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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Vigil StarGazer

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Posts posted by Vigil StarGazer

  1. A Classic piece of Literature! MUST READ for all avid readers and aspiring writers. An extremely entertaining and enjoyable read for any person. It has been described as "one of the genre's most beloved pieces of appalling prose", and has subsequently been used as part of a common science fiction convention party game.


    There's no other words in the english vocabulary that can describe what a rare gem this is, You'll just have to read it all yourselves.



  2. http://www.angelfire.com/trek/caver/


    and the origional story, with an actual ending.






    © Thomas Lera 1987 - 2004 1

    Now it’s coming – it’s coming. I have no fear. This is not death for me, not death

    but a new chance. At last, I have this chance to be better – inwardly to be better.

    Whatever happens, an inner part of me can learn to be better. I hope can stand it,

    for my own good.






    Throughout the many years I have been caving, a tradition has developed. Cavers, upon reaching the

    deepest parts of a cave, extinguish all helmet and handheld lights. A total dense blackness fills the void, and, for a

    moment, you strain your eyes with the expectation of catching a speck of light somewhere in the sudden, false night.

    After several futile moments, however you notice your other senses have heightened. The sounds, smells and

    feelings often overlooked to this point come into perfect detail now: the texture of the rocks beneath your feet; the

    smell of dust, sweat, bat guano; the sound of modern material shifting on age-old rock as you attempt to find

    comfort on the solid foundation. Then your mind begins to question, "What if?" What if a person had to climb out of

    the cave with no light? Would he find all of the turns and bends that brought him to this place? Would he make it?

    If not, would a rescue party find him in time? Never once did I enter a cave without this on my mind.

    I am finally able to tell about my discoveries and bizarre experiences in a cave not far from my home in

    Arizona. If you think the following events sound far-fetched, I agree. I have included the relevant text of a journal

    I have kept of every cave adventure. For the sake of clarity, my comments, as I reflect back on the experience, are

    italicized. I have done my best to convey the thoughts and feelings I had during the entire event. My journal notes

    begin December 30, 2001.



    My caving buddy Matt and I decided to get one more caving trip in before the New Year, so we set our

    sights on Hupman’s Cave. Hupman’s Cave was discovered several decades ago when road construction in the area

    unearthed its entrance. When the cave was first entered it must have been beautiful; but surface dust, graffiti,

    vandalism, and careless use have diminished its appeal. However, it still held some exploration interest for us.

    Anchoring from the usual tree, we began our descent into the cave. I went down first and gathered my gear together

    while Matt came down. I was excited, for, in a previous visit to Hupman’s, I had discovered a small passage in the

    lower portion of the cave with a strong current of air blowing from it creating a howling sound. This time, by

    enlarging the passage, we’d been able to enter and investigate it.


    I pushed my mini-mag flashlight inside the hole and was excited by what I saw. The wall was about 3-5

    inches thick, and led to a tight passage that opened only slightly. As far as I could tell, it continued back about 10 to 15 feet. After that it seemed to really open up, although how much I couldn't tell. I remember thinking “this could be a virgin passage!”


    Just to get to the crawl space we would have to enlarge the initial opening that was about the size of my

    fist. Once past the opening we would have a very tight crawl to where the passage appeared to open up. It would

    take some work, but we thought we could do it. Sitting there in the darkness we listened to the eerie sound of the

    wind howling from the other side of the passage. We also heard a low rumble from time to time resonating through

    the rocks.


    Our best plan of attack, we determined, would be to use a cordless drill, then a chisel and small

    sledgehammer to break up the rock. We would widen the hole big enough to squeeze in and see what was on the

    other side. I decided right then to name the passage Floyd's Tomb.


    Floyd Collins was a caver in the early 1900's who got stuck in a tight crawl space and was unable to get

    free. It is an amazing story detailed in a book called, "Trapped: The Story of Floyd Collins". Looking back, had I

    known how long this project was going to take, or what I was going to experience in the cave, I never would have

    begun it.


    A couple of weeks later, Matt and I had assembled what we needed and were excited to get to work. Matt

    took the first turn at enlarging the hole with the drill. We kept trading off positions. One of us resting, to eat and

    drink, while the other one worked. After an hour of exhausting work it became obvious we would not break through

    in one session.


    We sat back and took a break. I was then we noticed the howling sound was louder than it had been on our

    last visit, but figured maybe the wind was blowing stronger outside. We also noticed a rumbling that seemed to

    come from deep within the passage. This too intrigued yet confused us.

    Enlarging the hole became an obsession and, over the next few weeks, we tried to get out to the cave and

    work as often as we could. The explorer in us wanted to find a new frontier. We imagined the passage would lead to

    a larger undiscovered cave; one we would be the first to enter. What we finally found weeks later was not at all what

    either of us expected.


    One trip we took along Jedda, Matt’s Australian Sheep Dog. I was not at all concerned about taking the dog

    into the cave, since she’d gone with us before. We used a custom-made harness around Jedda and lowered her until

    she reached the bottom of the main drop, then she negotiated the rest on her own.


    Once we got into the cave this time something bizarre happened I couldn’t quite explain. As usual Jedda

    had begun exploring as soon as we let her off the rope, sniffing and darting around our feet, running from one of us

    to the other as we made our way back to the work site. As we approached the hole however, the hair on her back

    stood on end, she began to whimper and hid behind Matt, cowering on the ground with her tail between her legs.

    She acted as if Satan himself was lurking in the darkness. We neither looked around, nor saw nor heard anything

    unusual. So we set to working hard to enlarge the hole.

    My journal goes on for a while about the progress we made and how the entire time we worked, Jedda did

    not move. She just laid on a rope-bag, shivering and whimpering from time to time. We should have paid more

    attention to her intuition and the fact she never took her eyes off the hole. Perhaps such observance would have

    alerted us to what was to come.

    Matt had just finished drilling when he stopped and looked into the hole. I could see a puzzled, intense

    look on his face and was shaking his head. I asked him what was up. He said he had heard a strange grinding noise

    emanating from the hole. I believed he had heard something, but I was not overly concerned about what it was. I

    assumed we would figure it all out once we got through the passage, and I took over drilling. Matt sat in the quiet of

    the cave for a long time before he resumed work

    As I worked, contemplating how close we were, I suddenly noticed the air blowing from the hole had

    stopped! In all our visits, the air had been a constant force, the last time stronger than ever. Even earlier that day I remember the breeze cooling us off. But now, nothing! Nothing! The rumbling had ceased, too. Bizarre!

    I can't believe how casual we were about everything that was happening. At the time, the only thing we

    could think about was getting into the passage. My thoughts dwelled on the mechanics of the cave where was the

    wind was coming from, what was making the noise, etc. Now, weeks later, I think of my ignorance, my naiveté, and



    It was three weeks before we were able to return and this time we noticed the breeze from the hole and the

    rumbling had returned.


    I started working first and was on my knees working the drill when suddenly, I heard a strange noise. At

    first, I thought it was just the squeal of the drill bit, but the noise was coming from inside the hole! I stopped drilling just in time to hear the most terrible scream echo throughout the darkness of the cave. Staring wide-eyed at the hole, I didn't move, or barely breathe. When I was able to turn my head enough to look at Matt, he was standing upright, mouth open, with a look of fear on his face! At this point I half expected to see a demon’s face staring at me from inside the hole, but there was no motion, only total silence and darkness. The only thing I could hear was my own heart pounding in my ears.


    Then, suddenly a scraping noise was directly behind me. I swung around quickly nearly knocking myself

    out on the overhang. It was only Matt moving to turn on his light, yet as he spoke, I jumped again. He stammered

    that we should get some rocks and build a wall inside the hole to keep whatever had made that noise from getting

    out. He didn’t need to urge me twice. I immediately grabbed discarded chunks of rock and hoisted them through the

    opening. Using the handle of the sledgehammer, I slid them as far back into the passage as I could reach, creating a

    wall between “it” and us. Neither of us spoke for quite some time. It dawned on us both at the same time neither

    the breeze nor the rumbling had resumed. For that matter our own breathing barely had!

    From the scream, to the writing in my journal entry two days later, I tried to come up with some possible

    source of a noise that had sounded like a cross between a man screaming in fear, and a cougar screaming in pain.

