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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Gyrfalcon

  1. Gyrfalcon nodded silently, eyes intent on Myth, but taking in Timothy and Y'Tren as well


    Finally, he broke his silence.


    "Timothy has a point- at the very least, we can find the Well, working together. Seperately, neither of our groups can find the Well, and we'd no doubt kill each other off, trying to wrest the pieces from their current owners."


    And lets not forget the slayers, the supposed paladin, the charasmatic one, and the priestess... they are still out there... Gyrfalcon added to himself.

  2. Last Guardian: Ah... that might explain it. ^_^ (You see, I drifted away from the World of Two Skies for a long time (I hate Delphi), and thus I was unaware about that point.) *reads the character bio* Ooo... okay. You know, it'd be interesting to have Gyr meet her. *watches 6-year old girl charm a dangerous animal thats rather unimpressed with rangers and their bond with nature* Gyr: How'd you do that? M'shaire: *giggle* Its easy! Gyr: *blinks* Maybe for you, little one, maybe for you...


    Demon units: Ah, that clears it up for me. *peruses the story*


    Perhaps here?


    " So did Takhisis, goddess of evil, rip a hole through space into the little planet’s reality, sending through it a hoard of her most destructive demons. The nightmare creatures had only one order: to destroy everything in their path. Truly, they reveled in their duty. Alone and helpless, the childlike world was left to watch and weep as the demons blazed a destructive trail across her beautiful lands, slaying her creatures and burning her verdant forests and flowered plains to black ash."


    "So did Takhisis, goddess of evil, rip a hole through space into the little planet's reality, a passage from a small, unimportant world that was a bastion of her worship. From that world she sent through the Rift a legion of her most destructive demons, raised and commanded by her most ardent priests."


    That explains why the demons didn't rip apart most of the worlds they came from, organizes them into units, and gives Takharsis some control over the demons. (who are chaotic and thus extremely difficult to control if they are left to their own devices (and this is even for a goddess))


    Understanding: Yah, its no problem- my concerns really only affected how the heck Gyr would have gotten there if demons had been ravaging Terra on their way to the World of Two Skies. ^_^


    Spinoff stories: Yay! I'll keep watch for the story of the refugees. =)


    FF 6: You should play it- it is the *best* RPGs ever released for the Super Nintendo (and if you can deal with the long load times, you can get it for a Playstation (or Playstation 2) under the title of Final Fantasy Anthology)


    Granted, playtime is limited by work. Still, if you should find yourself with a few spare hours and whatnot, you might want to give it a try. ^_^


    Espers/Guardians: Yes, it indeed turns out to be a small world. ^_^ (Though the espers rarely *had* hair, and usually not green. (for example, you had a dragon (Bahamut), a war machine (Alexander), a cat (Stray), and a rock-guy (Maduin) Only the cat has fur, and that was black. *grin*) Thus, Terra was somewhat unique in her hair-color.


    And 'tis no debt at all, Yui-chan, you are more then welcome. *smiles*

    Edited by: Gyrfalcon25 at: 4/11/02 12:17:03 pm

  3. Gyrfalcon shifts himself up onto the log from where he had been sprawled out, then leans forward to listen intently. At his feet, Canid naps on a small pile of moss she had grown there, though by the way her ears perk and twitch at Adelaide's words, she was most likely awake and listening just as intently. A large fox jumps onto the log by Gyrfalcon and curls up, tail over his nose- Daryl, the werefox, currently enjoying his fox form. Over the tip of his tail, golden eyes collect the light of the campfire and send the light at Adelaide as he watches, ears pointed in her direction to hear best.




    First: sorry if you don't like your placement, Canid- feel free to tell me, and you can disappear elsewhere. ^_^


    Second: I'll be reading with great interest, Adelaide. *smiles*

  4. Okay, feedback as desired, Yui-chan. *smiles*


    Third section (or post):


    "He was magnificent, muscular and about six-foot tall, with golden skin and pale..."


    I don't know, it might just be a writing style difference, but since this is a legend, wouldn't the storyteller know, or at least pretend to know, more?


    "he was near six feet tall..." or something similar. The word 'about' makes it sound like the storyteller isn't quite sure herself how tall he was.


    "...the plain was littered with tens of thousands of the green-haired warriors..."


