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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Archaneus

  1. A tall pale elf strides into the room. Taking a look around he wrinkles his face up in what would appear to be annoyance. "It seems in my long absence you all forgotten the proper way to worship me. The altar is a nice start, but where are the virgins? You should know better than to set up an altar without virgin sacrafices. Well, when you find some just send them along to my room. I'll... umm... prepare them, yeah, that's it." He strides from the room leaving a confused mob in his wake.


    Thanks all. I haven't been around in awhile, didn't figure anyone would remember. A little bird also told me to come as well(and by little bird I of course mean Tanny ;) ). Thanks again all, see you later.

  2. Thanks for the help Gwai, I found all that I posted. I appreciate it.


    Hi Xaious, It has been a long time. I stopped using AOL becasue of all the spyware, but could you email your email address to me if you have one at yahoo or MSN?


    My email is saiba_shikaku@hotmail.com


    Well all, you might see me around for a bit, not realy sure yet. See you all later.

  3. Hey guys, long time.


    I haven't been here in awhile, and I just have one quick question. Are poems stored on the server forever or do they eventually become deleted? My computer died on me and I lost all my poems and such so I was wondering if I can still find them in the archives and also I don't remember if there is a way to search them.


    Thanks all,


  4. I understand you think me crazy, but yet you have thought many people crazy. Is that not right? What is crazy? Perhaps it is you who has gone crazy, dwelling on the problems of others so much that you do not see that it has driven you to madness. Have you ever considered that those that you consider crazy are the only sane ones?

    I have thought about that very line so many times. Great job on the story. I can understand what he is talking about. ;)

  5. well, it seems we are going to be having two members laeving very shortly then. I hve been hoping that I would be able to participate so I have been putting this off, but it appears as if I will never have the ability to continue so I regretfully withdraw as well. I will post within the next couple days of how my character leaves, until then he is still a member so continue to treat him as if he is. Thank you.



  6. OOC: I realized that I haven’t given a name yet. His name is Feralon. Oh, sorry about the lack of posts, I’ll try and post more often.


    Taking the money, he keeps an outward calm, while in his mind he is pondering everything that has happened, rolling it over in his mind, deciphering the information. Hmm, this "Damon" is quite obviously a demon, and seems to be avoiding that fact. I will have to be cautious of him. The thief appears quite crafty, and seems to know much. Although he directed the invitation in the morning at Senora, I believe I will take him up on it.


    Moments after Enos, Feralon follows, headed to his room. Speaking a quick farewell, Tenna’ tul’re (Until Tomorrow - Elven), he heads to his room, puts his weapons next to the bed, and lies down. He enters a light sleep-state and thinks about the day’s events.


    A couple hours before dawn he gets out of bed, grabs his weapons, and heads down to the common room of the inn. Retrieving a quick breakfast of eggs and bread he quickly eats and sits in thought for about an hour. Glancing outside, seeing it’s half an hour till dawn, he heads up to Enos’ room. Knocking he hears a shuffling, as of hurried movement. “Come in,” Enos says and Feralon replies with a “Good morning”

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