    The horrific noise had reverberated through the cave for Matt estimated to have been eight to ten seconds. I cannot

    believe we were willing to ever go back into the cave after hearing that scream. Even if it was only an animal,

    weren't we still possibly putting ourselves in harm’s way? In retrospect, I have difficulty understanding our thought

    process at the time. Maybe we were just too eager to discover virgin cave passages, but more probably it can be

    summed up with one word - testosterone.


    It's amazing what a couple of good meals and restful sleep can do for one's attitude. A couple of days later

    we were at it again. We cautiously approached our enlarged entrance to Floyd's Tomb. I remember thinking, “well,

    there’s no time like the present” as I stuck my head through the opening. I could move my head freely, but every

    direction I turned I was staring at a wall of solid rock. I tried to look further down the passage, but could not see

    past the wall of rocks I had previously built to keep the unseen “demon” at bay.

    I pulled my head out, asked Matt for the sledgehammer, and pushed it ahead of me as I slithered waist-deep

    into the passage. I used the sledgehammer to knock down my rock wall. My headlight illuminated the area beyond

    the entrance of this passage and it appeared even narrower. I didn't know if I would be able to squeeze through or

    not. It would be close. I told Matt “I’m going in” and after a brief debate I pushed forward.

    The Tomb was just big enough to rotate my head and move my arms forward and back awkwardly, elbows

    akimbo to facilitate forward movement. My neck soon started to ache from holding my head up, which soon began

    to grow heavy. The only option was to rest my face on the cave floor, and even though it was painful, I did it

    occasionally. It was very quiet in the Tomb, except for my own heavy breathing. Thankfully, the breeze was once

    again flowing from the passage and helped cool me off.


    Struggling in the darkness of a passage deep within a cave, one is in a unique position to ponder. Inhaling, I

    could feel my back pressing hard against the top of the shaft. A mountain was literally resting on top of me. One

    tiny shift of earth and I would cease to exist, or worse, would know the fear experienced by Floyd Collins as he lay

    trapped for days, incapable of freeing himself. Some thought!


    Reaching a point where my back was constantly rubbing against the passage ceiling my head began to feel

    the walls pressing closer. I knew then I was most likely not going to get through and called to Matt, “I’m coming

    out.” Backing out was not as difficult as going in, but it did take some work. We were so close now. As I related to

    Matt what I’d encountered, our excitement grew. We could feel our “discovery” was in sight.

    On our way home we brainstormed and came up with some ideas to help us get through. I remain amazed

    we could so easily have dismissed the terrifying moments we had experienced just days before.


    Three weeks passed before we could get back to Hupman’s Cave and we were excited. This would

    definitely be “the” trip. We vowed we would not leave the cave this time until one of us had made it through the

    passage. We worked for about 2 or 3 hours drilling, chipping rock and tossing it behind us outside of the hole before

    I decided it was time to try again to enter the Tomb. This time I took a halogen flashlight. My headlight hadn’t been

    enough before. As I noticed the breeze and the low rumbling were both present.

    I felt so alive, so aware of everything. I could see the glow of Matt's flashlight sweeping the passage as the

    rays of light managed to squeeze past my body. I could feel the cool breeze evaporate the drops of dirty sweat on my

    forehead. I could feel a thousand sharp rock edges digging into my chest and belly through my shirt.

    Then I realized I could raise my head slightly higher and my shoulders were no longer touching the walls -

    the passage was beginning to open up! I relayed this information to Matt and we both took a few seconds to

    congratulate ourselves, while I gained energy to press ahead.

    Even though the passage was not as tight now, it was still slow going. After what seemed like an hour but

    was actually only 10 minutes, I suddenly shouted back to Matt, “I’ve gotten through!” The passage ahead opened up

    and I was finally able at to sit up. I heard Matt let out a whoop!


    Matt used the extension pole we had made to slide me the end of a rope, the other end of which was

    attached to a bag with the rest of my gear helmet, kneepads and camera. As I pulled the bag towards me, I wondered

    excitedly what the cave had to offer. I could only see the narrow, low ceiling passage immediately beyond the tight

    entry. I would be able to get through it easily enough, but would still have to crawl.

    I strapped on my kneepads, grabbed my camera, and began my adventure. Matt waited outside the passage

    in case help was needed, and we kept up a sporadic dialogue as I began to crawl through the new passage. At the end

    of an approximately 20-foot crawl, in addition to having a higher ceiling, the cave was wider and relatively straight.

    I was now able to walk nearly upright! I continued like this for another 100 feet or so before the cave

    opened onto a small room, which seemed about 15-feet high. At the entrance of this room, there was a flat, wheellike

    rock leaning against the wall. This seemed odd. Although singular formations are common in caves, and by no

    means unique, it was more round than others I had previously seen. I took pictures of it from every angle before I

    moved to the far end of the room where, there appeared to be another passage. My excitement grew. However, I had

    an eerie feeling of being watched, and suddenly felt very alone. I took several pictures of the room, and was about to

    try and get a sense of how long the next passage was, when something caught my attention. On the left wall, at about

    eye-level, was a single drawing that at first glance had appeared to be just natural coloration of the rock. On closer

    inspection, it appeared to be a very crude representation of people standing below a symbol. I studied the drawing to

    make sure I could describe it to Matt, took some more pictures, and then headed back.

    I had just reached the Tomb when I heard a faint sound from deep within the cave behind me. It sounded

    like rock sliding on rock. My blood froze in my veins and I couldn't move. I stopped breathing and strained to hear

    the sound again. Nothing. I quickly went down on elbows, knees and belly and began to scoot toward the exit. The

    task of getting out of the hole, especially in a hurry, turned out to be as painful as getting in, but at least I was finally out. Matt helped me quickly pull my gear out, and seeing my face, asked no questions until we reached the car.

    The next day I took the film a One-hour Development store. The couple of pictures I had taken in the

    passage leading up to the large room turned out fine. However, none of the pictures taken in the room itself,

    including those of the large round rock, nor the "hieroglyphics" I saw, were there. Even the negatives were clear!

    No shadows, no light, nothing. Very strange! I remembered pretty much what the “hieroglyphics” had looked like,

    so I drew Matt a sketch of the symbol below which were human-like figures with arms raised toward it.


    The next weekend found us back at the cave. This time it was Matt’s turn for adventure. I couldn't believe

    how easily he slipped through the passage. As I turned from the hole to get Matt’s gear to hand to him, and went

    from a crouched position to a standing one, I whacked my head on a rock and nearly knocked myself out. Why

    hadn’t I put my helmet on? Bleeding, I fed Matt’s stuff through, then feeling dizzy and disoriented sat down where

    I was and rifled through my pack for the first aid kit.

    As I sat there tending my wound and getting my bearings, Matt’s light disappeared around the first turn,

    and I heard him crawling into the darkness.

    The twenty-minute time limit we had arbitrarily set for Matt to return came and went. Another 5 or 10

    minutes ticked by, but I really had no desire to climb back through the Tomb since and my head was still throbbing.

    Still, I had to make sure Matt was safe, and was preparing to go back through, when I saw a light deep in the

    passage. "Matt?” I yelled. Nothing. "Matt!” Still no answer! The light got brighter and I could hear him crawling

    across the loose rock that lined the cave floor. "You okay, Matt?"

    "No," came his weak reply, as he reached the far side of the Tomb. As I pulled his gear bag back through

    the passage, he inched his way through the Tomb, and quickly slipped back through the entrance hole. He looked

    terrible. His face was wide-eyed, pale, covered with dust, numerous small cuts and scratches, and out of breath.

    He headed straight out of the cave without saying a word. As I quickly gathered our gear, I listened for

    sounds within the passage but heard nothing. The breeze too had stopped! Part of me wanted to get out of the cave

    as fast as possible, another part wanted to immediately climb back through to find out what made this cave tick.

    Chills ran through my body as I realized I could no longer hear Matt, and I scurried to catch up with him.