    I dunno, the word 'littered' always makes me think of trash or something that is not of great value. Perhaps a good word to put in its place is 'filled' or 'covered'.


    "...the plain was covered with tens of thousands of the green-haired warriors..."




    "...the plain was filled with tens of thousands of the green-haired warriors..."


    Though I note that filled makes it sound like an enclosed room, when they are out under the open air.


    Fourth section:


    " The First Demon War lasted ten years, and hundreds of rifts were ripped open to bring more of the demons into the land."


    Was their another Demon War? More then one? Are they gone into? did they happen one after another, or with long stretches between them? Perhaps dropping the first from the sentence would clear up the questions.


    "Each time, the Guardians fought them, and each time they won, though plagued by casualties."


    No real ideas on how to replace this, but the wording almost makes it sound like the casualties were of minor consequence.




    "Each time, the Guardians fought them, and each time they won, though they suffered the loss of their friends and comrades."?


    And finally,


    "You see, each of the Rifts through which the demon hoards came stands open still, a doorway to a different dimension."


    But wouldn't each rift lead to a dimension of demons? Why would not all the rifts lead to the same dimension of demons? Some sort of explanation is needed to tell why the Rifts lead all over the multiverse now, and not to one plane of existence. (Because if you've ever read Raymond E. Feist's Serpent War Saga, demons don't exactly leave anything alive on the worlds they visit, and those worlds wouldn't have life on them for a long, long time after the demons had been there.)




    Well written and excellently presented, Yui-chan. I enjoy the story and like how you blended the history of the World of Two Skies into a story being told around a fire.


    One thing I found intriguing was these lines:


    "She often could not shake the feeling that the thoughts were not hers - were never hers - that the story had a kind of power over her. Yet she knew that was ridiculous."


    It always leads me to think that the World is speaking her history to the storyteller, and speaking through the storyteller to tell her history to the listeners. And if the World is speaking to the storyteller, there is the hope that they will find a way to the World of Two Skies.


    Outside the story, this legend seems to lead off into two directions (for the purposes of writing more stories)


    1) What ever happened to the last Guardian? That could be a whole epic quest by itself.


    2) What will happen to the refugees? What are they fleeing from? Will they make it to the World of Two Skies?


    And finally: did you base the Guardians off of Terra from Final Fantasy VI? I just notice that Terra has green hair, is half-Esper, these people have green hair, are Esper-ish... ^_^

    Edited by: Gyrfalcon25 at: 4/10/02 12:58:48 pm

  5. Gyrfalcon looked up, startled, as Ozymandias sat down across from him.


    "Greetings, Lord Ozymandias." He said, his Legion programming kicking in.


    Ozymandias frowned, then reached over and pressed the small toggle behind one of Gyrfalcon's slightly pointed ears. Gyrfalcon shook his head for a moment, then nodded.


    "Thanks, Ozy, the programming prohibits us from turning off the Politeness and Honour protocols. Thats a relief- 72 hours under programming started to get to the shards of my sanity." Gyr said with a smile.


    Ozy nodded with a slight shudder "So, why'd you join this honor-bound lot, anyway?"


    Gyrfalcon smiled "Momentary insanity and quite a few of my friends are members."


    Ozy grimaced "Momentary insanity leads to the Angels of the Apocolypse, *not* the Legion, Falcon."


    Gyr grinned "Very well, then, long-term insanity. Anyway, you asked about this artifact?" Ozy nodded silently. "It's... well, I'm not sure *what* it is. I know that its made of a material I've never encountered before, which is extremely hard." He gestered to a small diamond on the table "It took the point off of the diamond, and only adamantite does that. But this isn't adamantite." He shook his head. "It is one artifact of many, meant to join together. I don't know what it does alone, nor what they are meant to do together. I have a suspicion, but..." Gyrfalcon trailed off.


    "A suspicion of what?" Ozy asked, his interest piqued.


    "Do you remember the wars fought against me a long time ago?


    Ozy shook his head "I was taking a vacation that year. Sounded like I was lucky to do so."


    Gyr smiled "Ah, that explains it... well, towards the end of the war, I had been freed from the demon who possessed me, and together with the most powerful of the resistence mages, saw the coming of a being called Chaos... he is incredibly powerful, and evil to the core, at least in my belief. Well... I think this item is one of several, meant to summon Chaos to Terra. And given that he nearly destroyed Terra last time...


