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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Psimon

  1. Here's one I wrote for the wedding of the twin brother of my best man... whew! Anyway... the marriage lasted a year! I was so sad :(

    (hopefully my poem had nothing to do with it!)


    The Poet's Dream


    Awake, I see the ocean

    vast and powerful in actions

    and words echo on it's shores

    Beauty in it's life and motions.


    Asleep, I see the rose

    budding in the wilderness hazy

    throwing off the rocks and stones

    that make this world so crazy.


    Enriched with time, it grows

    as I see you both together

    reveals the ocean and the rose

    that is your love forever.



    May your love for each other know no bounds

    May it set the world on fire and the stars dim beside it

    May angels and heroes weep at the beauty there

    May you live forever within it.






    Sorry for the sudden flood people... I've not contributed for so long, I felt I'd better get off my - dare I say it? - *sexy* butt and post something. (no nasty comments from the gallery on the sexy butt comment pls :P LMAO )


    Anyway... Peace. Out.

  2. Reaver


    Sitting here waiting for the bell to toll

    the hammer to fall and the race to start

    with heavy breathing in the background now

    bestill my throbbing heart



    Lust is the base, the core of cause

    and effect but do what you want to me

    till love is what you find and what you feel

    love me till the end, more fools we



    Unburden your soul, reveal yourself to my sight

    and I will take everything you are, as I must

    Break you down and build you up once more

    how can you, in me, have trust?



    Struck to the bone of love's quick folly

    bared of all that was and will be, leave it.

    Retreat within the walls of tension and safety

    My fangs of misfortune have bit



    And the bell swings, strike chord and discord

    drum rolls and the fire within me burns high.

    The time has come and fantasy is loose again

    to my arms now you must draw nigh



    The spell is complete, the dye is but cast

    you are forever mine and will never leave

    _ until time itself is devoured and sated

    your body and soul I do cleave



    I savour the blood of your tears...



    and I laugh.

  3. Untitled#001


    Offering protection from a hard, laughing wind.

    Giving friendship to those who need it most.

    Wrapping the bone-weary in most tender arms

    to hearten those down-trodden and despaired.


    When one has delivered one's best account

    of what one alone could not have seen

    yet remembered from so long ago, the time

    walking through silent halls alone.


    Then would you realise the import of the day.

    To be together, yet alone, perhaps to share

    a better time than this bitter loneliness

    which would tear my heart asunder.

  4. Oui, j'ai vécu... (Yes, I have lived...)


    I have oft looked into my glass orb,

    seen the future, the past, the now

    I have wept bitter tears

    and sighed as would a lover satisfied


    I have seen children crying

    for lack of food, for lack of love

    I have heard their lamentations

    and my heart has broken in sorrow


    I have seen lovers embrace

    exploring, tenderly pushing

    the boundaries of their longing

    and my heart has soared in joy


    I have seen killers loose on the innocent

    the weapons of mass annihilation

    in the name of their gods

    and my blood has stirred to anger


    I have seen myself lost

    in a void of time and space

    with no escape and no ending

    and my blood has chilled with fear


    I have seen a flower bloom

    in the desert sands

    where no life could exist

    and my mind has been stilled in reverence


    Yes, I have seen a great many things

    I have felt a great many emotions

    I have tasted my tears

    and I have caught my breath in awe


    Yes, I have lived

  5. Lumière d'un enfant (Light from a child)


    It is safe and warm here in my tower

    but outside only a fool would tread quickly.

    Savagery, barely contained by the leash of possibility

    rages against the stars


    The intensity of the flashes blinds me

    but only for a few moments

    then my sight is restored

    until the next exposion of light


    A storm such as this

    could take a single life or many

    or destroy hearth and home, farm or town

    turning stone to powder and timber to ash


    I am aghast and agape as I stare

    into the endless void of the night.

    A small tot, a lad of few summers,

    has stolen freedom from his crib or cot


    The boy delights in the fury of the maelstrom,

    rejoices in the brutality of the tempest.

    He skips, he jumps and laughs outrageously

    throughout his infantile gambling.


    In a flash of light and loud explosion

    he is gone from my view and I wonder

    was he ever there or perhaps just the product

    of my overworked imagination, yes?


    Where have you gone, my Child of the Storm?

    Where do you frolick now, little one?

  6. Speaking as one who is 'missing' half of my 'identity' (I do not know, and almost certainly will never know, who my natural father is/was) I think cloning of whole human beings is wrong on just so many levels.