    In the waning light of day, Matt looked even worse than he had in the cave. He headed directly to the car

    where he sat staring straight ahead, shaking like a leaf. I asked if he was cold and wanted me to turn on the heat,

    even though it was May. He simply shook his head. Trying to make conversation, I asked if he had seen the

    hieroglyphics. "No". Had he heard me yelling to him? Did he see the round rock? "No and no". He finally said he

    had barely reached the room when he started to feel sick. He would not elaborate further.

    The rest of the trip passed in eerie silence. As I dropped him off, I asked if he wanted to go back to the cave

    the next weekends. He shook his head no and hurried into his house. I tried to call him later the same day, and the

    next afternoon, but only got his voice mail. He did not return my messages. I’d even called him at work and they

    said he’d been out sick for two weeks.


    My head had healed, although I still had a light red line to mark the spot where I had tried to break rock

    with my head. I wondered what would have happened if I had gone into the passage with Matt. He was a changed

    man when he came out. I felt I never wanted to go back into Hupman’s Cave. It was not a feeling of foreboding. I

    was not receiving some premonition. Right from the beginning, it seemed like the cave did not want us to be there.

    Nothing had gone smoothly.

    Finally one Saturday morning Matt showed up on my doorstep. He had a serious look on his face as he

    saying “we’re going back in and conquer the damn thing today. Let’s go now.” I grabbed my gear and new video

    camera and off we went. Nothing was said about our last attempt on the drive out. AS we reached the cave, I

    volunteered to be the one to go in.

    My trip through the Tomb was relatively smooth. I videotaped the first section of the new passage just to

    get comfortable with the process. Since I would be unable to tape while I crawled, my plan was to get to the next

    section, stop, and video what I had just been through, as well as what I was about to crawl through next. I was

    starting to feel better about the trip, and develop a sense of personal satisfaction at being able to provide a way for

    Matt to see the fruits of our labor.

    Progress was slow, but steady, and things were going well until I reached the round rock where, once again,

    I got the feeling of being watched. I looked around carefully, saw nothing to be alarmed about, and proceeded to

    film the entire room. I filmed the round rock from all angles, as well as getting good footage of the wall figure

    drawing. After I had taped everything to my satisfaction, I moved toward the dark, yet unexplored passage, at end

    of the room.

    The ceiling here was about a foot lower than my head, and appeared to continue on at that height for as far

    back as I could see. I took a deep breath, and ducked under the entrance prepared to see new sights. The walls of the

    new passage were darker than the rest of the cave. The floor was made up of the same type of broken rock, some of

    which looked strangely like calcified bones. The ceiling had the same near-perfect arch as in the beginning section

    of Hupman’s Cave. It almost seemed out of place in this jagged cave atmosphere. I could only see about 30 feet or

    so ahead to where the passage appeared to make a right turn.

    Suddenly from behind me I heard the eerie scraping noise we had heard last trip. It was loud, close and

    coming from the large room I had just left! As I wheeled around to face whatever had made the noise, I stood up, my

    helmet crashed into the ceiling, breaking my light, and burying me in heavy darkness. Pain shot through my neck and down my back, although the helmet had protected my head from cuts this time. Fear enveloped me, my legs

    began to weaken, and I slowly and involuntarily slumped to my knees. I set the camera down as I began to see stars

    from the pain in my head and upper back.

    Now, the only sound I could hear was my own panic-inspired breathing. Not only could I feel fear thick

    upon my chest, but also the complete and utter darkness seemed to hold me in place. I felt vulnerable from every

    direction. I saw black. I was shaking violently as I tried to figure out what to do. I honestly thought I was going to

    die right there in the cave. Finally, I broke the stupor of terror long enough to reach for an alternate light source, the backup mini-mag in my pocket. I twisted the light to turn it on and nearly cried. The batteries were nearly dead. The dim light illuminated no more than a few feet. I strained to get a glimpse of any movement in the room. Nothing.

    Since I had removed as much as possible from my pack to allow for the video camera, the only other light

    source I had were glo-sticks. I found one, ripped it out of the package, and activated it. Its soft green glow created

    eerie shadows on the cave walls and provided barely enough light to see the immediate area, with no hint of what

    lay ahead. I felt the pack for another glo-stick, activated it and threw it in the room.

    The throw was a perfect one. As it sailed through the air, I could see nothing but cave walls and rocks that

    looked like bones. The absence of anything unusual did nothing to ease my state of panic. At the far end of the

    room, I got a brief glimpse of the round rock before the light bounced behind it and seemed to disappear. I was still

    shaking, but at least I hadn’t seen anything weird. I once again heard the scraping noise. For a fleeting moment, I

    wondered how Matt would ever know what had happened to me if I never returned. Is this how he’d felt last time?

    I found myself nearly sobbing with fear. I knew the only way out of here was back the way I had come, but

    now something was there! I tried to think of another plan, but could only focus on the grinding sound I had heard. In

    my weakened state, I slumped against the side of passage, breathing like I had just finished a race, never breaking

    eye contact with the shadows of the large room. As my shoulder touched the wall, powerful jolts of pain reminded

    me of my collision with the roof of the cave.

    I can't say exactly how long I sat there, but my feet began to tingle and my knees were sore. The pain in my

    back crept lower, although my neck felt no worse. I resolved to attempt an exit from this evil passage. If I waited too

    long I would lose what little light and coverage I had. I tried to stand, but didn’t have the strength. I crawled to the near end of the large room, dragging my pack beside me. Using the walls of the cave, I was able to slowly stand and, still breathing rapidly, advanced inch by inch through the room. I was staring straight ahead straining for signs of movement. With every step my light cast ever-changing shadows on the wall, keeping me on edge. My eyes burned.

    How long had this been going on? The only sounds I heard now were the crunch of my feet on broken rock, the

    wheezing of my breath. Each turn brought me closer to the Tomb, closer to Matt and safety.

    The short distance across the room took what seemed to be an eternity. As I passed the crude drawing it

    seemed to glow, offering some sort of warning. I didn't yet know what the drawing represented, but everything

    about this cave seemed to instill fear. Toward the end of the room I could see the round rock dimly in the far reaches

    of my light. Something seemed different about it, but I couldn't tell what. When I got within a few feet of it I finally realized what had changed. It had moved! Was that the sound I had heard? But, the rock could not have moved by

    itself. Terror gripped my entire body more tightly as I realized how close I was to something! I had no choice but to

    continue. I inched toward the rock, holding a glo-stick ahead of me in a shaking hand. I had never felt so alone and

    helpless. Buried deep within the earth, I believed I might have voluntarily descended into my own casket of solid



    My gaze was fixed solidly on the round rock. I went forward, my breathing rapid, my mouth tasting dusty,

    and my throat dry and aching. With every crunch of the rock below my feet my heart seemed to stop, although no

    movement could be seen in the green glow of my stick. When I reached the rock, I took several rapid steps past it

    and recoiled in terror at what I saw. On the far side of the round rock, on the bottom of the cave wall near the floor

    was yet another hole revealing a small room in the center of which was bones that looked suspiciously human.

    Obviously it had been covered by the rock, but now it was exposed! How? By whom or what? Why?

    I quickly backed away from the hole and collided with the opposite wall. I had not been paying attention to

    the pain in my back, now it came back to me in all its fury. I tossed in the glo-stick and stared down the newly

    revealed room or passage. It was illuminated just enough so I could tell it went down at a 45-degree angle and

    continued straight for as far as I could see. The walls were fairly smooth, as was the floor, unlike the rest of the

    cave. The passage was about three feet in diameter and would have been easy to explore. At that moment, all I

    wanted was out of this cave and into daylight. I slowly backed away from the hole never taking my eyes off it. My

    mini-mag was practically dead, and I wanted to sprint to Floyd's Tomb.

    As I turned away from the large rock and the hole, I felt an overwhelming sense of panic fill my soul. I felt

    as if my salvation lay ahead of me in the darkness, while Satan himself, close behind me, was trying to keep me

    from it. My only thought was to get out as quickly as possible. Every time I ducked to avoid a rock, I felt my back scream a reminder of my injury. Where I had to crawl and my hands met the cave floor, I felt an electric shock shoot

    through my arms and down my back. For the first time since this nightmare had begun, I let out a scream. I

    crumpled and lay there on the rock, with new levels of pain manifested every time I inhaled. Whimpering, from fear

    and pain, I tried to listen for any other noise in the cave. I could feel the silence and knew Matt was close, yet still out of earshot.


