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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Gryphon

  1. In the shadows beyond the doorway that Gwaihir just tried to walk out, largely unnoticed by those in the room two baleful red lights appear, disturbingly similar to eyes opening in the darkness.


    The shadows beyond the doorway deepen and become more menacing as the eyes narrow to a glare watching those clustered in the relative safety of the one room.

  2. The thing I see wrong with Kerry is that he seems to like citing everything that's gone wrong in Iraq and then saying "If I had been president at the time, then that wouldn't have happened."

    I don't know that much about it... in fact to be honest I pretty much treat this whole thing as a somewhat amusing soap opera that occationally happens to be screening on my tv... However


    Is it not possible that Kerry's statement is true simply because if he were president the US wouldn't have ended up in Iraq at all? Thus making his statement totally accurate and possibly even factual?


    Of course there still exists the possibility that the US would instead be having similar problems, but in another country... maybe afganistan... but his statement would still be true. There'd not be a problem in Iraq if Kerry had been president. :P

  3. Everyone turns to stare in astonishment at Gnarlitch... Then they all turn, almost in unison to stare at Mynx with a kind of specialised terror.


    Vahktang's attempt to escape through a window in turn draws all eyes to him and silence descends on the room waiting to see if he too will do anything to add to the surreal strangeness of the moment...


    As a consequence no-one misses the sudden sound spectral crying that echos through the room. It is the unmistakable sound of a soul in mortal anguish.


    As the sobs die away everyone hears the same voice come again, and a chill seems to go down everyones spines... coming from the shadows outside the room everyone is gathered in come words that echo with pain and terror...


    "Help me, please, help me... please"


    The words trail off with another quiet sob.

  4. From somewhere hidden nearby a... malevolent ... presence watches and more importantly listens to Ayshela, it's cold blue eyes seeming to narrow in speculation before closing to disappear into shadows and nothingness


    OOC: yes yes... please tell the ghosts that you've missing party members and you don't know where they are ;)

  5. While Cryptomancer reads from the Necronomicon and his shadow watches the 'ceiling' another shadow appears behind him.


    Forming it's self into a dark skeletal shape it opens two icy blue eyes that seem to radiate coldness.


    With a hiss it slashes at Cryptomancer's throat and he feels an instant of agony as the cold talons rip through his neck. Then the pain is gone, as is the skeletal shape... but the memory remains... and so does CheerMynx and the other watchers - if indeed they were paying attention.

  6. Vahktang says:

    "Necro- comi- con," he slowly prounounces.

    "This one can get us out, right?

    As Vahktang glances at the others with him to ask this question there is a hideous blood curdling shriek that echos around the entire haunted mansion. A dark shadow with two glowing blood red eyes seems to leap from the bookshelf holding the Necronomicon and passes through his body leaving his heart racing and all his hair standing on end.


    All those watching see a dark shadowy shape resembling a dismembered corpse lurch through Vahktang causing him to blur for an instant before the shape disappears into a wall.

  7. A shadow melts up out of the floor... sparkly ruby red fireflies fly in and come to rest on a roughly head shaped part of the form...


    Slowly it shifts to take the shape of a Gryphon, and it watches the partygoers vanish into the mysterious tunnel.


    It shakes its head and returns to the party, seeking out Wyvern to steal more of his alcohol sucking priviledges... As it does so its shape shifts and the suggestions of a Hawaiian shirt form once more about it's person.




    Edited for asthetics :)

  8. Unseen above the shadows in one corner seem to deepen and move. From deep within the darkness two baleful red eyes open and survey the people below.


    The eyes narrow, perhaps in thought, perhaps with malice... then they flare briefly casting a red glow on the area around them before disappearing... perhaps unnoticed?


    The shadows suddenly seem to lighten becoming almost welcoming compared to just moments before.

  9. Hugs Mynx


    Good luck with your exams kitten... I'm sure you'll be more than ready for them and you'll do well.


    Besides, I happen to know you've got a study plan. Stick to it and you'll no doubt pass with flying colours. Just remember that we're all here to give you huggles whenever you need them if you feel that you need a short break from stress.


  10. Bows deeply to Falcon2001


    I too once tried to change to Linux... I say tried because I still had use for my Windows box (games) and didn't want to change permanently for that reason.


    So I kind of lost the plot... then lost intrest, then went back to my old dying hard drive so that all I was using was windows because I couldn't be bothered trying to struggle my way through using a dual boot operating system.


    Maybe I'll give it another go one day... maybe :)


    (I still can boot to Linux on my other hard drive so all I lack is motivation and the willingness to reboot every time I want to play games)

  11. Bouncing balls of light and laughter herald Gryphon popping into existance next to the applicant easy chair, followed shortly thereafter by a startled yelp and desperate flapping of wings and twisting of body to avoid landing on Tanny...


    Once setted, panting to the ground next to the friendly wolf the Gryphon turns to the waiting applicant.




    Hi drummondo, nice to see you applying here...


    Gryphon leans in and whispers in a conspirital manner:

    "You've just gotta be patient with Wyvern, he took forever to answer my application, dont tell anyone I said so, but I think the elder of initiates might actually put geld-making schemes ahead of his duties... here...


    Gryphon goes silent realising how obvious that statement sounds when surrounded by the mountains of neglected paperwork in Wyverns office, he then does a good show of blushing for a creature that blushes dont show up on... then mutters something about keeping company whilst waiting and goes to sit next to Tanuchan

  12. The shadow following Daryl suddenly disolves into the floor, the red fireflies shooting off to hide under one of the tables...


    As Wyvern laps up the alcohol spill he becomes aware of a mist rising from the floor around him. Thinking that the alcohol is evaporating he begins to suck it up faster, stopping only when two geld coloured fireflies come darting under the table to join him.


