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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Posts posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. *Delivered by some sort of animate plant, a letter seems to arrive at some point in time...*




    To The Mighty Pen, or at least those of you that I know,


    I love you all! It's been tremendous being here these past years, even though I haven't really been here lately. I love you for your patience in putting up with my battles with myself, not to mention the demons, and the drama. I love you for your kindness, support and friendship. I may not be here all the time, but as long as you'll all put up with me, you can bet I'll be around, probably hiding somewhere in the shadows or around the next bend. But I'll always be here, just like you've all been here for me.


    One day soon,


    The Big Pointy One, BigPointyStick aka Dierden Samshae aka 'Stick', etc...





    Followed shortly by that, a few other letters arrived, delivered by miniature carrot golems, they read:



    To The Mighty Pen crew:






  2. Ah, the Doctor has confirmed my fears. I wasn't a big F4 fan, but I'm a fan of re-creating the origin stories accurately, which I could already tell F4 didn't do. From the previews, I was disappointed with the way they made the Thing look. And Dr.Doom on the spaceship? In the words of sooo many silly little noobies out there... wtF?! I won't go off on a rant, but that's lame. Then there's the casting... Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman? Uh, okay, people thinks she's hot, but... come on, seriously. It's the invisible *woman* not the invisible teenage girl/young woman... I mean, she looked *younger* than the Human Torch (the only good casting, imo) when she was supposed to be the older syster who acts like a mother type of thing? Lame. They totally could have done a better casting job. Get someone a little bit... oh I don't know... mature. Anyways, the Human Torch looks cool, and I hope he can make what looks like a disaster of a film into something decent.


    Other than that, I haven't seen anything since Star Wars, and I liked that. Period.




    Oh, by the way...Dr.Evil, didn't you go to the same Evil medical school as Dr.Doom? Or is he just some lame wanna-be?

  3. Ah, yes.. the universe. First off, I know very little of physics, but I like to think I have some valid points that rely more on logic than math. The first thing I'd like to address is the whole 'the universe is expanding' theory. I think the main problem with that theory is the definition of the word 'universe'. I think a more accurate statement would be 'The universe as we know it is expanding'. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, the basic definition of the universe is the infinite space and everything that resides within it that starts at wherever you're standing currently. To me, this includes all areas with stars, energy, etc. but also the areas without all of that. I'd need a diagram to explain it properly I think, but I look at like this. Anywhere that we can 'see' in this universe, anything that we can learn about with our tools, our science, our math, is only but the smallest fraction of the actual universe. We could explore for millions of years, and come to the 'edge of the universe' defined by the point where there is no matter, however assuming that that would be the whole of the universe seems grossly incorrect. I'm going largely on assumption as well, but I'd think it's fair to say that there could be other star systems across some void that we define as the 'edge' of our known universe. It's not like we get to some point, and it just stops; you can't go any further. Long story short, the universe is infinite in form. You can go X amount of distance one way, for all eternity even, but it's irrelevant. The universe just keeps going and going. It's hard to understand, because it's a paradox, but that's the way the universe is.


    It's the same with time. This is the harder concept to grab, because it makes the least sense, but it is just unacceptable to believe that there was a beginning to time. What about before the beginning? There had to have been something there. It makes sense to ours minds to have a beginning, because everything we know has a beginning and an end; our own lives are the best example. Not to mention, that's probably why we have a hard time understanding any other concepts, because we as humans understand that *we* must have a beginning. Before we were born, there was no before. We just started one day. However, I do not think this could apply to the universe. It just doesn't make sense, no matter your teachings, no matter your faith, no matter your whatever. There has to have been *something*, but it just keeps going backwards. Damn, that messes me up everytime. Which brings me to the 'big bang' theory. Simply put, I believe that it's totally possible that there *was* some sort of big bang that started our solar system, our galaxy, etc... but I don't think that's how the universe got going.


    I don't know, it all comes down to definitions. To re-itirate... our universe by my books, is *all* of space. Every particle of matter, and every blank space, the void, whatever you want to call it. Just because there's nothing there, that doesn't mean it isn't part of the universe. I'm sure there's other systems out there, way out there that we'll never find.


