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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Silexion

  1. Cery, That is terrific! How in ‘the heat of the desert’ were you able to recall all those references? You've brought tears of joy to my eyes. :yuiwink: My application short, which now has a follow up (to be completed and posted), references your surreal birthday party. Remember? Was that posted on the AM UBB or in the first ‘The Pen’? Is the thread saved? Say it is! I would love to reread it, and to see how it ended. If it ever did… In any case, I created an ending that ties in with the new ‘The Pen’. Your very first, Terran Mate
  2. A short I wrote during my lunch at work. No rush Wyv! “Grass.” I smelled grass, freshly mown lawn, full green, mossy. “Owww.” A dull ache throbbed in the back of my head, as I became aware of myself. It was not like waking from sleep. It was waking from death, or perhaps something not so profound. I felt my arms, and a pressure on my chest and face. There was a scraping and a tickling in my nostrils, blades of grass. I turned my face to the side and forced my eyes open. “Sunlight.” Sunlight on deep green velvet was all I could see through dilated pupils. “Breath.” I drew in air and choked on congested fluid in my windpipe. But I realized that I was not at all surprised by my consciousness; it was normal to have eyes, a nose, a head. “Arms.” Stiff muscles brought my arms slowly inward and I pushed myself onto my side. It was then I heard him. “Hahaha. Finally you wake. Well, when you lot fuck up; you really fuck up.” “What?” Looking in the direction of the voice my eyes settled on a figure sitting about four meters away. Slowly my eyes focused, he was dressed in a robe and had a wrap around his head. Sitting at a small table next to a wall, he was pouring something into a small blue cup. “Coffee?” I was able to push myself up to sitting but no further. He came to me with the cup. “Here, drink. You crazy fool, drink; you’ll feel better. Messing around with such powers, tsk, tsk…” I drank. The taste was familiar and welcome and I finished the cup. “Still addicted to caffeine? No doubt.” I could feel the different parts of me join, and awareness return, at least some awareness. “They are waiting for you.” “Who? Could I have another cup?” “Come. Have a seat. Ha, crazy fool, crazy fool.” He filled my cup. “Who is waiting for me?” “In there.” He pointed to a door in the wall next to us. Above that door was a simple wooden sign. On that sign was painted a quill with a sweeping line drawn from the tip. I finished my coffee and he swept me toward the door with the back of his hand. “Go, crazy fool, go.” I realized that there would be nothing further to learn from this old coffee maker, but I could use one more cup. He knew what I was thinking and shook his head. “Go.” I went to the door and pulled it open. The darkness looked thick and the smell of grass was replaced by the smell of wood smoke and fresh draught ale. I stepped into the darkness but my eyes quickly adjusted. There was someone working on a pile of papers at his side, several piles of papers. He finished some scribbling and looked up at me. He sat back in his chair considering me. His eyes were not inquiring; there was no question on his lips. But I knew him… “You are almost a dragon.” I said. “Hello Silexion, It has been awhile.” He replied dryly. “Is there something I can do for you?” “I don’t know. The place is familiar, but different.” “It is The Pen. A place of fun, fantasy, fear, fact…ugh, I’m freakin’ fed up with alliteration. You came here to fill a need.” My blank stare didn’t phase him. He smiled and offered me a sheet of paper. “An application, Silexion. Fill it out and you may find why you are here; in time.” I took the application but I had one more question. “Wyvern, can I get something to eat?” He didn’t even look up. “Christ Silexion! After what you’ve been through, all of us have been through! Same old Silexion. Write.” I turned my attention to the application. But only after I saw his lips curl, just a bit.
  3. I haven't had a chance to look at very many posts on Tha Pen today; but I was wondering if this imminent war was on our minds and fingertips. I see that it is so. Let us hope, whynotsin, that your scenario is much less than a remote possibility. But that "President Shrub"! nice touch Silexion .:The Alchemist:.
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