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Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


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Posts: 9

(10/28/01 9:40:27 pm)

Reply Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


The Elven mother and her two children walked outside on the beautiful fall day. The cold nipped at them, challenging their willpower, as it was on account of Aurora’s husband who was away that they were outside on a day like this, planting bulbs for spring. Aurora’s husband, Balladore, was a druid who was away on an application trip to a writer’s guild, the most prestigious in the land, and probably wouldn’t be back for another week. The walls around the village where they lived were high, and there were plenty of people to take care of them while he was away, so she had given her consent to him applying.


He loved to write, after all, and was up many a night composing songs, poems, ballads, and stories… it was one of the things that had attracted her to him in the first place. She could still remember the first story he ever told her, when they had first met out in the forest… they had to spend the night out there, for it was a 3 day’s walk back to camp… he had been praying to Nature, and meditating, and she had been out with a foraging party for the Elven village’s spring festival, which she had invited him to… They had made camp in the forest that night, and he had spent the night in her tent, though nothing had happened between them… not yet, anyway.


On the cold air, her breath appeared like steam as she sighed… time to stop wishing he were here and get to work. The children and her walked out to their little flower garden, which was always tended by him when he was here- concentrate, Aurora. They came to the frosty garden and the children dug into the ground with their spades, while Aurora placed in the bulbs. They were actually doing quiet well, the Tulips almost planted, until it came.


Arrows hailed down on the camp from the walls above. Screams came from everywhere, and Aurora herself fell, caught in the chest with one. She gasped, and fell to her knees. The children screamed and ran to her, and she gave them her final instructions:


“Lutra, Mossflower, go! Run, save yourselves! I’ll be right behind you, children… I just have to get something out of the house. Now listen to me, go out the east gate and into the forest. Go to our alcove, where your father showed us. I’ll meet you there in a moment, just go…” her voice trailed off, and with one last sob, they went, with the boy (Lutra) in the lead. The kept low, like they had been taught, and made their way to the east gate… they checked for enemies outside before leaving, but saw none. Silently, they eased open the gate and took their leave, with tears streaming unchecked down their faces the whole way.

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Posts: 10

(10/31/01 11:07:04 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


On and on, Faster and faster he ran, carrying his sobbing sister the entire way... his feet pounded the ground silently, as only elves can manage. Faster... faster... He ran until he could run no more, and as luck would have it he collapsed by a brook.


Mossflower climbed down off of her brother's back, and cupped some water in her hands for him to drink. She was still crying, but silently for fear that the raiders could hear her somehow. She had only been fooled by her mother saying that she would be "right behind them" for a moment. Now, she was angry... she realized what they had done... and she would declare a Bloodfeud.


A Bloodfeud could only be declared at the wrongful loss of lives... And this certainly qualified. They would have to change their names, and adopt the way of the Elven Ranger... it was a title aspired to by their entire clan- the rangers were renowned for their Archery, scouting, stealth, and fighting ability... but they could make it. They had both had classes from their mother in Archery, and were quite good. Both had keen eyesight and could blend in to any backdrop- in fact, they were so much alike they were often mistaken for twins.


Lutra recovered, and said the exact same thing that Mossflower had been thinking: "Moss... do you think we should consider... appealing for a feud?"


"Yes... soon... we have to get to the council... and we should choose our names... You know the rules as well as I do- and don't even think that we won't get accpeted... there's no way that this won't qualify."


"Fine," he said, without questioning how she had known what he was thinking... they always had had a sort of... connection... She could even transmit immages to him, sometimes, but it seemed that this connection was the strongest at the extreme motions... Now it would be raging, at the death of their mother. The year before when the Dragon had attacked the camp and their father had gone out to Slay it, they had panicked and it had been almost as strong as it was now...


Lutra thought for a moment. It had to be a warrior's name, as all Ranger's were, and he could never use his old name again. He decided in an instant... he started the ritual:


"I, currently known as Lutra, claim the rank of Ranger to be tested at a later date. From this day onward, in my improved state, I shall be known as Battlewrath. Let this be sealed!"


At this last word, depictions of thorn bands encircled his biceps on both arms.


His sister began as the markings appeared, and became permenant:


"I, currently known as Mossflower, claim the rank of Ranger to be tested at a later date. From this day onward, in my improved state, I shall be known as Bladesong. Let this be sealed!" As she finished, her markings appeared- except they were Roses in a band on her biceps.


