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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Gryphon

  1. I have decided to keep the day/night phase seemless this time - so specials get your PM's to me as and when you can. Everyone else please continue with the party which is now underway.


    I'd like to keep this round to approximatly 24 hours from when it was supposed to finish if I can - that gives 14 hours approximately until night phase is over. All going well (ie if I've heard from the special roles) we'll let the party wind down and have the interactions and reactions resulting from the next assassination fuel the end of the party and the following day phase.

  2. You can keep posting... you're on a bad trip at the moment and unfortunately it's affecting your ability to move amongst the shadows (alternative realities).

    Anything bad that Katelyn can imagine will quite possibly come real for her.


    I'd have sent you on a trip to a nice la-la land... but that'd make it too easy for others to come and get you. This way you're out of the succession until the final decision has been made. :)


    Have fun.

  3. We're now into the "night phase"... for what it's worth.


    Specials send me your choices, and everyone, the party is underway! So let whatever interactions or revelations you have in mind begin.


    I'll post a scorecard here in the morning (I just happened to wake in the middle of my night and thought I'd see if we were back online). I'll also work out when end of phase is in the morning...


    I'm thinking I might make end of phase seamless - so it ends whenever I get the special's PM's and the party continues finishing with the end of the next day phase... we'll see what I come up with. More later.




    Current Scorecard:


    Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

    Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

    Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

    Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee - Lost in Shadow and currently unretrievable

    Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee - Missing presumed dead

    Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe - Carelessly seems to have stumbled into the lair of some chaos beast

    JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

    MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

    Vahktang - The General of the House of War - Deceased: poisoned in his rooms by persons unknown.

    Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin - Deceased: A most unfortunate accident with a hunting fire angel

    Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis

    Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall

  4. The party was just getting underway in the Courts of Chaos, but Katelyn was currently not there to enjoy it.


    The world twisted and spun around Katelyn as she ran, her panic clear in every look, every action. How long had she been running? She couldn't remember.


    Katelyn collapsed, sobbing, into some grass under a dark tree only to stare in horror as the grass twisted into snakes before rising up to hiss and lash out at her as she turned to run some more. Her breath was jagged pain, rasping in her lungs as she reached out with the power granted her by the Logrus trying to shift through shadow away from the nightmare world she was in.


    The sky changed colour, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and the killer grasses went away while the trail underfoot took on a hard surface not unlike stone as Katelyn hesitated in her headlong rush. Had that been a sound? Someone moving with stealth through the bushes following her? She saw the eyes just before the large dog-like creature leapt at her, half a shriek escaping her lips before she sidestepped and smashed the dog thing to the ground leaving one of her few remaining knives embedded in it's skull as she hurried onwards.


    Once more the Shadows rippled and refused to obey as Katelyn tried to impose her will upon them, nightmare images gibbered and snarled at her from dark corners and a cave reached out to engulf her as it's stony mouth snapped shut with a groan.


    A figure wearing a dark robe with stars in its hair found her there and took her somewhere safe while the world twisted and buckled around her.


    Back in the Courts of Chaos Sol, apparantly concerned by Katelyn's absence tried to contact her via her trump. Twisted images out of the darkest nightmare wove through his mind before he lost the contact. Slowly, shaking like a leaf, Sol set down Katelyn's trump, the knowledge that she was alive warring with some deep knowledge that something out of her nightmares could easily overwhelm her, which from his brief vision, could be fatal.


    One of the other party-goers smiled a secret smile while sipping from a wineglass twin to the one Katelyn had drunk from, but without the hallucinogen added to the wine. Previous experience left the secure knowledge that Katelyn would be gone for a week or two as the potent drugs ran their way through her system, if her drug enduced nightmares didn't get her first. Meanwhile she was out of the way of the succession and effectively unable to be contacted or brought back to Chaos for the succession.


    Smiling again, and one step closer to the throne one of the cantidates stepped forward and continued through the party. It was shaping up to be a good night.

  5. Did everyone decide to take a break all at once?


    I still need some lynching votes before the kill - half of you have not sent me anything and if you've all gone inactive I'd at least like to know.


    The lynching kill will happen as soon as I've got enough votes, so get those in! Once that happens continue posting as a normal day phase for the party/gathering that's being organised and while that's going on I'll get the specials to PM me their night phase info so that we've got everything running in parallel.


    I'm going to put a 12 hour limit on the lynching PM's because I want to keep the action moving in the game. If I don't have more votes by then I'll run with what I've got and someone's going down possibly without the chance to cast a vote of their own.


    Once again, once the 'lynching' assassination goes up the party continues and night phase begins immediately.