    Forcing myself to move. I no longer checked behind me. My focus was now solely ahead of me. At last, I

    reached the stretch of cave that lead to the Tomb. As I crawled forward, I yelled to Matt. Thankfully, he answered,

    asking if I was okay. I literally screamed “No.” When I reached the rope, I ripped off my helmet, shoved it into my

    pack, and realized for the first time that I had forgotten the video camera. It was a fleeting thought. At that point, I cared no more about it than a passenger of the Titanic had cared about their hat or coat. I tied the pack to the rope, and told Matt to pull it through. Matt peppered me with questions and I shrieked, in a voice that didn’t sound like mine “there is something in this cave with us. Get me the hell out!”


    As I clambered through the Tomb, the wind in the passage increased. With it, came the most nauseating

    stench I have ever experienced. It smelled like rotting, rancid flesh – like death! I started to dry-heave and pulled

    my shirt over my nose to shield it from the over-powering smell. At this point Matt smelled it too, and yelled, "What

    the devil is that? Hurry up and get through.” Did he think I was dawdling? As I worked my way through, I yelled at

    him “go ahead I would catch up.” He found a Glo-stick in his pack, placed it in the passage, and headed out.

    This time through the Tomb I had no regard for the tightness, and, even though I was scraping my face,

    ears, arms and shoulders, I barely noticed. My back was nearly paralyzing me with pain, which combined with the

    stench wafting on the breeze, created a rising need to vomit. Trying not to breath much, I was approaching

    exhaustion and my heart rate was through the roof. To compound my misery the scraping noise began again deep

    within the cave. I let out a cry, which startled me. I was no longer consciously reacting to the noise. The cry was a

    subconscious response to the fear, which flowed through my entire body. In a panic I began to scoot even more

    rapidly through the passage. As I reached the largest part of the Tomb I quickly slid my arms under my body to get

    into a snake-like position to exit. When my shoulders reached the hole they lodged and I was stuck! I dug the toes of

    my shoes into the rocks, tried again and was successful in pushing my upper body through. Normally I would

    carefully work my way out, since there is a three-foot drop on the outside of the hole, but this time I kicked and

    © Thomas Lera 1987 - 2004 12

    pushed and pulled unceremoniously plopping out of the Tomb, onto my right shoulder. Strangely, I felt no

    additional pain.

    I rolled over to my hands and knees and stiffly rose to my feet. Thankfully, the stench was much less

    intense outside of the Tomb but no less frightening. I noticed profound silence once again in the cave, and the

    feeling of being completely alone almost overwhelming me.

    As I reached the small area at the bottom of the entrance, I could hear Matt panting and climbing out as fast

    as he could, although I couldn’t see him. I called out to him and his startled reaction told me he was nearly as tense

    as I. He told me to start climbing even though he was still on the rope. I stood there looking up at where the rope

    disappeared into the darkness above me. It danced around like a cobra as Matt made his way to safety. The rope was

    my lifeline to safety. Behind me were darkness, fear, and the unknown.

    I slid the Glo-stick into the cord on my helmet and reached for my harness, which I quickly started to

    buckle while waiting for Matt to get higher on the rope. But before I could secure it, I heard a strange noise at my

    feet. My pulse began to quicken. I looked down only to discover, to my horror, the coiled rope on the ground began

    to unwind and disappear back into the darkness. SOMETHING WAS PULLING THE ROPE BACK INTO THE


    I let go of my unbuckled harness, and began to claw my way up the rope as fast as my battered body could

    manage. Panic caused me to move clumsily, scraping, bumping, and gouging my arms and legs as I went. Luck was

    with me and I didn't slip and fall back into the hole. Finally, I could see light above me coming from the entrance.

    In my panic I was catching up to Matt, and yelled at him to go faster. It would only take him a few minutes,

    but every second was torture for me as I waited. I glanced back at the rope behind me; half-expecting to see some

    creature ascending to make me it's lunch. The rope above moved around a bit in rhythm with Matt's climbing, but

    did not appear to have any back-tension on it. I kept watching for signs of anything bizarre. I didn't know if my heart

    could take any more stress. I tried to relax a bit to make sure I was thinking rationally, but my poor brain had

    reached sensory overload. As Matt reached the top of the last climb I got ready to clip on my ascender, it was then I

    noticed the rope began to tighten from below. I could feel the back-tension on the rope, but it was a steady pull not

    like someone was climbing it. Either way, I wanted out as fast as possible. I got up the last few feet in a hurry,

    unclipped and kept on moving in Matt’s footsteps, leaving the rope behind.


    By the time I got to the entrance of the cave and daylight, Matt was almost up to where the rope was

    anchored. I wanted to get up so badly I free-climbed without even clipping on to the rope. I was near total

    exhaustion but managed to pull myself up the last few feet. The second I reached the top I unclipped the ascender,

    limped over to where Matt was kneeling down by a tree and collapsed. We looked into each other’s faces. I knew I

    looked pretty bad, but hadn’t known Matt was in such bad shape with cuts and scrapes on every exposed surface of

    his body. He was breathing heavily, his face was ashen and his mouth and eyes were fixed wide open. The shock

    we shared at the other’s appearance was broken when we heard the rope around the tree stretch, the knot tighten. I

    was frozen in place, overwhelmed with fright. Matt seemed to be transfixed on the knot, but then he produced a

    pocketknife and began to hack at the rope.

    It is amazing how a person’s state of mind can alter the perception of time. I'm sure it only took four or five

    seconds to severe the rope from the tree, but it seemed like an hour. When cut, the end of the rope zipped across the

    rocks and over the edge of the cliff, making a humming noise as it went. Matt let out a cry, dropped the knife and

    fell backward. I got up and headed toward the truck while Matt just stood there, wide eyed, staring at the point

    where the rope had disappeared. I yelled at him, breaking his trance, and he got up and hurried away from the tree,

    the cave, and the nightmare. Neither of us said a word all the way home.

    It took me four days and dozens of attempts to get this entire experience written in my journal. Every time I

    started to write I recalled the terror and couldn't write anymore. Yet I felt compelled to continue, to document the

    unbelievable events while all of the details were still fresh in my mind. I can still feel the pain, smell the stench, and experience the terror. I would like to write more, but it will have to wait. Even now, with several days between the events and me, I can't relax. I can barely concentrate.


    A lot has happened in the last three weeks. When we left the cave, I was in a state of shock and could not

    think clearly. I was having a difficult time trying to understand what had happened.

    Matt and I parted company and I didn't see him again until yesterday. I was so shaken up from the

    experience I could do little else but sit and ponder what had happened. I tried to go to work several days after the

    event, but my boss sent me home. I couldn't concentrate and I looked terrible. Right now I am on long-term medical

    leave from work. Yes, I've been to a doctor and told him I was under a lot of stress. He recommended rest and gave

    me a prescription to help me relax.


    I was depressed and confused. I was getting all kinds of phone calls but just let the answering machine

    take them. I even changed the message to tell everyone I was all right. I continued in this miserable state, eating and

    sleeping whenever I could manage, until a week after the trip, when things turned from bad to worse.

    At first I was hearing indistinct sounds in the house that had no explanation. Shuffling noises. Creaking

    doors. If it weren't for the fact I heard them frequently, I wouldn’t even have been sure there were any noises in the

    first place. Either way, I was scared. It was as though I had been caught in a spider web of anxiety, foreboding, and

    tension. Next came what I can only call hallucinations.

    I began seeing “things” related to the sounds I was hearing. I‘d catch a glimpse of something out of the

    corner of my eye, then see nothing when I turned directly to look. I had been sleeping with the lights on in my room.

    Now, I kept all the lights in the house on from well before dark to an hour after dawn.

    Then I began to see shapes and shadows outside my windows, usually at night. I started to keep my drapes

    and blinds closed all of the time to remove the possibility of seeing “something”. My life was a mess, mechanical

    and empty. I lost a lot of weight. I left the house only a few times to go to the store and the doctor. I didn't watch

    much television because I couldn't concentrate.

