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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Obscuring Veil


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Wrote this up for Katz' new Circle. The opening line is from Mynx's Confusion, and the Closing Line is from Venefyxatu's Allergies.


Let sleep its veil drop...


Normally, I don't invert my sentences like a nine hundred year old muppet, but dang it, when it's five in the morning and I haven't managed to fall asleep yet I feel like a nine hundred year old muppet. It's always the same with those bouts of insomnia: go to bed with this great idea percolating in the back of your head, and it keeps on going until about midnight, and then even your back-burner ideas have puttered out but your body's autopilot is set to “conscious”. But even if you drift close enough to the “aware” side of that veil to decide “You know, I'm not going to get any sleep right now”, you can't muster up the energy to sit up, let alone move the lead weights that make up your body into your computer chair to play solitaire.


Let sleep its veil drop...


and, mercifully, it did. The next thing I knew, I was... well... erm. Move along, nothing to see here.


Anyway, the next next thing I knew, I was looking at a spiral staircase made of columns, just one of the many obstacles that stood between me and my goal. I descended the stairs in a leaping, physics defying rush, only to find myself staring outward onto an open battlefield.


Opposing armies had bunkered on either side of the field, and I would have to cross No Man's Land to get to the castle on the other side.


I took a deep breath to nerve myself, and darted forward, making tumbling leaps the moment I heard the gunfire begin.


“Now just a minute, girly...” Something grabbed my ankle, and I did a double take. Girl? Then, on second thought, I did remember seeing something. So that was my reflection! Then I took once more, as I realized that it was a dead soldier whose hand had clutched my ankle.


“Yeeeeeiick. Getoffamegetoffame!” I kicked and scrambled away, somehow making it the rest of the way across the field, only to be greeted at the castle gate by a gnome.


“Sorry, dude,” Dude? But... never mind... “but the Princess isn't here. And she took her cake, too.”


“What?!? But... Cake...”


The sound of a loud groan woke me up and it took me several moments to realize it was me who was groaning.

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