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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Degorram

  1. *falls over on the floor and dies*




    Oh, I guess it's my own bloody fault. Let it be known, however, that I generally boycott Valentines' Day, but will be celebrating Valentines Day next year. And only because next year I have picked a burning ball of space gases far far away from here as my Valentine.


    I'm a Romantic type, you know. You'll get a poem then.


    By the way, you might want to see a doctor about that cough of yours. *disinfects the surrounding area*

  2. Degorram hurried into the room, causing papers to fly up around her and the girl sitting in the chair. "Hope you haven't been waiting long, I was caught up in my studies...." She trailed off as she noticed that the girl had fallen asleep and sat slumped in her chair, chin lying against her chest. Degorram smiled wryly. "Well...I guess you have been waiting too long....."


    She sat down at her desk and sighed, snapping a book shut and picking up the submission before her. At the loud noise of the book, the girl started awake and gaped around at her surroundings, one hand at a subtle curve on her belt, the other gripping the chair. "W-what....?"


    "Calm down, you're exactly where you fell asleep," Degorram said, putting on a pair of teal rimmed glasses (that absolutely served no point, really, because she didn't need glasses). "It just doesn't look like it -- I've charmed the room to change every few hours."


    Freyjis looked around more carefully, her breathing slowing now, and relaxed the grip on her hidden knife. It was true. The room had changed from a simple, boxy office to one that now looked like it was the peak of an attic, with a sloped ceiling and two cramped windows. The pictures and diagrams on the walls, all of animals or the anatomy of animals she did not recognize, had changed as well. The lights, the color scheme, the decorations, all had changed. And yet, it was the same room, for there were the carefully potted venus fly traps, lazily opening and closing their mouths in the sunlight that trickled in through the window. There the two framed photographs, one in which Degorram and a girl who looked exactly like her had draped themselves around a dragon-like man-creature, the other which contained the same two girls, and a man with a lute. Hanging behind Degorram's desk was that same poster that read "I <3 Wyvern Club" and hanging from the ceiling, spinning very slowly in the drafty rafters, was the strange skeleton of some flying creature.


    Freyjis at last turned her gaze upon the owner of the office -- a tall, lanky woman with hair that was currently weaving between black and purple, almost like a cuttlefish, with black fox ears and a black, lizard tail curling around the edge of the desk. She was reading the manuscript Freyjis had placed on the desk, tapping the paper now and then, wrinkling her nose, raising her eyebrows, and basically making it impossibly to tell what she thought.


    "Well, this is a very nice start, Ms. Hawkfeather," Degorram said, taking off her useless glasses and picking up a stamp from the desk. "I heartily approve," and with a slam and a smile, she placed a huge, green "ACCEPTED" mark on the front page. Handing it back to the girl, Degorram smirked slightly and said, "Sorry for the delay."


    OOC: Welcome Freyjis, to the Mighty Pen! A fine start, as I said, to what seem would make a very good full length story. You should post this piece as well as others in the Assembly Room, and don't even hesitate to ask for help should you need it! You'll note also that your rank has been changed from Honored Guest to Initiate. Enjoy the new privileges that this affords you. :)

  3. I wanted a sound-salad,

    so I went into the kitchen

    with a ladle in my hand.


    I beat my pots

    and tossed in as well

    a drawer-full of silver wear

    onto the linoleum floor.


    For garnish I turned on all the faucets,

    and for bite I left the kettle whistling.


    I kicked the cabinets,

    let the doors slam,

    rattled all the contents


    then knocked over a standing glass of wine

    so that it shattered and bled,

    and its seeping was silent.


    I globbed on shouts,

    shredded a block of curses.


    And my salad of sound was ready

    when my throat gave out.

  4. Words


    Like children

    you avoid me

    only when I need you,

    twist out of my grip

    with a shriek and a laugh,

    and I know I’ll never catch you

    now that it’s turned into a game.


    Can’t you be quiet and lovely?


    My sister had a book

    that never gave her such trouble

    as these few, rambunctious words.


    I brought you into this world

    and I can take you out of it too.


    When I am busy

    you crowd,

    thrusting your paper frogs

    and scribbled coloring books

    up against my nose.

    You want to hear that one story

    over and over again.


    When I want to be alone, you are hungry.

    You make a mess of the kitchen unsupervised.


    When I am tired,

    you want to play.

    Hide and seek!

    Yet I seek,

    and you cannot be found.

    I reach for the door,

    and it is locked.

    And I am left

    clutching at a tiny, faded dress,

    weeping over what I once knew

    and lost.

  5. Rain


    Rain is a quiet movement

    that hides a silver face upon its finger tips;

    you see it falsely,

    like the reflection in a mirror,

    and realize that there was no one really there

    but yourself.


    You only notice it’s more than just rain

    on days like these,

    when it falls fast or slow.


    On urgent days when the world is sideways

    and tiny minnows dart towards the wall

    that is the earth

    taking refuge in puddles, rivulets, and lakes.


