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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Lady Celes Crusader

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Posts posted by Lady Celes Crusader

  1. Discouraging! Poor wretches plagues!




    A lonely traveller, who should never had thethirst to achieve a noble goal. Since then, he had thirst each single hour and became a mercenary.




    The dark vagabond fless his disastrous past, traversing the savages realms in his quest for an ultimate Redemption...




    Utopia! Lies!




    The acts were unforgivable : only their signification were justifiable.




    His feet lead him in a vast forest, lyric kingdom of serenity. A dark lake, with several islands scattered on, speads majestly before him.




    He was blinded by so many pacifist symbols: "If only I succomb in the temple od purity, at least I'll be brought under the silent shadow of a poplar, and the tender herb will be moawned and there they'll sculpt an lovable icon of myself.




    Impossible! To take a well deserve rest, he must remain on more humble thoughts and leave the sad life he had started with grace to ended that way.




    Then, all worries dissapeared in his heart : he erected, here, with the simple blow of his enlightned fantasy a crystal palace of an universal gentleness: an hymn to Unforgivable Forgiveness.




    They were born, nymphes in the wood and in the sourcesm on the flowers and the leaves and the shadow, quiet sentinel to the sleeping virgins, fragile dewdrop in a perillous destiny... lovely and forever beautiful.




    Incounscious in the huge ocean within which his forest was an island among many others. He suprises the Nymphes with white hands in the shadowed sites of his fantasy for begging a sweet kiss, to play with their fingers, to make run on their white shoulders a delicate shiver with a bite as hard as lips can give...




    The visions are gone!




    It is time to take the road of the ondulating valley. A sword, gift from the svelt elves, hangs to its golden belt. To the eternal guardian trees of these fairy-like places and to the flowers, transitory beauties forever immortal, he promised to come back to to take care of his thoughts




    The dryades, mysterious waltz between the intertwined branches and small bushes, said their way: "Farewell, master".




    This is how he went to the roads of War again... in a paternal goal, to protect the children of the Crystal Lair.








    March 2000






    Tanslator note: This is traduced to the best of my capabilities. This time, I've used Babelfish for some words that I wasn't sure or totally don't know the English transaltion. Of course, revise is always welcome - Celes Crusader

  2. Je vis dans un pays où la nature s'habille de son manteau de neige, où les arbres se dévêtissent pour dormir, où la chaleur du soleil laisse place au froid de l'Arctique, où les jours sont brefs et les nuits s'éternisent. Les oiseaux aux âmes de voyageurs ont quittés ces terres dénudées pour des cieux ensoleillés depuis bien longtemps. La neige revêt les arbres de ses blancs flocons qui reflètent mille couleurs sous la lumière nocturne.




    Dans la campagne silencieuse, je me promène dans ce paysage endormi. Le bruit de mes pas dans la neige m'accompagne dans mes songes et ma solitude. Le froid fait rougir mon nez et mes joues tandis que mon souffle chaud se fait visible tel une fumée de cigarette.




    Un monde rempli de splendeurs et de magie, s'anime dans ce paysage féérique que je souille à chaque pas. Des souvenirs d'enfance se réveille en mon âme nostalgique. Je me revois en train de construire mon château de neige en vue de la prochaine bataille de boule de neige. Je me revois émerveillée devant ce paysage irréel.




    Hélas, l'épuisement me ramène à la réalité. Je me devais de retourner sur mes pas et revenir dans mon foyer douillet dans lequel je m'endomirais en rêvant à mon pays d'hiver.




    Celes Crusader


    Décembre 2001


    Edité(e)(s) par: Lady Celes Crusader  à: 12/3/01 11:18:13 pm

  3. OOC: You're French is way better than you think, dear Wyvern. There's still the gender rule that slips a bit but it is one of the hardest French grammar rules. The reasons for words gender is only "pronunciations esthetics". So, "chaise" is feminine because "une chaise" sounds better than "un chaise".


    IC: Celes appreciates the delicious cheese assortment and wine.


    - C'est un vin au goût bien corsé comme je les aime.


    She smiles thinking about Jechum's "good time" with Melba and chuckles. When she sees that her application is accepted she smiles.


    - Merci Vénérable maître. Il me fera plaisir de donner mes œuvres au Pen.


    She keeps drinking and feasting with Wyvern.



    OOC: Thank you. I'll shall write and translate works and roleplay along. Don't worry, my replies wont always be in french

  4. Well let's do it in both language in a special way:




    A young looking lady walks over the French Pub of the Might Pen Faubourg and looks at the place. She then pulls out a paper out of a pocket on her floating blue dress and reads it for the 10th times.


    - Ça doit être le bon endroit, she thinks to herself, Allons voir.


    She walks in and sees that Arlequin had already exposed some of his works.


    - Bon, je vois que cet bel et bien la bonne place puisque Arlequin y est déjà passé.


    She looks at the people who tries to decipher the french guy pen works and chuckles a bit. She then writes her thoughts on another piece of paper and pins them nearby Arlequin's.


    She then take on of Arlequin's work and proceeds to translate it.


    - Hum... Comment devrais-je le dire en anglais? C'est pas évident de traduire ce mot-là.


    Slowly, line by line, the translation takes its shapes and Celes brings Arlequin's text and translation back where they belong. She then procedes to translate more of Arlequin's work and her own work.


    She was about to take of the wall Arlequin's third work when a gentleman approaches her.


    - Mademoiselle, he said, pardonnez mon mauvais français mais vous devez allez voir le Elder.