    At least, that's what I believe. When I say these things, I'm not expecting anyone to agree with me; if I come across as vehement, it's because of how firmly I believe in what I'm saying, that's all.



  4. To put it short, I greatly enjoyed this movie. I'd probably have to see it a few more times to really find out what I appreciate the most, but I have no complaints. I think a lot of people are being to critical on lots of the aspects of the Star Wars movies; of course, they can go ahead and do that... everyone IS titled to their opinion. I just happen to disagree. Perhaps it's just that I'm not that critical when I'm watching a movie I go into with the mindset that I think I'm going to enjoy... or something. I had no problems with Anakin; and going back to the first 2, okay, there were some lame things such as Jar-jar, and the pod races. But even so, people should keep in mind that not every single person and/or event is going to be totally cool. There are things/events that are lame. Take it with a grain of salt ;p


    Anywhoo, enough of my ranting. I enjoyed the transition from III to IV, as suttle as it was. I won't reveal anything yet, but I'll reference what I called the 'asterisk wings' I thought they were nifty. And as Katz mentioned, R2-D2 is totally a Jedi. If you don't believe me, just watch the movies and keep in mind a few things that both R2-D2 and Jedis share in common:


    Super-jumping, droid killing, exploding things with their mind, precognitive (is that a word?) reflexes, and an astute intuition. Seriously. That little droid is a friggin' Jedi. Think about it, please!

  5. Something I scratched down a few days ago. No real form here. If it were read audibly it would be in a spoken word format. When I read it to myself it reminds of a piece done by a certain hip hop artist... I think Sage Francis, but I'm not 100% sure. Here it is. And yes, it's the same topic that 99% of my works are.


    Everlasting desire burns my eyes away

    still the stillness in my heart that keeps me from breathing

    memory enshrined to the reflection of night; mind enslaved to the wraith that once was and may never be

    no amount of resurrection could bring you back to me; no amount of prayer could set me on the path again

    double the pain for half the pleasure just once again

    a wish never granted is a dream never gained; a fleeting image of past chances gone by

    if only if only was enough; if only time was the clay in my hands once again; I would shape the eternal ring - twisted as it is, perfect as it isn't.

    just bring back to me that moonshed night that sweet sorrowful moment of darkness and silence when everything began anew again

    but now it haunts me, wraith as it is; revenant relentless watching and waiting, hawking and hunting, hurting and bleeding; the end is not here nor is it coming. too soon. too soon. too son.







    I offer no further explanation. I haven't left, nor am I returning.

  6. Introduction:


    Well, basically I weave myself into my writing, so not much about me should be surprising. I'm a laid back sort of person who enjoys the creative arts, although not to the same extent of most people who do so. I enjoy reading, but I haven't read anything really of note, and I don't read that much. I enjoy all sorts of music, but I don't know much about it. I like drawing, writing and playing the drums. I'd like to one day be a success in a band with my roommate/best friend. I can see it happenning, if we ever get our act together. I'm not that good, yet, but I feel confident I can be. The same goes for my writing. I know right now, I don't even compare to very many of our brilliant writers that we have here at The Pen, but I'd like to think one day I'll be able to be worthy enough to write for the world. I just need to put the proper efforts into it.


