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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Camalus

  1. Hi sweetie Sorry about your resent loss. I hope you're feeling better.
  2. It should read "Are they really lies?" "they" refering to religious teachings. Heh...I couldn't have said it better myself. That's exactly how I felt. The realization of the lies only hid the truth deeper. I knew what I was left with...solitude at the end of a path that I thought went somewhere. It would make more sence changing it like you said. I think I was just more concerned with escaping from that situation, rather than understanding the feelings I was left with. Thanks for the comments.
  3. Hello all I was reading one of Cerenza's poems and it inspired me to post something of mine. I'm not sure if you'd call it a poem, it's just what I felt at the time. Alone. Divinity {Part 1} Tired... too tired. Tired beyond the realm that exhaustion lies. On a level so low that even the most sumptuous words couldn't give better discription than the word tired. yet I am too tired. Too tired to fully grasp the understanding that has been thrown in my face. Perception as clear as a river stream...yet burns as molten lava. I want to ask myself Were they really lies? but the lava of truth incinerates the thought without hesitation. But..Umm... wow Where do I go from here? besides depression. Deep... too deep. Deep in the gorge of your soul where there's only solitude but now accompanied by new verities. Oh my god I feel alone. Oh my... too alone. Running franticly through pitch darkness flinching at every rememberence of what I'm faced with. The act of exposing a falsehood doesn't always reveal the truth. Oh my... such is the case. The metamorphosis of reality is haunting as it begins to portray it's strange and unrecognizable face. New doors rapidly appear infront of me like camera flashes enticing me to come closer. I can't search anymore. Not right now. I'm tired... too tired.
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