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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Mynx

  1. Holding out her paw, Mynx summons the Death of Rats to her being and, holding it by the scruff of its' robes, stares at it evenly, her own eyes flaring.

    "Do that again, and I will turn you into a box of toothpicks"

    Having said her piece, she flicks her paw and sends the Death of Rats flying off in the direction of the Dunk Tank, before returning to her sharpening.



    OOC: No offence meant DoR! :D

  2. Watching Raven fly off, Mynx sighs softly.

    "There goes the business...oh well..."

    Pocketing her cash, she picks up her scythe and goes to visit the kissing booth.

    Seeing thet Salinye and the others are busy with customers, she decides to wait before chatting to them.

    Conjuring up a stool, she sits down and begins to sharpen her scythe.

  3. Mynx grins as her customers continue to pay, hear the truth, contemplate complaining, then leave...

    For some strange reason, people just don't like confronting a large death robe wearing feline with a scythe on the back wall and nice pointy teeth...can't imagine why...

    Giving the box another thwack in an attempt to spill the coke inside, Mynx looks over to where Salinye and Ayshela are sitting amidst pie remains and money.


    "How's business?" She called out, grinning in her feline manner.

  4. A bright eyed youth stares at the actions taking on at the stall before stepping up with his money at the ready.

    Mynx gave her first customer a dazzling (if feline) toothy grin and took the boy's money

    "You wish to know the truth sir? Just ask the box"


    The boy stands in fron the the box.

    "So? Tell me!" he demands.


    In a clear, deep voice, the box utters two monumental words....


    "THE TRUTH!"


    Mynx smiled at her confused customer

    "Thank you sir! Please, don't hesitate to come again!"

  5. Suddenly, in a swift movement of a black death robe, a bucketfull of treacle hits the Raven, slamming him into a nearby wall.

    Mynx walks up to the bird, peels him off the wall and into a small black box.

    She then proceeds to set up a stall, the black box sitting on the table.

    It begins to shake as inside a voice is heard

    "Oi! Airhole!"

    Without looking, Mynx picks up a spare screwdriver and stabs the box. A muffled squawk is heard before the Raven presses his eye to the airhole.

    Finally, Mynx finishes the stall and sits there expectantly, occasionally hitting the box as it attempted to backchat.


    Passerbys stopped to read the sign...



  6. *steps in between the Cryptomancer and Gryphon, smiling*

    yes Salinye, i am Reaper Mynx. i hope you did not find my leaving the hunt too rude. it is just how i work, i dislike large crouds and prefer to value more those who i hold close.

    *smiles at her two friends*

    but i am always willing to widen my circle.

    and thank you for your welcome, Peredhil. it is always nice to feel at home in a new place.

    keep reading the story.

    we are all looking forward to seeing where it takes us...

  7. *Mynx slides up and wraps an arm around Gryphon's waist, smiling slightly*

    Thank you, Salinya. Like Gryphon here said, it is nice to feel welcome.

    I have seen you around before, the Hunt, wasn't it? I worked under a different name then, but I recognise you.

    Hope you enjoy the words we weave, if you wish to enter the forum, please don't hesitate to ask me

    *bows head*

  8. i couldn't help it. curiosity pulled me to the cave after i saw the boy go back in.

    i climbed up to the cave and, leaving some clothes in teh opening of the cave, waitied for him to wake. i felt he would appreciate me giving him the privacy.

    it was late into the next morning before he crawled out. he looked surprised to see me but at least he wasnt naked anymore

    "good to see the clothes fit" i commented

    he looked surprised and glanced down at the garments he wore

    "um...thank you. who are you?"

    i sighed. not what i wanted to discuss

    "you can call me Mynx. but im not going to stay and nurse you back to health. sorry. but i have other places to be."

    "so why help me?"

    i grinned at the boy

    "the day you understand my mind, i will bow down and call you sir. but for now, i have to go"

    he seemed to panic a bit at this "wait! where is the next city? is there a town nearby? i havnt anything! who are you?"

    "i told you. my name is Mynx. now i have to go. i have other matters to attend to"

    i turned and whistled and waited for Nero to come out of the thickets. the boy looked taken back by my black steed

    "this is Nero. he will take you where you need to go. there is food and money in the saddle bags. the rest is up to you. though i have no doubt you will see me again. take care of my horse. i will come back for him"

    "...but how will you get out of here with no horse?"

    i grinned at the boy "a horse is not the only means of tranportation. and now i bid you good day"

    i turned to leave and turned back as another thought hit me

    "one more thing? when u get to the next town, ask for the doctor by the name of Wesley. you need to get that foot looked at. tell him i sent you."

    having said my piece, i disappeared once more into the bush...quietly wondering if the boy could use only one stirrup...

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