    Biography: I was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada on July 20, 1983 and have lived here ever since. I have two younger brothers who are 19 (20 in April) and my youngest just turned 18 last week. Unfortunately, my parents divorced while I was six, and we lived with our mom for quite a while until she re-married. That was kinda the first turning point in my life, I think. During those years, I didn't spend much time with my dad, so I kinda instinctively found other role-models to latch onto, most notably my cousin, who I thank for helping me kinda decide which path I was going to take in life. (To oversimplify... nerd vs. jock... I'm happy to call myself 'nerd' ;p ) Also, my mom worked a lot, so it was hard really for me to learn stuff about life and such, so I've really figured everything out for myself, and now, that's the only way I can do things. I'm pretty stubborn, and like to think I have a mostly independent nature. I prefer doing things on my own without help from others, unless absolutely necessary. After my mom got re-married, things started looking up for my family, however, things got worse for me. We moved, and I lost all my friends, essentially. I never really did adjust to the new area, and basically made a fool of myself... often. I really developed my loner attitude around this time. Depression hit me hard, and I stopped caring about stuff around me. (This was when I was 12.) I quickly learned that I was embarassing myself whenever I spoke, so became an introvert. High school just seemed to be worse, but thankfully I made a few friends, most notably, Tamaranis. It was a rough four years, especially at the end when I thought I had someone who loved me, but then found out she was just messing with my head. That sucked. However, I did make a few friends through playing laser tag (that's how I met my roommate/best friend) and went to Colorado Springs with them to play in a regional tournament, which was alright. The fall after high school ended, I tried a semester of University, and haven't been back. The last 3 years have been kinda tumultuous, having many ups and downs. I just about thought I had a girlfriend again, then kinda figured out how that was going to turn out, and just completely abandoned her. I abandoned my friends, and sunk into my lowest point of depression at two different points. Thankfully, I made amends one way or another, and even though I don't speak as much as I'd like to with all my friends, things are good. I've finally figured out all the little things that make me 'tick' I think, so now, I'm working on improving myself. I recently got a decent job, and I'm finally on normal sleeping hours... almost.


    If all things go well, hopefully I'll find myself advancing through my company, improving my body, perhaps improving my mind by *at least* reading more, and improving my soul along the way, one way or another. I have a long way to go, but at least now I feel like I can make the trip.

  7. ~Brief Description~ also, ~History~


    Well, the Big Pointy One, or Stick as I prefer to call him as of late, has been going under a bit of an identity change. He still remains the tall brown haired, wise-cracking warrior he alwyas has been. However, I've been (mentally) working on re-vamping his history and such, not to mention his general character traits. Essentially, here's my synopsis of what I want Stick to be like:


    Like the hero cliche, Stick was left at a small church in a small town. His father was a soldier and his mother was a dryad, and neither could raise him. He grew up in the small, relatively unknown town that was inhabited by no one aside from the priests and priestesses of the church, and old pensioners and retired farmers with little or no family. The church raised Stick (Named Dierden Samshae, after an old saint who was considered the patron of many farmers and gardeners) under careful guidance; he wasn't raised in an exactly traditional manner. The main lesson he learned was to place others above himself at all times. It was not his personal problems that mattered, but those of those around him. Because of this, he never really had any interest in finding out about his parents, nor did he feel any remorse for not having any. The church did a good job of raising him to be a good person. At a young age, he was loved around to village for his helpful nature. He would often help those too hold to handle difficult chores, and delighted especially in gardenwork and hunting. He lived in the village until he was about 19, when he finally decided to venture out into the world.


    Venture he did. He went from town to town and country to country, helping people in need along the way. He never really gave his name, or asked for much more than a meal to help him along on his way. Eventually, he came upon a large city, and experienced how cruel the world could be. Dissatisfied with what he saw, he left, and continued to journey, but this time he avoided people all together. He journeyed simply to explore the untamed wilds. As he did this, he found that he was a lot more comfortable in the woods and hills then he was in cities and on roads. Eventually, he came upon a small but impressive monastery in a mountain range. After dining with the head monk and speaking about the world in general, he decided to stay a while. He began to learn a bit more about the monks lifestyle, and he began to like it. Stick decided to stay, and become a monk himself. At one point, he learned in order to purify himself, he must train his body, as well as his mind in order to reach a state near to enlightenment. Through the years, he trained, and was soon considered the best warrior among the monks. He was also known as a good man, with a friendly sense of humor. However, it bothered people how after about 15 years, the man looked just as young as he did when he had entered. Eventually, people began to talk, and Stick's wanderlust seemed to return, so he left the monks in peace.