    On special days when the rain falls

    like paper glass; slow and gentle

    with plenty of time on its way down

    to catch the light,

    whatever light

    that can make it through the snow pillow clouds.


    When the air is thick enough

    to support the floating shards,

    I look away from the rain

    surprised the world has not stopped,

    and count,

    just to be sure,

    the sixty seconds that pass inside a minute.


    But today is an urgent day,

    and the cold makes the rain fall faster.

    The minnows have fled,

    and siege towers butt against the wall instead

    as ranks of liquid soldiers

    break themselves upon a castle

    in which nobody lives.

  6. Path to Heaven


    A cathedral does not know

    of the peasants entering its gates

    to learn of grace

    from its sunlit windows;

    nor does it understand

    the hushed awe

    filling its great expanses.

    Centuries old,

    it still does not recognize

    as one more human


    open mouthed,

    at its reverent grandeur.

    In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.

    A silent prayer whispers through the eaves,

    and I treasure these things in my heart.

  7. Running


    Pulling for my freedom,

    I’m like an almost broken horse,

    trying to get away

    but kept in by the unmarked barrier

    where your property ends

    and the world begins.


    Charge out screaming,

    raging to get out –

    this time!

    this time! –

    and plunge to a stop,

    jerked back by a chain of who-knows-what

    because God knows,

    and I know

    it isn’t fear.


    Seven hours of road

    is the feeling when I run

    and leave behind the scars in my neck

    where the chain became embedded.

    Time cut it out and washed my wounds

    and you didn’t try to stop him

    except for once

    when you told me to never grow up,

    and I, too young to obey, did.


    Because the spot will always ache

    when you grab me by the scruff.

  8. For the Boy with a Thing about Hats


    I call you that,

    but by all rights

    you’re a man.

    Man enough to hold a tan fedora loosely in your hands,

    twirl it like it doesn’t matter,

    like a glass of scotch,

    or whiskey,

    whichever suits your face.

    Man enough to wear a full beard

    and you wear it well;

    not like those boys in grade school

    who wear theirs whether they have them or not.

    You’re older than me.

    Old enough to drink,

    old enough to go to war

    without anyone asking

    if you’re ready to die or not.


    like the first page of a poem

    with forces moved where they are needed,

    in some areas

    completely scratched out

    and left behind in ruined scribbles.

    I call you a boy,

    but by all rights

    you are a man.

  9. Jealous Dego-face-of-raaaage!!!! D:<


    Haha...just kidding! Congratulations Hjolnai! Wear it with pride as you berserk your way through the enemy ranks. *thumps chest* I hope we will see pictures of our favorite Orc wearing it. :)

  10. Hmmm, well, some simple ideas for skins would be elemental color schemes, like earth tones, water tones, etc. You could also make a castle skin with grays and blacks and maybe some stone worked in. Or, you could also do a paper and ink skin, mostly black, cream, and white with the image background being parchment with words all over it.

  11. I am a witch.

    But I deal not

    with potions or spells.

    Ancient demons

    are not my masters

    and I take no council

    with druidic gods.

    I am a witch.

    But my wand

    is not of wood:

    of aspen or ash,

    sturdy oak or cherry.

    I am a witch.

    You see me

    not as I am

    but as what I do.

    Stirring, Stirring, Stirring.

    What bubbles in my cauldron?

    Only lies,

    I sing,

    only foolish lies.

    But if I could stir your emotions

    as I stir this conglomeration

    of ink and words,

    I would be such a witch

    that I could spell the world.

    I am a witch

    with foolish dreams

    and a typewriter

    that constantly jams.

  12. A cathedral does not know

    of the peasants entering its gates

    to learn of grace

    from its sunlit windows;

    nor does it understand

    the hushed awe

    filling its great expanses.

    Centuries old,

    it still does not recognize

    as one more human


    open mouthed,

    at its reverent grandeur.

    In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.

    A silent prayer whispers through the eaves,

    and I treasure these things in my heart.

  13. You words.

    You frustrate me.

    I find you…


    Like children

    you avoid me

    only when I need you.

    But when I am busy

    you crowd,

    thrusting your paper frogs

    and scribbled coloring books

    up against my nose.

    When I want to be alone,

    you are hungry.

    You make a mess of the kitchen


    When I am tired,

    you want to play.

    Hide and seek!

    Yet I seek,

    and you cannot be found.

    I reach for the door,

    and it is locked.

    And I am left

    clutching at a tiny, faded dress,

    weeping over what I once knew

    and lost

    too soon.

  14. Degorram dodged a few blows from Tzimfemme and, figuring she had grabbed the wrong ball, immediately turned invisible. Caught off guard, though not at all surprised, Tzimfemme backed away, her fists up to protect herself against any invisi-jabs. None came, however, as Degorram snuck away around the mob, climbed a tree, and assumed the shape of a small, lightly-haired dragon. With a sigh she straightened the scales that had been pushed the wrong way by the unexpected attack, and observed the chaos below.


    "Not to be a killjoy," she mumbled, "but I think I'll just watch until I get the rules....At least I'm safe up here."



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