    I also began to have extremely lucid nightmares with no specific theme or recurring events, just terrifying

    visions. I would wake up in a panic, soaked in sweat and stay awake until exhaustion forced me sleep once again. It

    was a brutal routine, which reached a climax yesterday. I was drained of energy and spirit and walking slowly from

    the living room to my bedroom in the early evening. As I looked down the hall, I saw a dark figure at the far end. I

    thought it was a thief and began to back up slowly. It didn't move, but the lights began to flicker off and on. Every

    muscle in my body tensed and I froze in place, staring at the figure. Then the phone rang, startling me so badly I

    stumbled over a chair. When I got up I wheeled around to look down the hall and nothing was there! I grabbed my

    keys and left the house.

    When he answered the door I thought Matt actually looked like he was doing fine, was even somewhat

    happy. One look at me his disposition changed. I asked him if I could spend the night at his house and he eagerly

    agreed. I didn't notice until later, but every light in his house was on. He led me to his spare room. "Help yourself."

    I washed up in the bathroom, took some medication, and got the first decent sleep in a long time. I awoke early and

    went home without even seeing Matt of thanks and told him to call me.


    Crawling head first through a tight passage into darkness and the unknown is as unnatural as climbing up

    the side of a cliff, or jumping out of a perfectly good airplane for recreation. We do these things to satisfy our

    hunger for adventure, as a subconscious desire to conquer our own little Everest. Matt once said, "Caving is the

    last opportunity for exploration for the person with modest means.” If you define yourself only by your exploits, by

    your feats of physical courage, when the time comes that you can no longer perform them, you have lost the

    standard by which you measure yourself. If I am ever to experience restful slumber, if I am ever to walk the halls of

    my own home in peace, I must return.

    It took Matt another month to recover before he agreed to go back into the cave with me. Neither of us

    could believe we were subjecting ourselves to the terrors of the cave but we could not avoid it. We spent a little time

    enlarging the hole to make it easier to get through, stalling for time, working in tense silence. Then it was time. In

    we went, one after the other, passing quickly through the Tomb. We brushed ourselves off, stood up, and looked

    around the room. Then, just past the round rock, which had not moved back into its original position, my headlight

    shown the bones I thought I’d seen last trip. Approaching them warily, we made a grisly discovery

    There were shards bone and tattered clothing surrounding skull. Close by was another skull, this one neatly

    sliced in two, again surrounded by scattered pieces of bone, and what looked like the lacy hem of woman’s shredded

    skirt. Just as I started to approach the remains for closer inspection, I heard a sound that chilled me to the bone. A

    girl’s voice seemed to whisper urgently in my ear, “Get out!” and then an even more desperately, “Run!”

    Completely freaked, I turned to Matt who had obviously heard it too. We paused briefly to consider our

    options, and then began simultaneously to move to the room’s exit, just as the floor of the chamber began to tremble.

    The wind began to howl through the chamber much stronger last time, and the rumbling began deep within the

    passage. Terrified already, we didn't want to stick around to find out what the hell was about to happen. As I

    scrambled backwards towards the chamber’s exit, Matt quickly followed. The ground was now shaking so badly, I

    was afraid there was an earthquake and the cave was going to collapse upon us.

    I was the first to make it to the exit, which seemed little more than a mole hole now. I started squirming

    and squeezing through, with Matt yelling for me to hurry. I obliged, skinning my knees and elbows as I forced my

    way through. Once I was into the passage, I turned to help Matt who was frantically trying to squeeze through. If I

    hadn’t known better, I would have thought the hole was shrinking right before my eyes. Matt had begun to struggle


    harder, and I pulled him through with both hands. Suddenly Matt screamed in what I thought was agony from being

    tugged too hard, but he was looking up at me with complete terror in his eyes.

    “Something is touching my legs! Something is touching my legs! Pull harder!” He screamed. I yanked him

    once more with all my strength, and he finally popped through. As his feet appeared, my headlight revealed what

    resembled a webbed hand or claw releasing its grip on Matt’s leg. Although it had shape, it was more opaque than

    solid. The second Matt was on his feet he began running, and as it dawned on me what I had seen, I too turned and

    ran as fast as I was able. The rumbling noise began to grow louder as a strange glow began to illuminate the passage

    behind us, and the sickening smell of rotting meat and bile began to overtake us.

    As we scrambled upward, the spiraling effect of the passage became disorienting and started to take its

    effect on us. If Matt wasn't tripping on something or banging his head, then I was, and the escape to the surface

    seemed to take forever. It was like a Laurel and Hardy movie scene gone terribly wrong. Since we had ascended

    high enough through all of the twists and turns, the light from below should not have been visible. Instead it seemed

    to be getting closer and brighter, now lighting the passage behind in a sickly blood-red light. Finally we reached the

    long, straight passage that led directly to the cave entrance, and Matt and I were able to pick up speed putting more

    distance between us, and the light from below and the overpowering stench. However, the rumbling continued to

    grow louder, and became higher pitched, like a teakettle approaching the boiling point.

    As we finally reached the ledge we turned to each other in shock. There was nothing but darkness ahead.

    We had entered the cave about noon and had only been inside for about 2 hours. It should have still been bright

    daylight. Matt aimed his headlight up to the cave entrance and what we saw chilled us to the bone. Our rope was

    gone and the entrance looked blocked. We frantically jumped onto the slope and began to claw our way upward, but

    for every two feet we gained, we slid back one. The light from below began once more to encroach on us and the

    rumbling intensified.

    We started screaming for help, though who would hear us we had no idea! The light behind suddenly came

    racing towards us flickering with blinding speed and intensity. We covered our eyes and screamed for our lives.

    Instantly, the light faded to complete darkness like a wave cresting over. The unbearable noise stopped and the

    stench faded. The only sound was our own heavy breathing.

    “What in the hell was that?” I gasped, trying to catch my breath lost to fear.

    “I don't know, but let’s get out of here. Now!” Matt answered.


    No sooner were the words out of his mouth than we heard a horrible crash below followed by a sound that

    still gives me nightmares. Our headlights immediately went dead and we were thrust into complete and total

    darkness, as a horrific, tortured sound came rushing closer. We were now too scared even to scream. I remember

    pressing myself against the rock wall, frozen in fear, reduced to no other capacity than to listen as the sound began

    to transform into more of a primal, demonic scream as it flew up the passage towards us like a freight train going

    200 miles per hour. The air grew searing hot and a putrid wind swirled around us. We were about to pass out from

    fear and the ear-piercing pain of the scream when something semi-solid surged past. Almost reading each other’s

    minds, we shot up the last few feet and through the exit, me first, then Matt. Not knowing whether to run or

    collapse, we stared at each other waiting for the other to make a move, finally realizing daylight had returned. We

    sighed with relief, after all things are always better in the light of day. Right? Wrong!

    However, our ordeal had not yet ended. A man with long, unkempt hair and deep lines crisscrossing his

    face appeared out of nowhere. Despite our initial reaction to shake off our immobility and run, there was something

    about the man that made us stay, something non-threatening almost peaceful. As he approached us slowly, staring at

    us with piercing red eyes, the screaming came roaring through the woods. Matt and I stood frozen, powerless to

    stop the thing rushing towards us, powerless to move. The old man stopped his approach, his face one of steely

    determination. He reached his arms up toward the sky and began forcefully chanting in a language I did not

    recognize nor understand.

    The scream crested the hill emb odied in a dark shape, almost like a black cloud of soot, with just enough

    form to be called solid. It flew down the hill, snapping small trees that stood between it and the old man like

    matchsticks. The haggard old man blocked the entity’s path towards us as he more loudly chanted those strange

    words that echoed through the woods like the howl of a wolf.

    The entity slowed, and, as if it had legs, seemed to take a step back just as the strange light began to

    emanate from the entrance to the cave again. This time, however, it was not the sickly blood red from before, but a

    brilliant white light. The entity, or whatever it was, struggled against the light. It was sucked back down into the

    cave screaming loud in protest. Suddenly, silence as the light retreated into the cave, disappearing as quickly as it

    had come. Stunned with disbelief and shock, Matt and I just stared at the old man. Coming out of his trance, he again

    took notice of us and asked if we were okay. Matt and I both looked at each other as if checking for any number of


    untold wounds. Outside of skinned knees and elbows, we were both merely dirty and dripping with sweat, so we

    nodded numbly in silence.