    Stick now felt that his mind and body were properly trained, just as his soul had found peace. Almost. He never did feel quite as good at the monestary as he did when he was exploring forests and caves about the world. On one such expedition after his stay, Stick came upon a tribe of Goblins who lived in a mountain valley. He learned that they were about to be expunged from their homes, thanks to a joint alliance by the nearby militant nations. Although Stick had never met goblins before, he felt sympathy for the pitiful creatures and agreed to try and help ward off the invaders. It was during this time that Stick met his destiny. While leading the Goblins away to safety, he discovered an ancient temple to a long-forgotten goddess. Inside he found a staff, that seemed to react to him instantly. It called to him, seemingly. When he picked it up, it felt like a hole inside of himself had been filled. His senses feeled heightened and he could see things much more clearly then he ever could. Whatever it was, he was meant to have it. The staff fit him perfectly. It was exactly the right width and length for him to wield, and he found his training from the monastery was sufficient to wield it. The staff itself was a bit odd. It contained to markings at all, and was infact completely made out of wood. It was completely smooth, like a glass rod of some sort, and pointed at each ends. He eventually discovered that this staff could not be broken, and used to his advantage and eventually was able to fend off the entire invading army, segment by segment until they decided to retreat. The goblins heralded him as a hero and gave him the goblin name "Ger giab lock" or, "Big Pointy Stick" in common.


    After he was satisfied the goblins would be able to live in peace, Stick once again ventured off into the world. However, this time, people remembered him. The un-named man with the indestructable sharp double-ended spear was a man to be feared, they said. It was not long before bounty hunters were dispatched to find the warrior who had caused so much trouble for the armies. In fact, if it were not for the direct intervention of a pair of elven rangers known as Rocoss and Roxxia, the assassin known as Tayne "Darkstorm" Demeron would have had Stick's life. These two joined Stick on his journey for a while, and helped teach him a bit more about combat, the world and life. Eventually, they met up with a paladin, Aidan Serradin. Aidan bared a sembling resemblance to Stick, although no heed was really payed to the fact. Together, they travelled together as a group, and their deeds were becoming closer and closer to legendary. One such deed was disposing of a wizard who had been a plague on an entire island nation just off the main coast of the main continent. On this mission, the group discovered an ordinary looking rabbit who was capable of much more than any other ordinary rabbit. He became known as Mr.Bunny.







    Well, I'm gonna leave it at that for now; I don't want to over-extend myself. I think I might have to re-arrange the history a bit, but that's pretty much it.

  8. "On second thought, Knight... perhaps you should make sure Riven doesn't get lost... alone. I'm sure you can provide him with adequate backup. Oh, and don't worry, we'll have plenty of chances later on to take care of business." The words came out slowly and sort of choppy, almost of as if Stick was in slow motion. Regardless, he flashed his companion one of his trademark grins to ensure him that everything was alright.


    As he stepped towards the pulsating mass of light, Stick seemed to shimmer in and out of reality. The creatures on his shoulders seemed to react strongly, and almost looked like they were pulling Stick towards the light. He stepped in, then disappeared. Light surrounded him, then all was dark.



    OOC: Sorry, I have to stop there, as I need to re-compose my thoughts. Don't let that hold you guys back, though. I'm totally winging it here, so feel free to improvise.

  9. Stick replies back in a pale comparison of wolfish.


    Aye. But I will go with you... I think I understand what's going on... somewhat.


    You do?


    Maybe. It's just a hunch, really...


    Care to explain?


    Not particularly...


    I see... well, lead on, in any case.


    As Tanuchan and Stick seem to be growling and barking at each other incrompehensibly, Knight looks from Stick, then over at Riven, and shrugs.


    "He just keeps on surprising me... things have changed..."


    Just then, Stick turns and addresses Knight and Riven, "Tanuchan and I will be examining the distortion. If something... happens... and we disappear, I want you to find Peredhil, and bring him here. I just may have a lead..."


    "Okay, but..." Knight started.


    "...but don't worry about it. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. I'm following a hunch."

  10. I can definitely emphathize with you, Yan-yan. That stuff all sucks... I hate when girls say that dreaded 'let's just be friends' line. Pisses me right off. As for the other stuff, I don't know much about... although I have had a car explode on me in different manners multiple times. My brother had a hernia, which he said sucked.


