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The Mirror: Endings


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The Mirror: Endings




*Please note: Shade (the same Shade in “Ending Hour”) does not belong to me. He is an RP character of Merry (smallscale_mindgames), as Elanor Starflower is mine. His magical system (and a little of Elanor’s, though not most of it) was based off of the “Sabriel” books by Garth Nix, and no copyright infringement is intended. As soon as we find an alternative for Shade’s magical system, we will change it, and I will edit this story. Promise.*



What does the mirror show?


It shows a possible ending. It shows what may be…not what will be. Not what must be.


Look into my mirror…one last time.


You have the gift of foresight. Tell me what you have seen! Now!


She is not coming back.




There is nothing for you here. Only Death.


Why do you hold her here?


She stays because she has hope!


She stays for you! Let her go. Life and Death do not belong together.


She chose me!


It is better this way. Let her go, before her soul goes bitter and cold. Let her go, while your love is still bright, and she can treasure it for an eternity.


But it will only be a memory.


You should be a dream to her!


It was you who wanted us to wed in the first place!


But I did not know your true nature, necromancer!



I love you…


Find someone else, Elanor!


No…I have made my choice.


You are of Life. I am of Death. Never shall the twain meet. It was a beautiful dream…but it was a dream, Elanor.




Who? Who am I? I am the Watcher of the Light Most High. I watch the Dark from the shadows.


Do not get involved in things that do not concern you.


If it concerns my Messenger, then it concerns me.


Do you have any idea who I am?


I do. But the only way you will get to him is through me.


I won’t let her die!


Her path is already set, laid out beneath her feet. She has already taken the first steps.


I knew when I became a necromancer that it would end like this. Shade, forgive me.


Elanor, no! Not Astarael!


Astarael, the sorrowful bell of iron, who takes all who hear her song into Death-even gods. She sings a duet with my soul, and I have to do what I have to do. I was never good at necromancy, even if I was a binder like you, being an Elf and all and not born to the gift. But I have the skill to do this. Goodbye, Shade.


You ARE mad, Watcher!


Not as mad as you, Belial. You hurt my Guardian…and now you will pay.




My soul sings a duet with Astarael, now…don’t be sad, Shade. My soul will be with you forever. Can you feel me, with you still, fused as my soul is with your Astarael? I took your bells at the end, Shade. Forgive me.




I love you…I’m sorry it had to be this way. But you’re safe now, and free.




Goodbye, darling.

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Very poetic and streamlined ashke, though I did not quite catch the actually storyline behind it. It was more of a large argument of some sort, or at least that is how i interpreted it. as I said, it was very poetic, and almost flowed like one, but i'm going to have to agree with Merry. I'm confused... what was going on?


(BTW: I know you didn't intend it, but here's some useless information. Belial is the daughter of one of the arch-devils.)

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