    “You two nearly met your end there,” said the old man.

    “Who, I mean, what was that?” Matt stammered.

    “It was evil, cruel and eternal. You could call it a demon or you could call it the devil.” He paused for a

    second and then continued. “It is both and it is neither. What’s important is that it didn't get to feed again. It grows much more powerful if it gets to feed.”

    With that, the man drew back, crossed in front of us and began walking. He chanted quietly for a few more

    minutes, and then walked into the woods. Matt and I stared at each other, eyes wide. Full of questions, yet still too

    much in shock to speak, we began to search for the old man.

    Only a few seconds behind him, there was no way he could have disappeared yet he was nowhere to be

    found. No footprints and no sounds. We called out to him, even ran up the hill to see further. It was like he had

    disappeared into thin air.

    Now we were thoroughly baffled and confused. As we came back down the hill we found what we were

    looking for behind a toppled old tree. There, wearing clothes identical clothes to those of the strange man was an

    almost completely decomposed corpse, holding an old black and white photograph in a rusted frame.

    Matt slid it from under the man’s hand and held it up to the light. It was a much younger version of our

    stranger, with what appeared to be his wife and daughter, standing in front of a nice farmhouse looking happy

    together. Matt slipped the photo back under his hand, as I noticed something else wrapped in oilcloth lying just

    under his elbow. I bent over and brushed off the dust to reveal a book. I gently removed it and flipped through the

    pages. It was a journal or diary of some kind.

    “I'll bet we'll find some answers here,” I said as I slipped it under my arm. “Let’s get out of here.”

    “I couldn't agree more,” Matt said.

    We hardly spoke on the trip back home, each reflecting on what had happened and reevaluating how easily

    things we had previously believed as true had been shattered by what we had just experienced. When we arrived

    home we cleaned ourselves up quickly with the garden hose in the backyard before going inside. We each gulped

    several glasses of water, Matt remarking that we had not returned with our canteen. To this day I have no idea

    what happened to it or the rope!


    Once we felt refreshed and comparatively safe, we sat down at the table with the old tattered journal and

    began to pour over the pages. Most of the stuff we read concerning the cave we didn't understand at the time, the

    pages being littered with discombobulated thoughts and gibberish, in a handwriting difficult to read. It wasn't until

    after revisiting the journal several more times that I was finally able to make some kind of sense of what had

    happened around that cave.

    From what I could tell, the man, his wife and daughter moved into the area in the late 1890’s and farmed

    the land they lived on. The daughter was adventurous and regularly went out exploring the woods, sometimes

    alone, sometimes with a friend, according to her father. One day, she sprained her knee in a fall and had to be

    rescued, and from then on, her parents insisted she go always with someone else. Apparently, this was no assurance

    of safety. A few weeks later she and her friend ventured out never to be seen again.

    The man and his wife, along with the friend’s family, local sheriff, his deputies, and other concerned

    families, searched the woods that night and all the next week. Despite all efforts, the girls were never found. A

    month later, refusing to give up, the parents, searching the woods, once again, discovered the entrance to a cave.

    Fearing their daughter made the same discovery, they decided to enter and look around.

    The journal goes on to describe a horrifying scene. Just a few feet into the cave, the mother had found a

    special ribbon their daughter frequently wore in her hair. It was covered with dried blood. Distraught and

    overcome with grief, the mother ran deeper into the cave. The man, slowed by an old foot injury, was unable to

    keep up and begged her to wait until he got help. She ignored him and ran down the same dark passage Matt and I

    had explored, shouting her daughter’s name. Knowing he’d never catch up with her and concerned about

    maneuvering in the cave, he decided to remain near the entrance and wait for his wife to return with news of

    whatever she had found. He would never see his wife alive again.

    He listened for what seemed like hours as his wife screamed their daughter’s name, over and over, and it

    grew fainter as she descended further into the cave. Just when he could barely hear her voice any more, she let out

    one long, blood-curdling scream. Closing his eyes in sadness and despair, thinking his wife had just discovered their

    daughter’s body he yelled out to her. He never received a response. What he got instead was a taste of what Matt

    and I endured.

    The journal described a very similar event to the one we experienced, starting with the earthquake-like

    tremors deep in the cave, which, from his perspective from near the entrance, were much more subdued. He yelled down to his wife to return, fearing a cave-in as we had, but again, he heard no answer. Then he described hearing

    a high-pitch wail coming up the passage, a sound he knew couldn't be human. Fearing it was some kind of wild

    animal he scampered as quickly as he could over the nearby hill, crouching behind a stump to see if anything exited

    the cave. He heard the wail growing louder and louder and described seeing a sickly red light glowing within the

    cave. As it faded, a black shape seemed to shoot from the cave like a cannonball, up into the air at least 5 0 feet,

    then glided back down to earth.

    It had clutched in one of its appendages the one-armed torso of his wife. The man described the almost

    unbearable horror of seeing this, but was compelled by something beyond his control to watch as the shadow entity

    fed on his wife’s body. Seeming to swim in the blood, it actually seemed to become more solid.

    Finally as it registered in the terrified man’s brain, this creature had just savagely murdered his wife, and

    probably his daughter and her friend, he turned in a stupor and began to slink down the backside of the hill. He

    began to gain speed on the incline and finally, enraged with anger and grief, broke into a dead run, ignoring his

    swollen and sore foot. Bursting into his house he grabbed his shotgun from the mantle, stuffed as many extra shells

    as he could into his jacket, then loaded the gun. Bent on revenge, he began the long trek back to the where he had

    left the entity mutilating his wife. When he finally arrived back at his vantage point on the hill, he could see and feel the entity was no longer around. Carefully he inched his way down the far side of the hill towards the grisly scene just outside the cave’s entrance. Blood stained the grass and leaves. Shreds of her dress and small pieces of

    scattered entrails and flesh were all that remained of his wife.

    Overcome with grief, he fell to his knees and began to sob uncontrollably. He remained like that for

    several minutes, running his fingers through the bloodstained material. Images of his wife and daughter flooded his

    mind and again he became enraged with a primal anger. He stood up, raised his gun into the air and yelled out to

    the entity to come for him. He yelled down into the cave, yelled up into the air, yelled at the top of his lungs for it to

    come. It didn't take long for his call to be answered.

    Vaulting over the hill behind him it came screaming, now almost entirely solid. He described it as a thickskinned,

    black beast, trailed by a wispy, dark mist coming off it like steam off a campfire doused with water. Its eyes

    burned a deep red and pierced his glaze like two hot pokers. The beast plunged towards him, it arms extended with

    giant scythe-like appendages ready to slice him in half. He calmly leveled his shotgun and waited to pull the trigger

    until the last second, when he could feel the beast’s hot breath on his face. The creature’s upper body exploded into

    a cloud of black dust, as its lower body slammed into the man knocking the wind out of him and pinning him to the



    It writhed and convulsed on top of him as he struggled beneath its weight. Slowly, it too turned into

    weightless black dust, falling from him like bits of ash. Eventually he was able to stand up and breathe deeply and

    as he did so, he felt a strong breeze materialize out of nowhere. Although it wasn't so much a breeze, as it was a

    force behind him, sucking the air past him. He braced himself against a small tree and watched as the dusty

    remains of the entity gathered once again into a faint shadow and disappeared back into the hole. He shot at it once

    again before it left his sight, but his shot simply blew through what was by now nearly a transparent dust cloud and

    struck a tree. The man ran to the entrance and looked into the darkness, hearing a final faint wail then silence.

    Minutes later he turned and left the cave entrance in a brain-numbed trance.

    According to the journal, he then visited the family of his daughter’s friend and tried to explain what

    happened. Bewildered and nearly despondent by the news their child was likely dead, the friend’s mother and

    father returned to the site with him. They saw the blood and tattered remains of his wife. The friends’ father kept

    insisting that it must have been a bear of some kind, and the event he recounted was merely a figment of the man’s

    enraged grief. Unable to convince them otherwise, he at least got their help to cover the cave’s entrance with logs

    and dead tree branches.