  6. Proposed timetable for this day/night phase:


    If everyone gets their daytime assassination votes in by the old deadline (12 and a half hours from now) then I'll have the assassination happen while you're all on your way to the party. I'm after at least half the players voting to make this happen.


    The 'lynching' assassination will happen either before the party/ on your way to the party/ early in the party and then I'll take the night phase votes and we'll have that kill either late in the party or as it's ending.


    Either way i'd like the leadup to this gathering of Dukes and the gathering it's self to encompass the next two kills if possible.


    That's the plan for the next 36 hours or so. How many of your votes I get in will either make it happen or not.

  7. Funerals are definitely held - bodies are returned to the primal chaos from whence you all came.


    As for getting Johann's body back, that's a good question, and I'm afraid that since corpses can't be located by means of the trumps or Logrus summonings, about the only person who knows where the remains are would be the person(s) who set up that rather nasty pit trap.


    I suppose you could try summoning his ghost to lead you to the place of his death... that might work.




    On another note - as usual all daytime 'lynch' votes are welcome at any point during the day phase. If you decide to alter you vote after you've PM'd one in, just PM me again making it clear that it's an updated vote.


    I've had one suggestion that the lynching take place on the way to the party. If I get enough votes coming in I'll think about making it happen.

  8. Here's the deal:


    Because this party is taking a while to set up, I'm extending the current 'day' phase by 24 hours to let it all get underway properly. That puts end of phase at about 38 and a half hours from the time stamp on this post - plenty of time for you to all get your day-phase votes PM'd to me.


    In addition to this, once the party is underway feel free to keep it going instead of closing it down with end of phase - so the party should still be going when I call for your night phase votes, but that'll happen later so don't worry about it now.


    This has the additional advantage that you can all share your reactions to the kills that I make at the party. :)


    Of course you've been summoned into an ambush... and if you don't show up you're obviously the traitor... but that's just the suspicious bastard in me talking.




    I encourage everyone to attend Duke's gathering - it'll make for some good opportunities to interact and get the politics flowing as a group once more.

  10. Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe was the assassination target over this night phase. Day phase begins, you all have 48 hours to interact, plot, scheme, PM me 'lynching' assassination votes and generally try to survive the day.


    The interaction is going great guys, I love the careful feeling out of potential allies and the careful attempts to get support against each other. Please keep it up. :D




    Current Scorecard:


    Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

    Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

    Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

    Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee

    Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee - Missing presumed dead

    Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe - Carelessly seems to have stumbled into the lair of some chaos beast

    JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

    MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

    Vahktang - The General of the House of War - Deceased: poisoned in his rooms by persons unknown.

    Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin - Deceased: A most unfortunate accident with a hunting fire angel

    Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis

    Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall

  11. Johann moved through the streets and under vaulted archways towards his arranged meeting with Choseyre, thoughts of a possible alliance idly passing through his mind when he was brought back to the present by the sound of marching feet and the jingle of weapons.


    Melting back into a nearby shadow Johann was treated to the sight of warriors wearing the uniform of house Aricline moving up the street in his direction. His mind racing he drew further back into the shadows to conceal himself whilst considering the possibilities.


    Could it be that these were an honour guard for Choseyre? Or an ambush for him despite the words of alliance that had been spoken.


    On the other hand would it not be easy to cast suspicion on the house of Aricline by having a murder carried out under false colours?


    Questions and intrigues spun through Johann's mind in moments, trained as he was to the ways of life in the Courts of Chaos, when another distraction took him away from his half worried musings.


    Somewhere in the deep shadows behind him there was a Way. Call it professional curiousity or the effects of a compultion spell, but as a Shadowmaster of the Courts Johann suddenly found himself drawn to this hidden Way, partly knowing his responsibility to ensure that it was safe for others and partly to see who'd hide a Way in such a place as this.


    Feeling the telltale tingle on his skin Johann stepped for ward and let the magic take him through the path between the shadows, only to stumble as the mismatched ground levels between the two shadows sent him falling through the darkness. A moment of panic later as the darkness prevented him from getting his bearings Johann hit the ground of the pit in which he found himself with a resounding Thud.


    After cursing the person or thing that had done such a sloppy job of stitching the stuff of shadow together to create this pitfall Johann began to feel search the darkness for a way back to the theatre, behind him in the pitch black something opened eyes that gleamed dull red...


    The first blow took Johann by suprise and the second spun him from his feet. He tried to fight, only to find his enemy slipping away into the shadows that should have been his own refuge.


    When the third blow came it hamstrung him while the fourth ripped off an arm.


    After that it took a long time for the screaming to stop.