    In other words, best of luck, and hopefully things will start looking up from here on out... ^.^

  11. Stick shimmers back into existence after Life had taken him away for nearly a day's time. When he comes back he is still in his meditative pose, but now there are two indsitinguishable creatures latched onto his shoulders. It's hard to tell, but they seem to mimick the environment around them. They shift from clear to opaque, light to dark and their colour seems to be constantly changing. Their actual form seems to be unclear, but it looks like they have four major appendages extruding from a rather formless body. As far as facial features are concerned, none can be seen. Slowly, Stick opens his eyes and stands up.


    "Well, what have you figured out?" asks Knight.


    "Nothing, really. Nothing except that we need to move on, anyways."


    Tanuchan speaks to Stick, still in her wolf-form, "Good, the sooner we are out of these caves, the better."


    Stick thinks for a moment then responds, "Yes. Although I prefer these caves, I suppose it'd do everyone else some good to get out of here. Unfortunately, these are rather large caves. Everyone ready?" getting consenting nods from everyone, he leads on. The mysterious creatures on his shoulders don't show any sign of activity except their constant shimmering and changing. The tall warrior leads the party down a tunnel across from the way they came. It seems to stretch out for a while, until eventually begins to drop in altitude again. Thanks to the light of Knight's fireball, the party is able to see that they have entered into a spacious cavern with a deep bottom. The path they are on eventually narrows out and becomes merely a ledge on the wall that twists all the way to the bottom.


    As the group descends down the narrow ledge, nothing can really be seen except the immediate area around them. However, as they get farther along, a strange light can be seen eminating from the bottom. As they get closer, it seems to be shimmering and changing shape, much alike the creatures on Stick's shoulders, which Riven points out.


    "Yeah, what are those, anyways?"


    Stick shrugs, "I'm not sure. While I was meditating, they kind of harassed me for a while, but now... I've managed to stabilize them somehow. I don't doubt that they have something to do with what hapenned to Annael... somehow."

  12. Stick nods. "Yes, one of these tunnels lead up to the forest outside The Keep, and also branches to an area next to the lake above ground." Stick sat down next to the lake and closed his eyes. "I just need to meditate for a moment to help us decide which way to head next." The lichen that seemed to grow out of random spots on the side of rocks glowed weakly as the sun from the lake above shined in through the water, casting all sorts of shadows that seemed to dance on the walls, the roof and the ground.

  13. Alaeha stood there blinking for a few moments, unsure of what she saw beyond the portal. "What is that?"




    "I never even knew there was an elemental plane of carrots... is it safe to enter?"




    "Are you *sure*? Most elementalists can't safely traverse their planes of specialty... not that I've heard of, anyways."




    Alaeha looked at the portal, then looked at Mr.Bunny, who seemed to be exhuding confidence like no bunny she had ever seen before then said, "Okay, I'm trusting you!" Mr.Bunny hopped in first, to ensure everything was safe, then Alaeha followed cautiously. Once they stepped completely through and the portal closed behind them, they found the area to be a bit less chaotic than it looked like from the outside. Trying to comprehend the physics of the plane would be a bit difficult, if you examined it, but the level Alaeha and Mr.Bunny were on resembled the Prime Material Plane... if everything were made out of carrots. The ground was carrots, and the sky was carrots. It was uncertain how they were breathing or seeing, because the air was carrots too. Yet, they were able to traverse the plane.


    After a couple minutes, they came upon what looked like a town. Mr.Bunny hopped on, leading the way, while Annael examined the wonders of the carrot plane. Normally, mundane things like you'd find in a city wouldn't excite her, but seeing them as... carrots... was something else. In her wonder, she didn't notice that Mr.Bunny had stopped until she stepped on his tail, and he jumped about three feet into the air. It was kind of funny, because you don't normally see that kind of expression from a rabbit. Or any expression, for that matter.


    "Heh... sorry about that." Alaeha managed a meek smile, while Mr.Bunny seemed to frown somewhat.




    "Oh. Were here? Where's here?"




    "A restaurant? How quaint..."




