gone

Fleeing spiderlike from the horrid




I clutch'd tightly the bouquet

I had found in a brighter land

The only color left in this world

As I walk'd home from the Gray bus


The petals were cloak'd in luscious pink

Which at that time seem'd more real than anything I had seen before

Defying the tyrannical monochromistic

Color schema that had engulf'd the walk home


The stems were beauty and truth and light

The green so vibrant I look'd away

Despite the healing force they brought


And so my fragile heart endured

The wretch'd comp'ny that walk presented

Refresh'd and oriented towards

The colors I clutch'd in my frozen hand

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Staring out past the glass

Towards the fragile dawn

Watching it arise

Burning brightly


Why do I burn inside

Why does my passion flare

To anger and fury

When I least expect


Feeling foul inside today

Wanting to scream at everyone

Tomorrow looks dim

Do I even show up?


World grows dim

Tinged red with fury

Patience leaves

My friends draw away


It wants to burst out

In a sonic outburst

Of magnitudes



But if

I do




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hmmm...the only real complaint that I have is with lines 11 and 13


Tomorrow looks dim

World grows dim

you repeat dim twice in such a short time period, and it kinda threw me off a bit. Other than that, I liked it.


I hope you felt better today, because I couldn't find you anywhere. It was sad,

because I was like 'Ok, I'm going to make him be in a good mood even if i colapse and have a coughing fit doing it." and then i accually did have a coughing fit and decided that I should probably head home. lol.



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