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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Where Have You Gone...


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You are deeply hated,

just as I am deeply jaded.

Why is it your love is gone?

Why has all of it now faded?

Why am I now forsaken?

My heart stomped, after taken.

Why do I fell so empty?

My heart is broken, yet still breaking.

You were something special to me,

but never took the time to see;

That I did love you, just as I said,

insanley, madly, deeply.

Now our hearts are all out, love wasted.

I know you're gone forever, I've faced it.

But the one thing I miss above all,

Is your kiss, and how it tasted.

So now I leave you, so deep in sorrow.

I may seek your love, today or tomorrow.

But the last thing I say to you in parting;

give me back the heart you borrowed.

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