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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Last Day


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If tomorrow couldn't get here

and today was made to be the end

I'd know our love was great and true

and I'd hope to see you in heaven again


If tomorrow got lost along the way

and today I took my very last breath

I'd only hope to end this life

with you in my arms, and my head on your breast


If today was the last of our lives

and we were forced to forever be apart

I'd search heaven far and wide for you

The very owner of my soul and heart


And if tomorrow shunned us tonight

and this day was made to be our last

I'll know my eternity will be great

Because I loved you in my past

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I loved this poem. It was so...I don't know. I want to say happy, or joyful, but that's not quite it. It just had a certain feeling that I liked. I think it was that you could really feel the love. I also liked the lines about tomorrow. Overall, I very very much liked the poem.

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