With this, they were both exhausted, and fell asleep under the nearest tree together.

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Posts: 11

(11/3/01 10:32:59 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


Finally, the next day, the two siblings trecked on towards the Elven council. They had to present a request there, and have it sponsored to the council by their representative, Blackstaff. They had dealt with him before when their father had taken it upon himself to slay the dragon, and that had caused some problems. Still, this was too large of an assault on the Elven kingdoms to be ignored by the council.


For 3 days they ran (not consecutively, of course), and finally reached Hillcrest, the meeting-place of the counicl; on the top of a hill stood a huge stone table, forged by the Elven King himself. Around this table stood 326 chairs; one for each of the representative of the various tribes throughout Terra, and one for the King himself. The position that the chair was at was directly related with how much power the tribe had; If you were near the king, you had very much power. Thus, the tribe's representative that had the least power sat directly across from the King. Of course, the table was so large that this Representative couldn't even see the King's eyes; Blackstaff's chair sat 18 from the king on the right, so the clan was considered high in power.


The two siblings sought out his tent, where he would probably be dressing for the council session that day (as it was held every day). They found it, and he was indeed inside preparing for council.


"We've come to declare a bloodfeud" said Battlewrath forewardly, and Blackstaff dropped the comb he was holding.


"E-excuse me?" He replied quaveringly, with surprise in his eyes. "Perhaps you should explain... come and sit here," he indicated a small table with 4 stools around it. The two elves took their seats and related the tale to Blackstaff, not forgetting the fact that they wanted to perform the trials to become Rangers.


When they had finished, Blackstaff sat astonished. "What is left?" he asked, after he regained his wits.


"We don't know... we didn't stay long enough to find out," replied Bladesong menacingly. "Look, you take this to council, and get it approved, no matter what it takes. Wrath and I will not sit still for this; action must be taken"


"Yes, you're quite right... though I don't know how the council will react to such a-"


"Get it approved, Blackstaff," Battlewrath interrupted, "or you won't have a clan left to represent."


And with that, Blackstaff gulped and exited the tent.


Soon after, the brother and sister exited themselves... there was one thing more to be dealt with this day-applying to become rangers.

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Posts: 13

(12/20/01 11:12:41 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


Bladesong and Battlewrate trooped out to the Ranger's training grounds... this was something they didn't know how to do... it was something they had always dreamed about, of course, but they had never actually thought about how it was done. They watched the archery range for a moment. Some of the elves there were worse shots then they, but the majority were far better.


They had several tests to pass, that was for sure... but who to talk to? As they pondered, someone came up behind Bladesong and was about to tap her on the shoulder when she sensed his presence, and whirled to meet him, with dagger drawn.


"Whoa, there, missy. Just what do you think you're doin' out here on the training grounds?"


"I'm Bladesong, and this is my brother, Battlewrath. We're here to become Rangers," she said straightforwardly... she had never liked to beat around the bush.


"Aye, so I see," the newcomer said while eyeing the elven stell that was still in the sister's hand, "and from the looks of it, ye won't have any troubles, either."


Battlewrath suppressed a smile, and politely asked who they were supposed to see about begining their training.


"Me," replied the stranger with a smile, "I'm the Rangemaster 'round here, and I'd appreciate it if you'd have that sister of yours put her dagger away before she loses it."


Battlewrath was about to nod to his sister in agreement with the stranger, but she had been insulted by his remark, and wasn't about to do anything that he said. "Lose it? And how exactly would that happen, Sire?" the last word she said mockingly, as if daring him to try something... he did just that.


With a neat flip kick, the dagger went soaring straight up into the air but a little behind the Rangemaster. He did a backflip to catch it and did, only to find the Elven girl standing over him with yet another dagger. "I may lose one, but with this one at your throat I wouldn't suggest moving any time soon."


"Sis! Put it away!" Battlewrath ran up behind his sister, and disarmed her. She glared at him, and if eyes could shoot the daggers she'd just lost, her brother would have been dead.

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Posts: 16

(12/24/01 10:49:07 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


"Follow me, please," said the Rangemaster, and the twins fell into step behind him.


"What'd you do that for, Moss?" Battlewrath thought at his sister, and the immediate reply came "What do you care?! He could've been a dark-elf for all we knew, and you were supporting HIM!"


"It's not my fault that you didn't look at the insignia on his arms, stupid!"