    Above him at the top of the pit two figures listened to the shouts below that were slowly fading to pained whimpers.


    One said, "It is done, we're one step closer to our goal."


    Together they hurled the uniforms of house Aricline into the pit, not needing them any longer then one departed while the other summoned the image of the logrus and began manipulating the stuff of raw Chaos and using it to obliterate the pit, and everything in it being sure to dismiss the power before it destroyed the entire shadow that housed the pit trap. Seconds later the first figure followed the first back through the Way and moved on to other business.

  12. The sensation was faint at first a suggestion that someone was whispering her name, becoming stronger as Karen concentrated on it.


    "Karen? Karen, I need your help..."


    Recognising the trump contact for what it was Karen let her mind focus on the feelings and the words and shortly was rewarded with an image of her sister Katelyn standing in front of her.


    The scene behind Katelyn's shoulder was vastly different from the familiar surroundings of the Courts of Chaos, there seemed to be an outcropping of some kind of blue stone surrounded by a field of grass. Green grass that didn't even reach out to grab those passing through it! Who'd ever heard of such a thing?


    A hurried exchange of conversation later and Karen was taking her sisters hand and stepping through the trump into the vastly different realm, never one to deny her sister in a moment of need.


    Taking a few steps and surveying the land around her Karen spoke, "Katelyn? What is this place? Why did you bring me here?"


    Karen's voice trailed off as a low chuckle sounded from behind her - a chuckle that sounded nothing at all like that of her sister.


    Karen spun, but not fast enough as a spell struck her, freezing her into the beginnings of her defensive posture, yet leaving her conscious and able to see the familiar figure that approached her.


    "No offence "sister" dear", the owner of the voice said, "You're just one of the obsticles in the way of my claiming the throne so you have to be removed. Oh don't worry. The spell will wear off soon enough, just enough time for me to get you somewhere that you won't be a bother to me."


    So speaking, another spell was cast and Karen was lofted up and sent bobbing through the air then floating down through a hole in the blue stone outcropping to deposit her inside a cave. The familiar figure spoke some more "You'd best hope that the throne becomes mine, or you'll rot here. The stone blocks all our type of magic as well as trump sendings and scrying spells. I suppose it's possible someone might find you by accident, but I assure you that very few people know of this location so you could be in for a long wait."


    A short amount of effort later a large blue stone boulder was rolled across the hole that was the entrance to the cave and Karen was alone... possibly forever.

  13. Day phase has ended. Thanks for getting your votes in. I'll have the kill posted in a few minutes then I'll update this post with a scorecard.


    In the mean time, all specials PM me your night phase choices, If I get them quickly I'll end the night phase in 12 hours instead of the normal 24 so that we're back on our regular schedule.




    Current Scorecard:


    Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

    Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

    Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

    Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee

    Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee - Missing presumed dead

    Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe

    JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

    MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

    Vahktang - The General of the House of War - Deceased: poisoned in his rooms by persons unknown.

    Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin - Deceased: A most unfortunate accident with a hunting fire angel

    Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis

    Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall

  14. Because I know weekends are often slow around here and I've not got as many 'lynch' votes as I'd like I'm extending the current day phase for 12 hours to give a couple of you more time to post and vote both.


    Thats 14 hours from now.


    I'll worry about getting it back on schedule later. :)


    Feel free to continue with the dialogue, it's looking brilliant!

  15. The current day phase finishes in about 14 hours.


    Just so you're all aware Lynch votes can be PM'd to me at any point during the day phase - no need to wait until the end.


    I also hear that the Pen was down - if I don't get enough votes I'll post in here extending the day phase for 24 hours to give those who's time zones don't match up with the current phase time to vote.

  16. Not quite - people assassinate their rivals during the game... At the end of the game the great families decide that there has been enough blood spilled over a mere regency and they align behind a surviving cantidate of their choice to determine the winner.


    Thus ensuring that throughout the game everyone does their best to stay in their best charming diplomatic character... no-one knows who had their character killed so in the end you just pick whomever you think would make a better regent for the throne.


    If that makes any kind of sence.




    Current Scorecard:


    Mynx - Samantha of Aldwin

    Akallabeth - Ciroth of Hendrake

    Gwaihir - Choseyre of House Aricline

    Tanuchan - Katelyn of House Minobee

    Venefyxatu - Karen of House Minobee

    Patrick Durham - Johann of House Wererathe

    JDRollins - Denor of House Helgram

    MeThinksUFoolish - Duke of the house Munich

    Vahktang - The General of the House of War - Deceased: poisoned in his rooms by persons unknown.

