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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Discordia

  1. Criticism encouraged!




    I went for a walk in the whispering woods,

    To bathe my feet in the wandering stream,

    And rest my head in the rustling reeds,

    And loose my thoughts to a better dream.


    I sat myself at the waters' edge,

    Where waves lap the shore all the while,

    And there from the mists came a glimmering girl,

    Her hair was brown, and her eyes were wild.


    A form so pure never graced my eye,

    Nor ones as perfect crossed my way,

    She called my name, thrice, to me,

    And vanished in the brightening day.


    I will rise now and seek where days are done,

    To find the one who set me free,

    And pluck the golden orb of the sun

    For her, for me, for eternity.




    - Discordia

  2. Thank you for your kind words. I agree with your opinion on the fifth stanza... it sucks! I'm still fiddling with the words, but nothing even acceptable comes to mind. Perhaps something a bit less ostentatious or sucky would work.


    Anyways, thanks for the comments and keep them coming!


    - Discordia

  3. Siren




    In that glade the moonlight glows

    Through those leaves the westwind blows

    O'er those rocks the wood stream flows

    There, there she breathes a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    There I glimpsed a form divine

    One that made my worn heart pine

    'Neath the whispering willows fine

    There, there she breathes a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    A voice that hints of blooms in May

    Eyes that spoke of gentle day

    Hair that shimmered with each soft sway

    There, there she breathes a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    There she beckoned; there I went

    Body, mind, and heart I sent

    Down the heather gently bent

    There, there she breathes a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    But when I rose, I was alone

    Lone, totally, wholely lone

    The star of my eye, forever gone

    There, there she breathed a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    Under a bleak, uncaring sky

    Dark of heart and dim of eye

    Now, hollow and ready to die

    There, there she breathed a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    Down beneath the old stone wall

    Where the dappled sunlight never falls

    The others lie that heeded her call

    There, there she breathed a sigh,

    There, there I go to die.


    Searchers, Dreamers all, beneath

    We that lie in that cold hearth

    Calm, with the knowledge that comes with Death

    There, there she breathed a sigh,

    There, there I went to die.




    - Discordia

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