    "Okay!" she smiled, and followed Mr.Bunny in. The restaurant, despite being all carrot-y seemed nice. To her surprise there were scents other than that of carrots. Not to mention, life forms that also were non-carrots. The Maitre'd, a tall, skinny-looking carrot wearing a tuxedo adressed them both.


    "Good to see you again, Mr.Bunny." his voice was rather carroty, "This must be your date for the evening, then? What lovely young lady." Alaeha was confused, because the carrot didn't seem to have eyes, but she mentally shrugged. "Well, the pleasure is mine, miss..."


    "...Alaeha." she curtsied and smiled at the carrot.


    "A pleasure indeed. Well, shall I show you to your table?"



    (OOC: Okay, I have to stop. My brain is resisting me very hard. I'm sorry if it has sucked insofar. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry -.-;)

  14. Stick scrapes off the end of the BPS, which he had ignited with a flame. "Good enough, I guess." Stick grins, a bit of usual self showing again. "I suppose I should lead on. It's pretty straightforward for about an hour's walk from here. Eventually, we'll enter a large cavern that's beneath the lake. That physic-defying lake."


    "What do you mean 'physic-defying'?" asked Knight, who hadn't yet seen all of The Pen's Keep. Riven also looked interested in finding out.


    "Well, you'd think a lake that appeared to be full above ground would need to be contained by a rough 'bowl' of land... but not this lake. I'm guessing it's part of the magic that holds the place together that has something to do with it... I'm not really sure. In any case, you'll see when we get there."


    Stick nodded to everyone, then lead on at a decent pace. The BPS bounced almost wildly on his shoulder as they began the slow decent into the caves. The light from Knight's fireball casted all sorts of weird shadows on the walls. As they went further, the cave seemed more and more natural as the walls became less smooth. The ground became rockier and the air became more humid.


    "So anyways, asides from what Tanny mentioned, I have my own... talents... that help me in these kind of places, Riven."


    "Oh, what kind of talents?"


    "Well, it's a long story, but essentially I'm able to use small portions of energy from the earth around me. That ability is amplified in these caves because it's completely as it should be; it's in its healthiest state."


    "I see."


    "Yes. Oh yes, I was going to mention. Once we get down to the lake, that's where the cave starts to branch off. We'll make a plan once we get there."




    ((OOC: Wolf-ish is simply the language that wolves speak, I believe. Stick can speak it because at one point in his multi-talented life, he was a druid.))

  15. Of course, if one was so inclined, they could research the... construction... (I'm not sure what the proper word would be for 'making of clothes' would be) of a normal Gi, then enlist someone with the proper skills to make one especially for you... who knows, you could turn it into a business! ...or at least, when you're done with it, sell it on ebay for some cash ;p

  16. *Stick notices the sign that says "...will pay in food" and pounces!*


    "Sal, about the job offering..."


    "Huh, what job offering?"


    "I saw the sign about the food."


    "Oh.. hehehe... that, I don't think *you* want to do that. In fact, I don't think *I* want you to do that..."


    "...well, since I'm here, can I have some food? I'm hungry!"


    Of course, I'm pretty sure this the part where Gyrfalcon comes in and glomps me!




    (Sorry, this my sleepy-brain half-bummed lazy RP style... :S)

  17. A sub-thread from Missing, the Search for Annael


    Stick walked quickly down the halls, Knight on his left, Tanuchan on his right and Riven following closely behind.


    "Wow, I haven't seen this part of the Keep yet." said Knight as he examined the bare and dusty walls.


    "Yeah, no one really comes down here unless they need to... and there's not really any reason to." replied Stick.


    They walked on in silence for a few more minutes until they came to an intersection. Stick led them left and down a short hallway that ended with a wall that had a large wooden door on it. "Here we are." Stick opened up the door and the party entered a wide room. Where the stonework ended, natural rock began. The mouth of the cave was wide, and began at a light incline. Torches hung in rings along the manufactured walls, and a faint glow came from deep within the cave. "Let's go." Stick then grabbed a torch off the wall and proceeded to enter the cave.


    "Huh... I wonder what got into him all of the sudden..." Knight mutters to no one in particular, while Tanuchan and Riven follow with slightly perplexed looks.

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