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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Degenero Angelus


Posts: 14

(11/15/01 5:43:33 pm)

Reply Fading


Well . .I'm not really known for my stories, and there's probably a good reason for that, but here goes anyway.




The wind rustles through the trees, the sky, blue and black, filled with stars. A cold winter night, sometime in late December. Here and there a twig would crunch, snow being packed down under the weight of some animal or another. Small clearings dotted the forest's floor, and in one, a man stood with his sword, seeming forged from fire, in his hand, looking as if to challenge the gods themselves. Tall, with red hair, black eyes, and a body built like he was made for the sword, he was a blademaster, dancing like the wind as he fought. He was a handsome man, somewhere in his mid twenties.


Bodies lay on the ground about him, bloodied and burnt from his magical weapon. Only one enemy was left standing, a man nearly as tall as he, with black hair, dressed in deep blue. He too was a blademaster, though he fought with steel. He stared at the other man with contempt, hatred in his blue eyes.


One other person was in the clearing that night, a small boy with the deepest blue eys, wearing completely black, with black hair. Sitting on a stump on the edge of the clearing he watched the battle with disinterest, reading his spellbook more often than not. Stopping whenever someone was killed to offer a prayer.


The two swordman lunged at each other in the same moment, blade on blade, steel on flame, one after the other. Blows flew, cuts appeared on both mens faces untill only one was left standing.


((To be continued))

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Degenero Angelus


Posts: 17

(11/18/01 8:51:22 am)

Reply Re:Fading


The small boy closed his book suddenly and stood up.

"Good job, Scott. I should have known, though, you always win." The man who had been left standing looked at the boy and grinned.

"Of course I do, Nat, of course I do. Now, can you heal these cuts, this one under my eye kind of hurts." He pointed to a large cut under his eye, and a lot of blood was running down his face from it. Natanis, 'Nat', replied, "Sure Scott, as usual."

The boy walked over to the older man, placed his hands on his forehead and said a few words. The cut sealed up and the blood vanished from Scott's face.

"Thanks kid, now lets go back to camp and have your sister cook us something nice, eh?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."


The path back to their camp was pretty clear, not too rough, but the sky was beautiful, each star could be seen, a perfectly clear night, only accentuated by the trees covered in snow. It really was an awesome site, and, as they came over the last hill, they saw the campfire lighting the valley below. A very pretty girl stood near it, apparently cooking meat of some sort. Natanis started running, and, as he got to her, he hugged her for long minutes.

"Ana! I missed you. You should come watch Scott fight some time, he really is amazing."

"Now kid, you know I don't really like that, but sometime maybe . . " She trailed off as Scott got to the camp.

He looked at her and smiled, and she gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Ana... I missed you today. I wish you would have been there. Oh well. What's cooking?"

She smiled and pulled her arm away from him. "A rabbit I got today, I'm stewing it. Now, don't give me that face." Scott had acted like he was throwing up, he didn't like stewed rabbit.

"Sorry, but you know I don't like stewed rabbit." He frowned and she giggled at him.

"Ahhh, you're so cute! I know you don't like it, but you have to eat, and there haven't been many animals around this winter. So eat what I give you and be glad you have that much." She gave him another kiss and they all went to eat.

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Degenero Angelus


Posts: 18

(11/22/01 6:20:59 pm)

Reply Re:Fading


It was no small wonder he woke up in the night, the wolves howling, and birds chirping. But none of that was what really woke him. The fire had gone out and he was cold, Ana and Scott had all the blankets, he had just his robes, and silk is certainly not warm, and the fire, to keep him warm.

Frowning decidedly, he looked for his spellbook so that he could restart the fire. He looked about, in his tent, by the root cellar, even in Ana and Scott's tent.

"Well, I guess I wont find it," he said. Just as he said that he saw something lying near the edge of the forest, and he went to inspect it. He hurried over and picked it up, it was his spellbook, after all, and smiled as his hand touched the cold runes on the covers and end.

"Now, to get this fire started," the simple incantations were not hard, and soon he had a blazing fire burning. He sat down to read, and as he did, a man came out of HIS tent.

Not a particularly big man, he seemed built more for speed. With a short sword strapped on his back and daggers in his boots, maybe even a theif. Natanis could never tell the different between normal losers and ones that stole from people.

"Have a seat, sir," the boy motioned to the rock near to him.

"No thanks kid, I dunno who the hell you are, and I certainly don't want anything to do with mages, so, if you don't mind, I'll be staying standing."

"As you wish, but I advise you not to wake Scott. So, why are you here? Going to rob me, sir? A poor helpless child mage, his sister, and her lover?"

"No kid I'm not gon- . . STOP!" It was too late. By the time the man realized what the boy mage was doing he was already asleep.

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