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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

If I Could Write a Word...

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Finally "finished," I rather like this poem. Thought I'd post it here for the non-members to see as well, as I originally was developing it in the Writer's Workshop. If you've access, and want to see how this poem developed you can do so here.


Hope you enjoy! I loved writing it. :)


- Justin



If I Could Write a Word...



If I could whisper waning wonders,

Speak that language – the wine of kings,

I would wield with splendor true!

With sacred art would spread my wings.


And to soar - Oh to soar! – into the sky,

And to drift in drunken sweetness

To that place, upon command, of

Weightless worries and heaven’s bliss.


That place where wistful truths sit idly

The tears of Gods lay clear to man,

I’d not be slave to single moments,

With this gift to capture tears in sand.


But higher than and in that world;

More sacred still than my great capture:

Would be that with this flight on paper

I could my loved so deep enrapture.


Oh! If I could write a word!


What greater want or will could be

But to show what love shows me?

I would surely trade all delight,

To give to them what I see free.


To lift another to taste that treat,

Surely I would live content:

Knowing grass was greener by design.

Knowing loved knew where they were sent.


To fields of fruit, sweet taste of nectar,

That lingers languidly lest its leave,

Would be its final. So must it be,

To preserve its moment in Time’s reprieve.


But that too, I know, is not justice.

Rippling that in earth’s reflections:

Single triumph of such beauty, it

Eludes precision save “perfection.”


If I could write that word!


But drama mentions mild the image.

My hand and mind can not compare,

Can not restate, crystal clear,

A moment’s passion, zeal, or flare.


“So many words belittle meaning,”

I have read the quote, once or twice.

I can’t help but give a thousand!

In simple faith, hope they suffice.


I’ll give tomorrow a thousand more,

And again - to my beloved, whom I adore.

A pledge of moments I give in longing;

One word of many holds light to soar.


If I could write a word…

Edited by Justin Silverblade
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