    Ozymandias finished the thought "Having him back this time is not good."


    Gyrfalcon nodded slowly "Exactly."

  6. *Gyr grins to have a pair of his own quotes included in there*


    I like them all. ^_^ Granted, maybe because they happen to fit my worldview in most cases. (Perhaps not setting someone on fire to keep them warm for the rest of their life.... not when you can set the city on fire and help so many other poor souls! *evil laughter*)

  7. Gyrfalcon sat back to let Timothy and Myth duel verbally, Kaleyra sitting next to him, lost in one of her books for the moment. Still tired, Gyrfalcon found it easy to drift back and think over the day, remembering but not listening to the conversation…


    The morning had been almost incongruously bright when I finally clawed my way awake. Then I realized why- it was around noon. Put it down to traveling so long, straight into the night. Ah, but I had needed that rest. I'd not mind a few more hours, but I'd rather wash up and eat.


    And there is Timothy, head buried under his pillow. Heh, guess he doesn't like the sun enough to rise so early to greet it. Well, he can get breakfast, lunch or dinner, whenever he finally stumbles down.


    Ahhhh, Ow! Bleh, sore muscles. Well, a hot bath will loosen them up for the day.


    A long bath and a good meal later, I headed out into the city. Only one place Kaleyra would end up- where the most books where. And that meant the library. Its all in the approach on how you talk to people… and who you talk to. A common laborer or a butcher probably wouldn't know, and jawing with some strange person isn't going to get the job done. But talk to the right people- the owner of a fine inn catering to nobles, and act enough like his clientele, and it becomes easy.


    And there the library is. And just opening? Geeze, these people really have trouble getting up in the mornings…


    "There should be a winged woman in here, named Kaleyra? Where is she?" I asked the head librarian, and the old woman looked relieved. "You're a friend of hers, aye?" she asked, and I noticed she had faint traces of ink on her nose and cheek. Strange, but pause to cover a sneeze when you're a slightly messy writer and it happens.


    "Yes, I am." I answered, and she pointed at the back corner of the library "I think she's over there- she's been here all night."


    How true it was- I found Kaleyra asleep, her head on her arms, a pair of spectacles next to her elbow, as if she had taken them off to rub her eyes, and one thing led to another and into sleep. Despite that, she had closed her books and capped her inkwell… perhaps when she was asleep. The scholar is as fanatical about books as I am about keeping my sword forms sharp.


    I put my hand on her shoulder and she starts awake, then stares at me before asking "What are you doing here?" I explained how the decision worked out, and she nodded briskly.


    "So, I came here to find you. Lets go and get you some food, then we can come back to let you research some more." I said, and she agreed only reluctantly. I guess she's even MORE fanatical about research then I am about sword forms. Food comes before extra practice, at least for me!


    We came back, and Kaleyra dove back into her research. I managed to find a book on a form of swordsmanship I've never heard of before. Too bad that it was inaccurate and full of speculation, but I'll live. You'll never convince me that people can fight with this 'rapier' though!


    Well, night started falling, and that meant we had to head for the meeting place. I never saw a librarian look so relieved as when Kaleyra passed through those doors…


    And so here we are, Kaleyra reading, this Y'Tren watching as I am, and Myth and Timothy sparring with words…


    Gyrfalcon's facial expression never changed as he ran through the day's events, and tuned back into the conversation, hoping that the sparring would end soon and the negotiations would start in earnest.

  8. Jheric sat back and considered Bhurin once again as he looked into the fires of his eyes. Jheric had always know that Bhurin could be dangerous, just as they all could... but he didn't know that the winged man had these reserves of power and belief in him. We learn something new about each other every day... Jheric thought to himself.


    Suddenly, as Justin finished speaking, Balladore pointed at Jheric. "Your vote?" he asked.


    Jheric blinked in surprise, not having expected to be called on so quickly. He ran through the pros and cons, and decided...


    He decided that *anything* was better then going through that gods-cursed forest again, and with a druid and himself providing magical support, and the others to keep them safe, whatever fight they would have to go through would be over quick.


    Jheric nodded to himself, then looked at the rest of the group. "Let's fight. Though I do have to wonder... who or what will be the other team? And will we have to kill them?" Jheric's voice was steady, only a slight undercurrent of excitement coming through in it as he thought of the upcoming battle.

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