    The gaping hole that opens under me at times when I try to understand what part of me is my father, and having no idea who he is, where he is, what he is like, what I *may* look like as I grow older, what he may have been able to pass on to me by way of family history, cultural identity (I *do* know that he was British, just like my adopted-father (is that the right term? *shrugs*)) and so much more that a father bequeaths to a son; and knowing that still, I am a unique individual (I believe created by God)... That anguish must be as nothing to someone who has no father or mother (in *any* sense of the terms), but is the result of a sterile injection of combined DNA in a lab somewhere... and is not unique, but a carbon copy (mutations notwithstanding)... *shudders*


    As Princess Bun-Head put it in Thumb-Wars... "Bad is Bad, Good is Good... Your badness will be your undoing, while our goodness will be our triumph... Bad, bad... Good, good... bad...[etc etc]"


    Live long and prosper...

    "The Force is like duct tape.... It has a Light side and a Dark side, and it binds the universe together" (or something like that!) :D

  7. I, for one, would most certainly notice (but I could be a little biased, neh? ;) )


    A beautiful piece from a beautiful person :wub:


    My earnest reply (if I were priviledged enough to have the opportunity):

    Would they notice


    the tears on the pillow

    dried on my skin as I hold you close in repentence

    my bandaged hand

    wet from my tears of regret

    the broken glass in the garbage

    retrieved as a reminder to me of how I let you down

    the fist of wrinkles in one shirt

    ironed away as I ponder your selfless efforts

    the glass that was missing

    replaced by a crystal rose

    Would they notice


    a warm body in the bed

    and to bask in the warmth of your heart

    lunches made

    enjoyed knowing the soft hands that prepared the meal

    the booboo kissed

    the gentleness of your smile

    the floors washed

    walking barefoot to your side

    the dog walked

    together, so glad to share nature's beauty with you

    the laundry clean ,folded and put away

    again, together as I listen to you share your thoughts and emotions

    If the dishes were done

    after I had cooked you a meal, run your bath, and warmed the massage oils...


    I would notice.

  8. I disagree that things are black and white, right or wrong, good or bad.

    Speaking from personal experience (as a Grey/Drow elf, Druidic demi-god of Nature, and Keeper of The Balance) I can assure you that things are most assuredly black and white, right or wrong, good or bad.


    It is merely, as you so eloquently put it, Ayshela, the perceptions of the individual which determines the degree (or 'shade') thereof.


    To quote myself, if I may... (You may) Why thank you... (You're most welcome):


    Good and Evil are simply two sides of the same coin

    and to extend that thought further:


    Good and Evil, Black and White, right and wrong are simply shaded facets of infinitely faceted gems that we collect each and every moment of our existence, and pass along to those we have the privilege to meet in those moments

    My goodness, that took a lot out of me... I think I need to lie down for a while... :lol:

  9. Congrats Mighty Elder of Initiates!


    My present was sent some time ago, but it seems to have gotten lost in the post...


    And my card was also sent several weeks ago... but, um... it too has vanished into the postal ether...


    Oh, and my email was sent automatically just the other day... but we, er... well, we um, had a server crash and all the emails were deleted....



    But the thought was there!!!!! :D

  10. >"But what makes these 'experts' preach their opinion and call it truth?" asked the inquirer. "Is it an inheritance of humankind to do this, or is it merely something they gain satisfaction from?"<


    Maybe, maybe not... for what is 'Truth'?


    >"Apart from consciousness," answered the Buddha, "no absolute truths exist. False reasoning declares one view to be true and another view wrong. It is delight in their dearly held opinions that makes them assert that anyone who disagrees is bound to come to a bad end. But no true seeker becomes embroiled in all this. Pass by peacefully and go a stainless way, free from theories, lusts and dogmas.":unsure:



    Just my thoughts. Please do not attach any theories, lusts or dogmas thereto.

  11. And there's the winner, right there! (IMHO)


    Fantastic creative twist on the 'guidelines' given... lateral thinking of the most excellent order!



    Well done, Zariah!


    *Psimon bows his head to the creative wonder that is.. Zariah. :D






    Ummmmmm....... By my enthusiastic outburst above I didn't mean to stop others from having a go at this ... Far be it from me - the responsibility of 'declaring' the rightful 'winner'. I am not in the least worthy of such a task.