"Stupid, huh? We'll see who's stupid!" With this, she launched a kick into his chin, and jumped on top of him. Battlewrath performed a simple roll, and came up on top. His sister gave a fierce head-but, and dazed 'wrath so that he fell off of her. She was about to jump onto him again, when the Rangemaster finally realized what was going on behind him and snagged Bladesong by the hair at the top of her head, right where it hurts the most. She gave a scream at this, and flailed out vainly with her feet and legs, failing to connect with her captor.


"Enough of this! I said enough!" When the rebellious girl refused to comply, the rangemaster muttered a few encantations, and Bladesong fell to the earth, stiff as a board, paralyzed, right next to her brother who was still dazed from his sister's wrath.

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Posts: 17

(12/29/01 9:12:19 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


Balladore awoke in a sweat... the same dream had re-visited him, once again... For three nights now, it had been coming back. Their village, encircled in flames, people crawling to the top of the walls and diving off just to get out. There was no sign of his wife and daughters, and lately he had been sensing that something was wrong... Every time he looked at his portrait of Aurora, he had a deep, deep feeling of Sadness, and fear.


He got up, and dressed himself, checking for the Amulet that he wore every waking moment at his chest, and cloaked himself. He fetched his staff from the chest at the foot of his bed, and walked down the hall on the stone floors, with his staff clunking every other step.


As he entered the gardens, he found the boulder that blocked the entrance to his special place, and uttered a few magic words. The stone rolled aside, and granted him passage. The sky above was still dyed with oranges, reds, purples, and pinks from sunrise, and he knelt in the center of his druidic Circle, and prayed to the Lady Nature.


As he finished, he pushed himself up with the aid of his staff, and walked to the entrance of his vigilance chamber. He uttered the words again, and left... only to find a runner waiting for him at the entrance to the gardens. His heart immediately clouded over with foreboding at the sight of the messenger's face, and had it not been for his walking stick, he would have collapsed to his knees. The messenger walked forward and presented him with a piece of parchment. His hands trembled as he unrolled the scroll and read the writing.


He emitted a long, sorrowful sob. Now, he did collapse to his knees in the Gardens, and held his head in his hands. He wept, and wept, leaving the helpless herald to stand by and watch, until he finally decided to go to the tavern and return later... not that it would be crowded... Most of the inhabitants of the Keep were still asleep, and only a few would be at the Tavern this early.


As Balladore finally stopped sobbing, a few hours later, people had come and gone from him in the gardens after he ignored them, deciding it best if he be left alone. When he recovered from his sorrow momentarily, his sadness became anger. He had to take action, and now. He knew where his children would be... they would have beaten him to the trick, but they wouldn't have passed their test yet. He had to reach Council... now.


He composed himself, washed his face in a stream that ran through the gardens, collected his parchment, and sought out an Elder... Any elder. He found one, and asked if he could assemble everyone who was able to a meeting. The Elder said that he would try.


When there were enough people, Balladore spoke to his audience.


"I don't have much time, so I need to make this brief. I have recieved news that the Elven camp where my wife and children were living... was attacked. Not just anyone would dare to attack an elven camp, so I am sure that there is some greater evil at work than just theives and plunderers. What I ask will be dangerous. I know this, and anyone who declines will not be considered a coward. Anyone who is willing... I wish for you to accompany me to council first... then wherever it is deemed we need to go. Who's with me?"

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Damienn Ravencroft


Posts: 3

(1/5/02 3:22:17 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


OOC: Seeing to the fact that it hasn't been updated for a while, and that the last sentance inlcuded "who's with me" I'm going to assume that this is a misplaced RP thread, which has an excellent beginning. If I am mistaken, an elder would please delete my post as soon as possible :-) thanks, Damienn.


IC: Standing up awkwardly, Damienn said as confidently as he could "Well... you're right... you will need help and... if you want... I'll go with you, but... if you don't, that's fine too... I just thought I'd offer to help..."


His voice trailed off at the end, and he was blushing furiously as he spoke. He sat down quickly, and hid his head behind his hands. Surprisingly, there were no peals of laughter... yet, anyway.

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Posts: 25

(1/5/02 6:45:57 pm)

Reply Re: Revenge is a dish that is best served Cold


"Of course I would love to have you accompany me. After you demonstrated your skills in the Tavern, I'm sure I could use a sword and bow like yours. I am honored to have you with me, as well as any others who wish to accompany us," replied the Druid, smiling.

