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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Minta Rose


Posts: 16

(10/17/01 6:09:41 pm)

Reply Prequel


(Retrieved by IRC by request of its author, and of a plurality of witnesses. Edited from IRC format to story format with permission of its savior. Comments from Dragcor Warwick, and Wyvern have been left in.)


The boys had been gone for a couple of hours and the sun was burning hotly. He missed the old days when the mountains were still there to give shade through the first half of the day. Although they'd built in a valley that remained when the Hellers had disappeared, a valley narrow enough the Red-Gold dragon to the north would have difficulty landing, the sun's warmth was unpleasant.

<Dragcor> (as was the smell of the little brother)

He Spoke to the elemental, and it began pulling the plow through the thick soil, occasionally bumping on a rock. He swore each time it hit one - it seemed as though no matter how many times he'd plowed this land

there were still rocks to bump. Each jolt rattled the long sword strapped to the plow's handle and threatened to jostle it from its sheath.

Occasionally, Mother would come to the door, looking fondly at the swearing sweaty man she'd followed this far back into the mountains, and then pause to look anxiously for her boys. The Triplets had gone hunting earlier, and in a rare mood of generosity, had taken the Red with them. It wasn't often that Red was allowed to tag along after his older brothers.

<Wyvern> Ooo! Ooo! Prequel!

She queried the trees and received no word of her boys. She had to be carefully literal - trees didn't add or subtract anything from a question. She went back inside to work on boiling a batch of sap to line the well-tanned leather bags hanging in the tanning shed. A trader was scheduled to be coming back through sometime in the next week to buy some more 'water-skins'.

Out in the field, Father paused again, scanning the sky and then the tree line methodically. He'd had an uneasy feeling since the boys left at dawn's light. If the feeling didn't let up soon, he and Mother might have to try a scrying spell – He’d learned the hard way over too many years not to ignored unexplained feelings.

A bird flew up suddenly from a pine. Father stopped the elemental and reflexively drew his sword.


A wave of Darkness rolled from the tree line. A counter-spell leapt from his lips as he Gestured with his blade - to no avail.

Wyvern turns and shuts his eyes.

"Tharm's Brass Balls," he exclaimed, "Clerical!"

He began another spell cut-off suddenly in mid-Word as Silence masked all sounds.


In total darkness, unable to hear his enemies, he began backing toward the house with sword ready. If he could link up with Mother, they’d show these Clerics a thing or two…


Inside the House, Mother turned as all the windows on one side went dark. Rushing to the door, she queried the trees softly. Aghast at the reply, she Spoke sharply to them.

"Fifty!" she drew a horrified breath. "Oh my sweet love!"

Wyvern sobs.

She rushed out from the house, hands already glowing as she raised power and Power. Grass whipped around attacking legs and Trees fought to uproot suddenly lithe roots.


Out in the Darkness, he felt the Waves of Terror wash around and threw him. Even knowing they were an attack, he felt his bladder clench and release spasmodically. He threw all concentration into his Mage Mind and allowed it to buffer the attacks, coldly noting the flaming Horns that bobbed terrifyingly through the dark. The Horns loomed alarmingly. Even through the ultra-rational Mage Mind, he felt a chill for his wife as he recognized who’s Clerics these were.

"Visible Horns mean Targets" his Mage Mind reminded him as he relaxed his body into the familiar patterns of Sword Dance. Parrying invisible blades by instinct, He felt a spear thrust into his side. Grasping the handle, he pulled himself along the shaft and hewed the spear-holder.


The Silence lifted as the Horned marauder fell.


The harsh sounds of breathing and the clamor of weapons filled the air as he spun and thrust. He took more wounds but ignored them, determined to go down with as many enemies as he could take with him.

At last he lay cold, sword slipping from his nerveless grasp.


One last absurd thought flitted through his mind, bringing a quirky smile as he died. “All the bodies should make Mother happy at the fresh fertilizer.”


She felt him die.


Her scream crescendoed and transformed into hissing sibilant Words. The lead wave of helmed marauders met a sheeting wave of acid. Their screams bubbled through dissolving throats, cut off quickly by the streams of fiery pitch that followed.


Recovering from the surprise, one of the spear-wielding invaders managed to impose Silence on the Magess.


After the ritual rapes, they ensured exacting their vengeance took a long time to kill her...




Returning from the hunt, the boys topped the ridge and saw the plume of smoke. Slipping into run, they tumbled down the path toward the ruins of their homestead.


It was a scene of grief and blood that greeted their eyes...


Peredhil ends the prequel, and that is where the Gaming session began...

Wyvern continues sobbing at the death of his beloved parents...


And THIS is where YOU came in...

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 256

(10/18/01 4:39:17 am)

Reply Ack!


Peredhil looks back over his writing and notices all the grammatical and spelling errors.


He hopes that the story still makes sense to the hardy few that can wade through it.

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Dragcor Warwick


Posts: 16

(10/19/01 4:36:49 am)

Reply Re: Ack!


hey, it wasnt me, i think my accounting actually went up, of course, im basing that on the fact im currently the only one without a new hole in me or unconcious, but still

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 267

(10/19/01 7:40:17 am)

Reply A word of explanation


Bows to the Huntress


Recently, in Real Life, Ozymandias Dragcor and Wyvern gathered at my house to play FARS (my RP system).

They were nice enough to let my middle son play with them.


The started the play as fraternal triplets returning from a hunt with a couple of dead deer, accompanied by their tag-a-long little brother, 'Red'. (So named for his fiery hair and temper.)


On return, they found their parents dead.


The Prequil was an attempt to give the Players a bit more insight into their Character's parents and their last stand.


I was really really pleased at the way the three of them, although never having met in RL before, were able to step into a totally foreign setting with atypical rules and play so well!

Their brotherly banter back and forth reminded me at times of Edding's Belgariad.

All three of them, in D&D terms, are high level Role Players.


I look forward to the next time we meet.


If there's enough interest, we might be motivated to post summations of the play here at the Pen, although some of it you'd just have to be there to appreciate.

Peredhil thinks of the tall Wyvern, crowned with a mane of black hair and eyes flashing, gesturing his distress and rage at his parent's death and wonders HOW you could describe it adequately.

Or Ozymandias frowning in concentration as he tries to lead the group and get them to cooperate - based on the fact he's oldest by 32 seconds.

Or Dragcor moving the rubble of the house to build a cairn over their parents grave, handling immense boulder in an icy rage.

How can you really do Live Play justice?


Edited by: peredhil31 at: 11/1/01 11:29:36 am

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Ozymandias the Elder

The Founder

Posts: 75

(10/21/01 7:55:37 pm)

Reply Re: A word of explanation


One way or another, it promises to be interesting. I like this beginning.

Cat *is* a little full of himself, isn't he?

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