    Entranced by the thought of fireflies made out of geld Wyvern's eyes begin to glaze over as thoughts of an Almost Draconic Sideshow featuring the Amazing Gelden Fireflies begin to stir in his mind.


    As he passes into a plotting fevor he fails to notice the mist take the form of a familiar shape... complete with tail and pseudo-shadow hawaiin shirt pretending to soak up alcohol right next to him, that is until the geld coloured fireflies turn a silvery sheen and take their place as ~umbra~gryphon's eyes.


    The shadow-apparation grins at him then vanishes leaving a single feather in its wake.

  13. A pale mist rises from the ground behind the CheerMynx and her new... pet.


    Slowly the mist takes the vague shape of a fox - a shadowy grey one to be sure, but a fox none the less. The sparky blue firefly eyes flicker and slowly turn red to compliment the blue of Daryl's illusion.


    With a very gryphonic grin (for a fox) the mistfox trots across the floor behind Daryl just for fun. :)

  14. I'm twenty... uh something...


    Gryphon starts counting furiously on talons and feathers adding and subtracting all the time muttering to himself "Twenty... twenty something.. I know it's twenty something"


    After running out of convenient things to count on he absently pulls up mystical lights, and numbers created of pure magic, still muttering... "twenty? twenty millenium? twenty seconds? nonono, it was a number I was after, not a measure of time, I'm trying to fulfill the measure of time... where was I? twenty-x perhaps?"


    Absently Gryphon wanders away, still muttering to himself what sound like magical or mathematical formula, still without answering the question. ;)

    "x to the power of z, carry the coefficient of the universe and divide by the consistency of water with extra oxygen"


    The sound of his muttering fades as Gryphon leaves the room still lost in thought.

  15. I like this. The descriptions burn trails of light through my imagination.


    The last bit is cool too.



    I want her to see.

    I want my feelings heard




    Courage is the key

    Love is the word

    I'm reminded that so many of life's questions boil down to a deceptively simple choice like this one.

  16. Ooooh! Topic revival. :)


    This is actually a really tricky question because fear is such a very strong word...


    I dont really fear much as fear is typically defined.


    Sometimes I fear pain... not just the normal little "owch that hurt" pain, that doesn't really bother me. I fear the heart/soul/body wrenching pain that falls under the general heading of agonizing.


    It doesn't matter if it's physical or mental anguish - I find myself shying from it - even acting timid if my mind conjures up the possibility that that much pain might be on the cards for iminent experience.

  17. A shadow with sparkly blue fireflies drifts over to YanYanGanaffi and drapes a shadowy appendage that might have been an arm - or maybe a wing - around his shoulders and looks him up and down...


    Words that filter through the mind with barely a nod to the ears send a shiver down YanYanGanaffi's spine, "Must've been something you said that made them think of you as a her... you look like a him to me. Come on, lets go get a drink."


    Ignoring the fact that the voice seems to have partially counteracted any alchohol consumed already and the way the shadowy insubstantial arm passes right through YanYan without moving him an inch in the direction of the drinks the shadow wanders off to find something to ingest.


    A small Gryphon feather floats towards the ground before sticking to YanYanGanaffi's back.




  18. Gryphon: A fabulous beast with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. This specimen has a fine golden brown pelt that matches his wings perfectly and sometimes carrys a shimmery gleam that defies explanation at least as far as colour goes. Well read and knowledgeable in the ways of magic and the manipulation of magical force Gryphon is a traveller who has come to this land by way of a magical portal and has found friendship here.



    A brief spot of history:


    Many eons ago a great mage who's name has long since been lost to history created a new species of creature. A marvelous meld of lion and eagle created by and infused with the very essence of magic the mage named his creation a gryphon and so a new race was born.


    Time passed and evolution took it's path shaping and growing the species of the gryphons to civilization, growing their abilities in arts and culture. Magic was one of the tools of their society used as naturally as breathing - and so it was for a race who's very being and creation was bound by magic. The mage gift bred true in all gryphonic offspring - sometimes weaker, sometimes greater, but always, always there and used often.


    As is common with the young of many species gryphonic young often go abroad to see what there is to see, to gain knowledge of this world and sometimes gain knowledge of other realms also.


    One such seeker of knowledge found a magical portal to another realm. Being the curious type and a powerful enough mage to activate a magic portal, the young gryphon known amongst some as 'Skydancer' activated the portals magic without so much as a by-your-leave or any thought of where it was going to take him...


    The magical passage between worlds took forever and an instant, as these things are wont to do and afterwards the young gryphon found himself in a wonderful new place - the lands surrounding The Mighty Pen.


    Time and experimentation revealed some alterations to the gryphonic mage. Possibly attributed to the new land, or maybe linked to the passage through the intense magic of the portal to these new lands.


    Taking to the air to get a better feel for the lay of the land Gryphon Skydancer saw in the distance signs of life - a keep, known as home to many - surely able to welcome another.


    Editted by Katz for Search-compliant formatting.

  19. A string of glowing lights parade into the recruiters office and start drifting randomly all over the place...


    Several of them alight on the applicant and his visitors turning the air around them golden with a soft radiance somewhat similar to that of geld when struck by a light source.


    One of the lights parades over to epinephrine's application by a circulus route avoiding the piles of paper and candy wrappers that litter Wyvern's office. Once there it hovers, somehow giving the impression of reading with interest the tale being told.


    Slowly then, the lights start to gather in one location, directly beside Mynx and epinephrine before the light radiating from them starts to increase by an order of magnitude.


    Shortly thereafter with a soundless explosion of light a Gryphon sits next to the applicant...


    "Greetings... I've never met an alchemist before. Potions sound fun. :) Good to have you here joining us"

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