    Details followed about the memorial services, about how no one would believe him about the shadow

    creature. Everyone in the county thought he had lost his mind upon the death of his wife, and he became

    increasingly more withdrawn until he was essentially a recluse. However, he remained determined to find out what

    was down in that cave. He spent hours in the town’s library, pouring through medieval reference books, the Bible,

    and even mythology books. Nothing was ever found to describe what he had seen and experienced.

    It wasn't until one winter day, months later, that he got his answer. His journal explains that a local Native

    American, whose parents had stayed behind when their Navajo tribe had been forced off the land onto a reservation

    in Arizona, had heard of his story and came to visit him. He claimed to know the origin of a shadow creature from

    an old tale passed down over many years through the generations of his tribe. The creature was referred to as a

    “Hindi,” or “soul eater”. A creature of untold origin and power, it hibernated for decades and came out to feed on

    people’s souls only to return to a long slumber after terrorizing nearby humans and animals. His tribe’s shamans


    had long held incantations and spells to keep the soul eater in check, limiting its power and forcing it to remain

    dormant for hundreds of years.

    Over the next couple of weeks he consulted with an old shaman the man introduced him to, learning spells

    that supposedly would keep the creature at bay. Apparently, these incantations bound the person to the creature in

    an eternal struggle against one another. The spirit of the spell-giver would contain the beast as long as the line of

    living shamans kept up with the spells and incantations needed to keep the spirit alive on its alternate plane of

    existence. Without maintenance, the spirit would eventually fade and cross over to the next plane, leaving nothing

    behind to contain the soul eater.

    With his family gone and no one in town believing him, he decided to live near the cave to prevent anyone

    from trying to enter it again. He basically dedicated the rest of his life to protecting the area from any further

    attacks from the creature and carved symbols of a spell into the cave walls to keep his spirit alive after his corporal

    death, and contain the entity in its lair.

    The incantations engraved into the wall apparently had enough power for the man to return to our plane of

    existence long enough to once again contain the entity, protecting us from certain death.

    After reading his journal and understanding what had happened, Matt and I felt safe enough to return to

    the area and explore a little more. About a mile past the cave we found two unmarked gravestones. Could they have

    been the man’s wife and child? We never told anyone about our experience. Who would have believed us?

    Many questions go unanswered even until today. Where did that evil thing come from? Was it a natural

    creature of earth, a demon, or some other ancient creature? Are there more of them out there, living the cycle of

    feeding then hibernating? Who or what recovered the hole while we were in the cave? Was it the spell trying to

    contain the beast or was it some other force trying to keep us in there for the creature to feed on? Why didn't the

    beast kill us while it had us trapped instead of breaking through the barrier and coming back for us? All I know is

    there are things on this earth still left for us to discover and understand. But we had seen, read and heard enough

    never to enter the cave again.

  3. Avatar 2: The United Earth Directorate Strikes Back!



    I traveled here from the year 2012 to say this.... SPOILER ALERT!




    The Na'vi send those sky people back to their spaceship and send them home. However there was a traitor on board. He killed everyone and self-destructed the ship. Meanwhile people back on earth had no clue what happened. RDA managed to convinced the current government to get involved for a cut of the profit and/or a portion of the unobtainium. The Terran Military, made up mostly of criminals in an overcrowed Prison institution, arrived in Alpha Centuri after 6 years of travel and did some satellite recon on Pandora's orbit. After seeing the wreckage of those helicopters and the cargo ship they figured that the the natives are part of some powerful forces killed all the humans that was sent to mine this place...


    Meanwhile Jake became addicted to connecting his USB port to the tree of souls. He realized that this isn't the first time such crisis happened by going through genetic memories of the tree of souls. He also found some dark and sinister origins about the Na'vi and Ewya. However it was all just mental flashes and the constant connection has taken a toll on his psyche. There were signs of the "Last of the Great sorrows" and "The end times in Pandora." and the Fortelling of an ancient enemy even before the time of Na'vi. Back in the human base, sensors began to pick up strange gravitational occurrence. Also there seems to be some discrepancy about the messages received from earth. Norm managed to locate and hacked into the military channel. After decrypting the transmission, the scientists realized that the humans are back and this time they bought in the artillery. A huge fleet of battle cruisers are in Pandora's orbit and are ready to release a newly developed biological weapon of mass destruction into the atmosphere designed to infect and killed off every organism on the alien planet.


    Admiral DeGalle wanted intelligence on those natives first, suspecting that no way that a professional Security force such as Sec-OP would be wiped out by some primitive savages with bows and arrows. He encountered Samir Duran, a mercenary who claimed that he deserted when things went bad and was stranded on the alien planet. Duran also look excately like Colonel Quaritch. Duran offered strategic advice, set up human base camp on Pandora's soil once again and scored a few victories against the planet itself by directly attacking the territorial neural connection. Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov was wary of Duran. He had his staff secretly ran profile on him but just when he realized some horrible truth Duran literally stabbed him in the back and threw his corpse into outer space.


    Norm managed to tell Jake this and he consoled the tree of souls again. Ewya told Jake that he was was not ready, but the stubborn and risk-hearty Jake ignored the advise and took it upon himself to save the the planet again. They hatched a plan to use the remaining shuttle to get a few Na'vi to the battle cruiser, from there they'll try to stop the orbital bombardment or negotiate something. As always Jake really doesn't have a clear plan and just try to make it up on the fly. They did managed to stealthy docked onto the capital ship. The Na'vi are not used to the air humans normally breaths and are having trouble coping. The humans, shocked to see alien blue people on their ship, thought they are under attack and a lot of fighting ensured. Neytiri got killed and Jake managed to made it to the bridge and face off with the Duran ala John Woo style gun battle. Jake shot Duran, but he managed to shrugged off the grievous wounds, revealed himself to be strange alien entity and told Jake that he killed his brother, and that there's powerful forces at work here beyond his comprehension. He sliced Jake's hand off and left Jake bleeding from multiple bullet wound as he made an eloquent evil nemesis speech and launched the nukes...


    Meanwhile Norm got captured, and the body of Neytiri was cryogenically frozen and both were shipped back to earth...










    Samir Duran ripped off the human flesh on his face, revealing a dark insectivore feature and a trio of black, lidless eyes.


    Samir Duran "Hissss... Jake...... Hssss.... I killed your brother."


    Jake Scully: "Noooooooooooooooo!!!!"

  4. Have you ever heard of new words in your friend's volcabulary that's completely made up of two words, but when put together it creates another word in such a unique way that it almost becomes an entirely new concept? Well, put there here and share it with your other pen-friends! You never know when it'll turn up to be the next new word in the english dictionary!



    Gignormous -[ Gi-norm.mussss. ] (combination of gigantic & enormous)

    - Adjective

    1. greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc.; huge:

    2. exaggerated size.


    Peter North stick his gignormous *beep* into Carmen Electrica's wet and swollen *beep* as they began to excitedly *beep* *beep*.




    Patheisad - [ Ppppa-featha-s.ad ] (combination of pathetic & sad)

    - Adjective

    1. miserably or contemptibly pitiful inadequacy.

    2. deplorably bad to the point of sympathetic affection.


    What? You mean her poetry book didn't even sell a single copy? That's Patheisad.




    Stupidstitious - [ stoo-pid-stish-uhsssss ] (combination of stupid & superstitious)

    - Adjective

    1. believing in, full of, or influenced by senseless superstition.

    2. pertaining to or connected with foolish superstition.


    His stupidstitious beliefs made him into a scientologist; letting the leaders of that church take turns on his hot wife.



    From urban dictionary :




    re.donk'u.lous adj.


    1. significantly more absurd than ridiculous to an almost impossible extreme; without possibility of serious consideration.


    2. fitted to excite absolute ridicule; intentionally crazy and silly; completely absurd and laughable.


    "redonkulous" - as first popularized by the fictional character Seth Cohen on FOX's The O.C.

    George W. Bush is the most redonkulous person in the world.


    The first Bush administration was ridiculous. This second one is just redonkulous.

  5. http://swarthmore.edu/SocSci/bdorsey1/41docs/51-fra.html


    Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress (1745).