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Posts: 163

(1/6/02 11:13:33 pm)

Reply Enter Jheric--When in doubt, blow it up, or away.


There is a rustle from the back of the crowd, and then a robe-clad figure stood up and called out to the Druid in a deep voice


"I'd like a vacation from the front lines, sir... if you would not mind, I'll travel with you. After all, sir, there might be something you need destroyed with the power of magic!" the mage's eyes lit up as he thought about wielding his powers.


"Before I accept or decline, what is your name?" Balladore asked him, the audience swivling in their seats to face the one currently speaking.


"Eh? I haven't said yet? My apologies, sir... I am Jheric." the mage bowed, hand to his heart, other hand sweeping back and to the side, causing his cloak to billow outward and smack into the face of the armored fighter next to him. The man growled and started to rise, and Jheric straightened and turned.


"Eh eh." he said, waving a finger "Not unless you want to end up as a snail, young man."


The fighter stared at the finger, or more specifically the air above it, as small sparks began to leap from that point. The man sat down hurriedly, and Jheric "Hmph."ed to himself with a nod, the sparks fading.


He looked up at Balladore, and cleared his throat, realizing all eyes were on him. "Your decision, sir?"

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Posts: 29

(1/7/02 6:16:25 pm)

Reply Re: Enter Jheric--When in doubt, blow it up, or away.


I would be honored, I am sure. Very well... thus far we number three. Any others would be greatly appreciated as well. Is there anyone else willing to aid us on our journey?

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Damienn Ravencroft


Posts: 5

(1/8/02 12:32:03 am)

Reply Re: Enter Jheric--When in doubt, blow it up, or away.


As Damienn realizes that he has been accepted, he smiles to himself... this should be an adventure to remember. And as the new mage stepped forward, he watched the sparks shoot from his fingers... this man could be a powerful ally, and he was glad to have him with the group.


Damienn watched, wondering if anyone else would take up arms with them...

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Justin Silverblade


Posts: 14

(1/8/02 7:25:27 pm)

Reply The smell of Adventure!


A new member to the pen cleared his throat loudly: Justin Silverblade. As a human, a fighter, and an adventurer, he stood. His eyes gazed at the other standing members, and at Balladore. He took a deep breath in, whilst eyes in the room turned to him, and his (shiny) armour. It was a mixture of chain and plate, and would protect him nicely, (so long as he needn't swim ).


"This smells of adventure," he said with smile. "I must warn you..." he looked at each of his commrades individually, "I know nothing of magic, the ways of a druid, or elves. But, there's one way to learn, right?"


Unsheathing his short sword, Justin held it out, blowing his blonde hair out of his face. "I may be ignorant to everything else, but... I sure know how to use one of these. I'm with ya!"



[OOC - Should this thread be moved to the RP room? Also, forgive me Damienn, but I'm not entirely certain of your character class.]

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Posts: 21

(1/8/02 8:51:53 pm)

Reply To aid a friend...


As the final members of the company stepped forward, a cheer erupted from the crowd. They all knew Balladore for a just man, who would follow them into hell himself to aid his friends before refusing his help. And now, in the midsts of the greatest tradgedy of his life, he was pressed to ask them for theirs. They could not, and would never imagine, refusing to help him.


First to step forward was Damienn Ravencroft, an honorable but unfamiliar man. Mysterious as shadow, but a light of loyalty and compassion, Next was Jheric, a warmage and rising power in his mage guild; wielder of the elements and forces of nature.. A man whose wits were sharp as his spells. Finally Justin Silverblade, youthful warrior and enthusiast, another man new to the walls but one of few to carry open blade with confidence burning in his eyes.


As they all shook, vowing hand and heart to the task before them, Balladore nodded approvingly, hope for his familiy apparant in his face. He smiled, though the thought of his wife still weighed heavily on him, burning in his thoughts unyieldingly. Though he knew the truth, he still thanked the men for their pacts and dedication.


As the cheers began to subside into loud murmurings of discussion, it seemed as though an atmosphere of relief came to the hall. These four, with their collective power and will could overcome any obstacle, any challange laid before them. In their hearts they all knew that Balladore would acheive what his heart desired.