    Keep posting people! (please... pretty please... aw, come on now... please....................) :unsure::blush:

  12. Silence broken by the first

    Dust drifted on wind's caress


    Second dried her tears

    hope bled as from a wound


    Third cracked her heart

    sagged slowly to the floor


    Fourth crushed her bones

    such was the weight of it's portent


    The fifth swept her remains away

    a moment's purity


    The sixth poured darkness from below

    fear ran before the shadows


    The seventh opened the seas

    flesh dried in hurricane's grasp


    The eighth closed the waves

    buried the corpses in cold embrace


    Ninth toll chilled the air

    doom roamed unfettered


    Tenth toll shook the mountains

    till ocean swallowed rock


    Eleventh tolling rained fire

    scorched earth, lifeless


    Twelfth brought stars light to an end

    heavens tumbled slowly


    The churchbell tolled thirteen

    time ceased...

  13. I am bad. I am good. I am balance.

    I steal. I beg. I 'borrow'...


    I cannot draw to any level of competence, though I've been told I'm a dab-hand with a pen ;)


    Therefore my image is a 'modified' image of Elric, the last emperor of Melniboné, ruler of the dreaming city and keeper of the ruby throne (as drawn by Michael Whelan).


    Posted Image


    Full credit to all the wonderfully talented people out there who create original works of such magnificence.

  14. That's me... always late to the party! :blink:


    Psimon is an old RP character I 'adopted' from my GM at mere lvl 2 (AD&D) way back in 1987 (I'm so old! :( *sobs*) and over the course of the next 4 years (off and on) I 'played' him up to his retirement as a Demi-god.


    Over the intervening years I have continued to nibble away at his character development, including ArchMage, short stories, and a (for the moment) stalled trilogy of full-blown fantasy novels.


    You could say that in many respects I *am* Psimon and Psimon is me!


    We have known one another for many years and our relationship has only strengthened with time. I love the people he loves, just as he loves the people I love etc.


    But to reply to the query directly:

    His name derives from one of his considerable strengths, his Psionics (mind powers/abilities)


    PS. I blame him for my verbosity!! :rolleyes:

  15. Part 4



    The rest of the group slid to a halt in time, then immediately moved into a defensive formation on the path. The remaining warriors and the two rangers created a defensive circle of swords and bows, while the cleric moved to the centre and began his prayers, calling upon their goddess to protect them, creating a divine shield around the group. The shield was strong – the cleric was very powerful – and no missile weapons would be able to penetrate it. But that wasn’t Ar’Kelur’s plan anyway.


    He signalled the assault troops to move in. They plunged down the slopes of the forest valley, through the loosely scattered trees, screaming their harsh battle cries, swords raised for battle. The ten Drow warriors crashed into the defending Greys, the shield no defence against non-missile weapons or warriors bodies. Swords flashed in the faint light of stars and the full, bright moon. Two Grey warriors fell dead before the Greys began to get the upper hand, first holding, then pushing back the Drow, killing two of them.


    The Drow warriors knew their part well, a few would die - to be given the release of death into Lolth’s blessed presence – the rest were to retreat fighting a rearguard action, enticing the Greys to follow at pace. This they did and the Grey Elves followed, their mission and care forgotten for a moment in their grief for their fallen comrades at the hands of the foul Drow. The Drow leapt past the pits with their deadly, spiked embrace, and ran down the path towards Ar’Kelur’s waiting men. The Greys followed, screaming their outrage with every lung full of air they took as they ran.


    Twelve warriors, two rangers and the cleric remained of the Grey Elf party, and they pursued the remaining eight Drow warriors hard. The Drow ran on and on, racing along the path out of sight of Ar’Kelur and his small honour guard of four handpicked warriors watching from the rocks above the forest valley. The Grey elves soon disappeared from view too, and Ar’Kelur and his men began to pick their way down onto the forest path. They would follow from a safe distance, arriving to witness the last of the Greys being slaughtered.


    Ar’Kelur set foot on the path and turned to follow the receding sounds of the running battle, only to be spun around as a crossbow bolt thudded into his sword arm. His light armour was no match for the finely crafted bolt, and Ar’Kelur knew he was in trouble as he immediately began to lose consciousness, the forest fading to blackness before his eyes.


    In many ways it was fortunate that Ar’Kelur did not see the results of the brief but deadly battle that erupted around him as he fell to the forest floor. His honour guard were slain before any could draw their weapons. His ambush party, one hundred brave and fearsome warriors, were slaughtered by the more than nine hundred Grey elven warriors, rangers, and clerics that had surrounded his men, waiting till they entered the clearing position they had been expecting to claim as their victory ground, only to watch in horror as all around them died in a hail of Grey elven arrows, crossbow bolts, and spells of fire and lightning. The ambush party had themselves been ambushed, and were slaughtered to a man.


    Ar’Kelur did not feel the hands of the returning Greys pick him up, tie him roughly to a pole like a hunter’s prey, and carry him back to the Grey elf village as their war trophy.

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