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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Loki Wyrd

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Posts posted by Loki Wyrd

  1. I've been neglectful, but I haven't completely forgotten about this site--I'm sure few care. Four new poems, thanks for reading...








    Sometimes I'm so afraid of

    Just how vulnerable I am

    I almost don't believe that

    Life will go on

    All the more reason

    To not give a damn

    But these fears have festered

    Over all that I am

    To scar and disfigure

    And fill with shame

    Unnecessary toil for

    Unnecessary pain...

    Just another drawn out

    Thread of life

    Quivering in the wind






    Lost in the sands of the hourglass

    Waves crashing against the shore

    Calling out for you to meet them

    To leave it all behind

    Reluctantly you step forth

    But you let it wash over you

    Releasing you from your bonds

    And you watch as it takes you

    Holds you gently in its arms

    Not letting go







    Ever think so suddenly

    The floor falls out from under you,

    And there's nothing there to comfort you

    But the clouds of your thoughts?


    That carry you from safety,

    Then precariously place you

    On the back of some adventure,

    Where you face unknown danger.


    But your fate is not a cruel one.

    You face the dangers when they come,

    And prosper over every one,

    Until the end, when they're all gone.


    Then just as suddenly

    The floor is back underneath,

    With none the wiser to your scheme...

    Only the refuse of a dream.






    Saturated in loathing, of a thousand different thoughts;

    Where compassion is compelling, but somehow it's lost.

    Engulfed in the flames, burning inside;

    Which simply must spread, they shall not abide--

    The temptation of malice, too terrible to tame;

    Indiscriminate in touch, but it hurts all the same.

    Emerging from the fire a burnt and twisted mass--

    (There is) No escape from the old when you're made up of the past.

  2. Thanks for the reply Yuki. I agree, girls are evil. ;)


    Also, I wanted to apologize to Peredhil for my earlier comment. In retrospect I'm not sure if I was trying to be funny or a jerk, but I'm sure more of the latter than the former. I know you're a well-meaning individual, so I'm sorry for my caustic remark.


    Moving along...I figured I'd post up a couple more of my poems I've written in the last month or so. It's but a small fraction of what I've written, but it's better than nothing I hope.





    Bittersweet acceptance of defeat

    Broken glass

    On bended knees you bleed

    Shattered past

    Picking up the pieces of yourself






    Transcribe my reflection

    Where I may never know

    The depths of your perception


    Into my looking glass,

    So I may never worry

    How far you dare look past.

  3. *dodges Peredhil's hug attempt*


    I don't accept hugs or drugs from strangers, sorry. :P



    As promised, I am stopping by. Speaking of promise, this piece really has some. :ph34r:




    Which way did he go?

    I was right there behind him,

    But walking too slow.

    He ran to the right

    And I ran to the left,

    I didn't know what I was doing

    As you probably guessed.

    I fell down a mountain

    And into a lake,

    Then the wind started blowing

    And I started to shake.

    I took off my clothes

    And dried off in the sun,

    When onto the scene

    Burst a man with a gun.

    His daughter had spied me

    As naked as could be.

    The man thought I'd corrupt her,

    As she'd surely do me.

    So I took off a-running,

    And I ran fast.

    When I heard the gun discharge

    I felt a pain in my ass.

    Then I tripped on a log

    And landed on my face.

    When I awoke the next morning

    I didn't know the place.

    I was out of harm's way

    As I sat in a tree,

    But I was still naked

    And a little too free.

    The squirrels started making eyes

    In a mischievous manner,

    So I decided to leave them,

    Waving my bleeding butt as a banner.

    When I got down from the tree

    I was no longer lost,

    I was back on the mountain,

    But at what cost?

    The girl must have found me

    In what I thought was a dream;

    She must have been stronger than she looked,

    And I must be lighter than I seem.

    But all that was behind me,

    So I tried to recall

    What it was I was after

    Before my long fall.

    I remember some words

    And some misplaced emotions,

    But isn't that life

    In all its commotion?

    Now I just wander

    And look for some clothes,

    Hoping for some piece of information

    That I doubt anyone knows.

  4. Hmm...you sure? I haven't attacked much, it takes too much time. If you send me an in-game message I'll be sure to stop by though. ;)

    I'm not playing very seriously, as you may have guessed, I might just kill off my mage soon and save myself some time and trouble. :)

  5. I'm moving away from these forums for the most part. I've been spending a lot of time around here lately, as I was stuck at my parents' house, tending to family matters which I shan't discuss here. I'm back at my place though, so that shall change. I post most of my work elsewhere, and I've decided it would just be easier to keep over to that side of things. Less temptation, and less time. I'll still probably be by on occasion to post something I don't feel like putting in the other place. Anyhow, here's something to remember me by...




    I'm walking on water

    I can't see the ground

    My feet are below me

    Still I look down


    The wind is wild

    Shaping the terrain

    Relentless as the water

    Which it tries to tame


    Everything seems to wash away

    With the pounding of the waves

    The voices of those I've left

    And the choices that I've made


    They are all left ashore

    Where the real people play

    The focus of my attention

    Before I drifted away




    Reminds me of something I would have written a few months back, especially without any punctuation as it is, and the rhyme scheme.

  6. I'm not the total comprehensive package you think I am Merelas, just one who guesses. ;)


    Would I be correct in assuming that this poem dealt with the fact that it was MLK Jr. day?


    Oh, and let's not forget to check the spelling of 'plauge' :D

  7. I don't think it's only just recently spread to "Those from the sands." There's a long, great history of hatred of all sorts of people in all sorts of places, and it makes me proud that I can say that someone, somewhere hates me. :ph34r:

  8. I haven't really been following this thread, but oh well. All I have to say is that depression is great...just look at the Great Depression, the name says it all. Now if there was a Great Happiness to break out I might be willing to change my tune, but until then I'm sticking on depression like...erm...like....flies on shit. :D

  9. The only problem I have with any of this is the second stanza. It looks alright, it just seems to stumble a little when I read it. I notice all the lines have 4 syllables but the first, maybe if you changed it to "I am boiling" it would work better. Also I was thinking maybe if it was "I'm boiling up/Past the brim" that would flow more easily as well. Actually, I think the latter suggestion works better. But I don't know....what do I know? :pinch: I suppose any of the three options works. :)

  10. I've been writing a lot of short things lately. Keeps it easy for me. :)




    Life is good

    Living vicariously

    Through another

    As it should


    No risk or reason

    To explain

    What you do

    There really is none






    Sexual innuendos

    Dropped in a way

    That nobody knows

    While it's still day






    What I would like most

    In all of the world

    Is peace and goodwill

    Or so I am told





    They're all fairly weak, but I like the last one. I probably could add to these short thigns I write, but for now I choose not to.

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