But, as Balladore turned to speak with his new allies, a sudden hush fell over the room. As every voice died in its throat, Balladore looked up to perceive a giant, newly entered into the room, slowly advancing upon him. The giant stood another head taller than anyone else in the room, his form muscular even beneath the shroud that hid his body. As he walked, his steps resonated with deep bass tones, revealing his massive weight. Once the giant finally reached Balladore, the others prepared themselves, Balladore's face masking any emotion it had.


Justin Silverblade gripped the hilt of his blade, freeing it slightly from its scabbard like a predator revealing fangs. Damienn stood defiant at Balladore's side while Jheric, eyes blazing with confidence as usual, smiled descreetly. Finally, the figure stood at rest in front of the Druid, towering over him, but by no means degrading Balladore's pressence.


When the giant spoke, its voice echoed, though it spoke in barely above a whisper. Its voice was deep and calm, even sympatheic, "Balladore... Friend. A great tradgedy has descended upon your house, one that must be met swiftly but skillfully... You have more than enough might to meet this challange, but the council will not be compliant. They concern themselves with holding onto influence and sustaining the old creeds while the rest of us must suffer an unorder existence. Perhaps you could use an old diplomat..."


The figure, raising his hands, slowly pulled back his hood, revealing himself. Many recognized him immediately for who and what he was.


"Bhurin!" Jheric laughed, his voice pleasant with mirth, "You old raptor! I thought you were north, visiting your homeland."


Bhurin nodded subtley, now removing the cloak from his back. "I was... But the north winds bid me to my true home, so home I came." As he removed the remains of his cloak, Bhurin revealed why the back of his form had seen so massive. Two large wings unfolded slightly, freed from their cloth prison.


As they streatched reflexively, Justin, hand still gripped on his hilt, mouthed the word, "Angel", then began to relax his shoulders. Though he returned to ease, his eyes remained vigilant in disecting the winged man.


Damienn, meanwhile, only revealed his surprise by widening his eyes at the sight of Bhurin's wings. As Bhurin turned to meet his gaze, Damienn nodded slightly and said, "Hello."


Bhurin smiled, perceiving the two new faces. "These must be the new initiates, though I have little right in saying that. Hello friends, I meet you with joy. I am Bhurin, and I too have just recently found a home here. It pleases me to see you eager to aid your comrades..."


Bhurin, finally turning to Balladore, met his friend's face with neutral sympathy. Balladore knew Bhurin's thoughts, and nodded slightly, answering an unasked question. Nodding back, Bhurin threw his cloak to the ground and said, "If you need another blade, I too can weild one. If you need an eye in the sky, or voice to strengthen yours at council, then I am your man. I warn you though, I am somewhat encumbersome. I do not hide easily in the night, and trek by foot at agonizing speeds. I will not offend at a thankful refusal if stealth is what is needed. But I have weilded a sword before... Probably longer than some, but not as passionately as others..." Bhurin's eyes strayed to Justin.


Justin smiled slightly, reading the face of a fellow swordsman and knowing the knowledge it held.


Removing a large two handed sword from a sheath on his back, the near seven foot angelica knelt before Balladore, holding his sword in his hands lengthwise. Fnially Bhurin finished, "By your word, great Druid. Yay or neigh, only the quest is important. Only the quest matters. I await your word."

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Posts: 33

(1/8/02 10:40:27 pm)

Reply Re: To aid a friend...


Greater friends I could not ask for. Though few join me on my quest, all support me, I am sure.


Balladore pretended to ponder this for an instant, receiving a quizzical glance from some. Finally, He replied to the applications to join:


"Aye, to all of you! We leave at once. Make ready, but pack light. We leave at the crack of dawn, to borrow an expression, and I want you all to know that I value your company, all of you," and at this, he scanned the eyes of the party in front of him... one mage, one swordsman, one knight, a winged fighter... and himself. Together, they were five... but their power was far greater than their numbers.


Edited by: Balladore at: 1/14/02 12:04:05 am

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Posts: 34

(1/8/02 10:47:45 pm)

Reply And so it Begins...


This shall stay in the Assembly room for future reference, but the Actual RP shall be conducted in the Conservatory. This is the beginning of the story, however, and if some fact needs remembering this is where you look.


Happy Hunting~



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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 826

(1/9/02 8:01:27 am)





Would you like me to move this one over to the Conservatory and you could append the post there to this?


It would keep everything in one place for the ease and pleasure of the reader. (like me for instance!)



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