    Quincunx - Cid of Tarquin - Deceased: A most unfortunate accident with a hunting fire angel

    Azuran - Sol of House Sepharis

    Cryptomancer - Sabastian of house Sawall

  17. The General sat at his desk reviewing reports of troop movements out in shadow, a necessary part of his daily routine.


    With a noise of satisfaction he pushed the last of the reports to one side and allowed himself the luxuary of a moment's rest and contemplated the upcoming struggle for the regency and the throne.


    Were The General more given to displaying his feelings a grin might've played across his features, as it was he settled for displaying a thin smile. Everything was approaching readyness, in a few days it wouldn't matter who was selected as regent because there would be enough loyal troops within quick hailing distance to ensure that the choice of regent fell upon The General's choice... that being himself.


    Let the others in the Court think him weak or needing to take his orders from higher ranked members of the Court. They would learn otherwise once the throne was his.


    Ringing for one of his staff The General indicated that the aide was to bring in his dinner, prepared by his own staff and served in the privacy of his own quarters.


    With typical military efficency a junior member of The General's staff brought in a meal that The General did a good job of inhaling utterly, a battlefield habbit that had stayed with him in recent troubled times.


    Pushing aside his tray The General turned back to his work in time to feel a stabbing pain ripple through his stomach and the rest of his body. Gasping in agony he turned to the junior staff member only to see a grin of triumph plastered all over the young assassin's face.


    With a bestial growl and a grunt of effort The General grabbed his massive sword and took a shaky step towards the assassin, then another before collapsing on the floor as the strength flowed out of his body, his sword rolling free of his grasp.


    Another massive shudder ran through his massive body as The General coughed up a fountain of slighty green liquid, then died face down in the slime.


    Carefully the assassin collected the little evidence that he'd ever been there before shifting form to that of a non-descript palace servant and scampering from the room unnoticed.

  18. All the special votes are in so I'm going to post the first 'wolf kill' assassination now.


    Once that post is up consider the next day phase underway. It will run for 48 hours, give or take a bit, plus the additional half hour that would normally have finished up this night phase.




    I leave it up to you who finds the victim and what speculations arise from the discovery.

  19. ... Nope.


    All the information about what roles people had and who survived will be announced at the end. It's all a game within the game - the main goal being to survive long enough to take the regency.


    There is another reason. Those people who's characters are assassinated have another role to play. At the end of the game, assuming all goes to plan, there will be 2 cantidates left. The other players are going to represent the political support of their families and the majority vote from them will determine who wins the game.

  20. Without a doubt the evening had been a success. Most of the cantidates for the succession had attended and their circulation amongst the crowd let some of the high society get to know their potential regents somewhat better.


    As the party broke up several of the cantidates strode across the open plaza towards their carriages in preparation for their journey home.


    Cid approached his family vehicle with a nod to the driver to open the door, letting his mind range over the evening. Had some of the cantidates been cooler towards him than he expected? Perhaps they could see the threat that he posed towards their chances for the regency?


    A sudden premonition warned Cid moments before the attack came and with smooth skill he ducked under the dagger blow that was aimed at his throat, a savage primal roar sounding from his throat as his form rippled and changed to that of a half man half lion.


    Turning the duck into a tumble Cid came back to his feet well within arms reach of the would be assassin, a slight flick of his wrist tearing the failed killers throat out and dumping the remains on the ground with a look of contempt.


    With a look of disgust at the petty excuse for an assassin at his feet Cid of Tarquin began the shift back towards his human form when from behind him he heard a soul chilling wail.


    The approach of the fire angel was anything but subtle - it didn't need to be. Upon seeing that it's target had spotted it the twelve foot tall beast lunged forward, it's red-brown body appearing to be covered in fresh blood as it reflected the red colour of the sky.


    Despite knowing fire angels to be virtually indestructable Cid put up a respectable fight for the few minutes he survived. He successfully managed to cause several minor wounds on the massive chaos beast before one of the spikes on it's body took him through the chest.


    Staring down at the mortal wound gushing blood over the stone of the plaza words rippled across Cid's failing consiousness... "They wanted me dead worse than I thought..." Then the fire angel ripped his head from his shoulders and tore apart the remains of the corpse.


    After giving a disinterested look at the few observers remaining in the courtyard the fire angel grabbed a portion of what used to be Cid of Tarquin and began to feed.

  21. The first day phase is now over and one of the cantidates has fallen to an assassination attempt.


    The first night phase now begins. Specials send me your choices, everyone else please feel free to RP and build on your alliances as you will in preparation for the next day phase.


    The night phase will be over in 24 hours from the time of this post.

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