    Celes looks at the gentleman with an intrigued look.


    - Ahhhh????, she replies in wonder, il faut que j'aille voir l'Elder pour écrire des trucs ici? Arlequin ne me l'a pas dit. Ah lalalala, c'est pas malin ça!


    - Mademoiselle, Monsieur Arlequin did forget to introduce himself to the Elder as well.


    She then chuckles.


    - Vraiment? Je le lui rappellerait quand je le reverrait. Je suis Celes Crusader et vous êtes....


    The gentleman raises an eyebrow, trying to understand the lady's babbling and realizes that she asks for his name.


    - How rude of me to not introduce myself earlier. I am Jechum.


    - Enchantée de faire votre connaissance. Alors, où doit-je rencontrer votre Elder?


    - Hum... I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I understood what you've just said.


    - Where I should meet your Elder?


    - Oh. Follow me my dear.


    Jechum leads the way to Wyvern's office, within which Celes waits for his arrival by singing some French songs.




    Hehehehe better?

  5. Translation of Arlequin's texte




    [Text] - Mental Torture




    I'm observing you. I'm discerning within your eyes the hatred that is hidden in your precious gestures.




    I'm listening to you. I know the terrible darkness of your past that is hidden behind your skillful lies.




    I'm waiting for you at the frontier of madness.




    I'm savoring the suffering of your spirit, your desir to solve this enigma. It is in the darkest abysses in your soul that I'm laired. Within these darkness, I'm patiently waiting for the moment when your eyes will open and when you'll realize that it is only by my will that you breathe. Because I am The Consciousness of Your Past and you are a puppet who dances at the sound of my melody.






    January 2001




    (thank to Warhammer's Battle)




    Translator's note: This is again, translated at the best of my abilities. Feel free to revise it. - Celes Crusader

  6. Transaltor note: This is translated at the best of my capabilities. Feel free to correct my mistakes - Celes Crusader




    As guided we build


    A city made of white marble


    Blood sunset are the walls


    So we called it Purple Town


    The town enriches and propers


    None pillager ever threatened it.




    Carelessly, the Shadow sleeps


    Hiden in its eternal dungeon


    And, we awakened it


    So she can free us


    Of our self-sufficiency (?)


    We despaired.




    So, we forged weapons


    and, learned the art of Magic


    From our forges Sword were borned


    From our libraries, balls of fire


    Its words brought bloody battles


    Its victories brought short-lived glory.




    But, the Shadow dispised us all


    Men, Elves and Dwarves


    Dragons, Elements and Angels


    Our inferiority digusted it


    Our feelings repulsed it


    Only our wars entertained it.




    Haunted by its crueled Counscience


    On a morning, the Shadow left


    Alone within the world


    Armed wiht its broken sword


    Last heir of the Ancient Times


    Looking for its forgotten past.




    An dwarven master it saved


    Of all his knowledge, the sword is reforged


    But sad was her surprise


    Lost since milleniums


    The Funest Sword of the Black Thorns


    Reappeared in the Abyss of Times.




    From the heights of its Ivory Tower


    Its own Conscience


    The Shadow fought


    Then, it obtained the thruth


    And in our dark dreams


    We feared it.




    Dressed in a patchwork of colored silk


    And wearing a mask on its face


    This Shadow at fight leads us


    For our ennemies we fight


    Arlequin, save our souls, hear our prayers


    Tomorrow beneath Earth we will rest.






    December 2000


  7. 1. La rupture, c'est comme un univers qui s'écroule sur toi et qui forme un tunnel noir, qui suscite la douleur au plus profond de soi. Mais, quand on en sort, on en sort grandi et meurtri et plus rien ne sera pareille.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    2. La mort est une raison de vivre, la vie est une raison de mourrir.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    3. Seule, loin de celui que j'aime, je tente de le rejoindre par les songes, me demandant s'il va bien.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    4. Le monde d'aujourd'hui est en train de basculer dans le matérialisme qui mènera tôt ou tard à un révolution des peuples pauvres contre les riches.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    5. Pour être exceptionnel, il suffit d'être soi-même.


    Celes Crusader (1997)




    6. Aimer et être aimer me suffit pour me garder vivante.


    Celes Crusader (2001)




    Translations: Thoughts of an enraged youg girl




    1. Break-ups, its like a universe that collapses on you and that shapes into a drak tunnel, that makes you feel suffering from the deepest of yourself. But, when you got out of if, we're growned and weart and nothing will be the same.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    Comments: Naivety and biterness impregnated that thought.




    2. Death is a reason to live, life is a reason to die.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    Comments: Life have been a struggle for me and it was especially true at that time. Back then, I've started to learn about physolophy, but also, to doubt about my future.




    3. Alone, far away from the one I love, I'm trying to reach him with my dreams, asking myself if he's fine.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    Comments: Self-explanatory




    4. Today's world is falling into materialism that will lead sooner or later to a riot of the poor people against the rich.


    Celes Crusader (1994)




    Comments: This one freaks me out. I've written this way before the expression "Society of consumption" exists. I definatly thinking of starting a new psychic line




    5. To be exceptionnal, you only need to be yourself.


    Celes Crusader (1997)




    Comments: 3 years later, some wisdom finally kicks in. That's my integrity motto.




    6. To love and being loved only suffice to keep me alive.


    Celes Crusader (2001)




    Comments: That's the walking heart part of me. I guess my new love with Styler helps me to find a sentimental serenity.


    Edité(e)(s) par: Lady Celes Crusader  à: 11/25/01 12:34:57 am

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