    June 25, 1745


    My dear Friend,


    I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural Inclinations you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. Marriage is the proper Remedy. It is the most natural State of Man, and therefore the State in which you are most likely to find solid Happiness. Your Reasons against entering into it at present, appear to me not well-founded. The circumstantial Advantages you have in View by postponing it, are not only uncertain, but they are small in comparison with that of the Thing itself, the being married and settled. It is the Man and Woman united that make the compleat human Being. Separate, she wants his Force of Body and Strength of Reason; he, her Softness, Sensibility and acute Discernment. Together they are more likely to succeed in the World. A single Man has not nearly the Value he would have in that State of Union. He is an incomplete Animal. He resembles the odd Half of a Pair of Scissars. If you get a prudent healthy Wife, your Industry in your Profession, with her good Economy, will be a Fortune sufficient.


    But if you will not take this Counsel, and persist in thinking a Commerce with the Sex inevitable, then I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these:


    i. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor'd with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable.


    2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.


    3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience.


    4. Because thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.


    5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding2 only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.


    6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.


    7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.


    8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!!


    Thus much for my Paradox. But still I advise you to marry directly; being sincerely Your affectionate Friend.

  6. I've always wanted to write a few reviews about movies I've watched in recent years, but haven't gotten around to it since I was addicted to WoW. I figure I should voice my opinion on some movies while I was in my break from WoW.


    I picked Girls gone Wild: Mardi Gras out of all the Girls gone wild series because it's the most realistic one of the whole GGW franchise. It's also most believable because many fine female members of our species do celebate this festival in such frolicking nature. My first and strongest complain about this movie and, in-extension, films of this nature is the total lack of plot. Much like our instantaneous gratification nature of our society, everything was strip bare to our base needs and course satification. I mean, when was the last time anyone see an explicited film with an actual decent plot?


    The filmography is ... strangely ironic. The film claim to be amaturish and a candid shot of girls in their 'wild' state. Yet the camera was uncanny professional. There was a definatively lack of jerky movement, awdwark lighting and focus, and evanencent zoom-in that was the basic charactistics of all amature films. It's completely ironic that the filming techniques are so well practiced on unsuspecting girls that it was suited for its predatory, unscrupulous nature of this particular film.


    In regards to those credulous actresses, I found them to be truely geniune making it one huge redeaming quality. The lack of silcone was definately refreshing, and for once the argument that this genera of film making unrealistic expectation of the female body went flat. Perhapse to better understand this film, one must place aside the sterotypes of the opposite gender and unclad our armor of psychological vunerability to cardinally know the truth between men and women. One must really dig deep for that and I'll leave the audacious truth to the audience.


    One more interesting point to note. One of the "star" (and may I dare say the best looking one) is actually not of age at the time. (and yes, that would actually deem having an actual copy of this film to be illegal {and no, I do not actually posess a copy}) However her performance was away from the crowd at night between two archway at a gate. I would say that actually a low point of the film as it went against the general theme. She was half decent thou.


    one and a half lawsuits out of five.



    P.S. I was probably expected to answear this question "How would you feel if it was your signifiant other in that film?" and the question quitely possibily go along with an angry tone. I do not have a significant other, however, my answear would be... "the same way as she would feel." It a pretty good answear if you come to think about it.

  7. Watch




    Relating the 4 hormones to related the 4 hormone types Dopamine & Serotoini: Popular Sanguine, Testosterone: Power Choleric,, and Estrogen & oxytocin: Peaceful phylamatic to the 4 main personalities. Perfect Melancholy: Something else that causes depression.



    Now we all need to do is to analyze if the time of the year people are born into have anything to do with the level of each type of chemical in your brain.. to determine if the personality described in horoscopes have anything to do with a person's personality.



    P.S I'm a negoitator... yes I'm a doormat. -_-

  8. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/p...egook-poll.aspx


    George W. Bush tops English gobbledegook poll

    Posted: September 09, 2009, 4:02 PM by Karen Hawthorne

    World, U.S. Politics



    Agence France Presse



    LONDON—Former U.S. president George W. Bush topped a poll of the worst examples of mangled English released Wednesday, followed closely by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Donald Rumsfeld.



    Former French football star Eric Cantona and former U.S. president Bill Clinton also produced prime examples of gobbledegook, according to the online poll of 4,000 people inspired by the Plain English Campaign.



    Bush romped to the top accolade for his: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”



    Second came Hollywood star-turned-California governor Schwarzenegger, who during an election campaign in 2003 declared: “I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.”



    The rest of the top 10 in the poll, commissioned by an insurance company after it won an award from the Plain English Campaign, were:



    - 3. Rumsfeld, in February, 2002: “Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns: the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”



    - 4. Murray Walker, motor racing commentator: “The lead car is absolutely unique, except for the one behind it which is identical.”



    - 5. John Motson, football commentator: “For those of you watching in black and white, Spurs are playing in yellow.”



    - 6. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, explaing budget plans to lawmakers in July this year: “Total spending will continue to rise and it will be a zero percent rise in 2013-14.”



    - 7. Clinton, in 1998 grand jury testimony about Monica Lewinsky: “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If ‘is’ means ‘is and never has been’ that’s one thing — if it means ‘there is none’, that was a completely true statement.”



    - 8. Cantona, 1995: “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.”



    - 9. Bush, July, 2001: “I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe — I believe what I believe is right.”



    - 10. London mayor Boris Johnson, on British satirical gameshow “Have I Got News for You” in 2003: “I could not fail to disagree with you less.”


    George W. Bush headed back to Canada



    (Photo: George W. Bush. Credit: Tim Sloan, AFP/Getty Images)

  9. O.K., sooooooo, (I'm guessing) naming it Korvak, Drinker of Souls wasn't a very joyfull decision either?


    All righty then.


    No prob.


    Tonight I'll make "Graunt, Korvak Slayer" and see what happens.


    I got a good feeling about this!



    so.. that's the last we've ever heard of Snypiuer?

  10. Nothing to worry about, really, but what do you do if you can't find the doll? Also, was it unwise to: 1. Name it "Korvak, Drinker of Souls" and 2. Decide to just go to sleep and look for it later?


    Just asking.


    I'll ask my sources and get back to you on that later.


    My source tells me that that's why the two ppl in the above example limit the area using rock salt. Less places for the doll to run off (if it ever did). The rule of the ritual states that you do not sleep and you do not leave until you find the doll and spray salt water over it, declare 3 times that you won, and burn the thing soon after. Others you don't sleep or leave the premise until you find it.


    Or else this might happen.









    I don't really know how to do this. All I know is that I want this damned thing out of my house. I'll start from the beginning:


    When I was a young child, I had a large stuffed toy bear, and named him "Baron". Baron was the one I always blamed for stolen candy and broken dishes, dressed in a button up shirt to imitate Calvin dressing up Hobbes, that kind of best imaginary friend who I would talk out loud to. I don't remember a whole lot about what went on, but some things (which they will not discuss with me) happened to make them get rid of Baron and take me for counseling, and then to several religious figures in the local community. This didn't last long, and I turned into (according to everyone else) a healthy, well adjusted young man.


    Two weeks ago, I was in Cleveland on business. There was a small antique shop on the other side of the street where I was parked, and after finishing what I was there for, I walked up to the door for a quick peek. "Merryweather Curiosities" was not only closed but in a severe state of disrepair, and very dim inside, but I could swear that back in the shadows I saw movement once or twice. As my eyes adjusted to peering through the glass into the darkness, shielded by my hands, I saw a stuffed bear that looked very much like Baron tucked away in one of the corners. Nothing of note happened and I went home, only to come back the next day to retrieve my clip-on sunglasses that I had accidentally left in the waiting room of the office.


    Baron, and it was indeed my childhood friend, was on the sidewalk outside the shop, a McDonald's hamburger wrapper plastered around his leg by the wind. There was no pricetag. On closer inspection, his fur was ragged and worn in some places, mostly on the extremities of the forepaws, and most oddly, his eyes were gone.


    I looked up and down the street and put him in the back of my Isuzu Trooper.



    At home, I hurried in to check my email and phone messages. I forgot to bring Baron in, which I sometimes do with groceries if I don't need them right away. In the morning, I went out to the car. Opening the door, I was practically bowled over by a very powerful stench of rust, mold, and what can only be described as the scent of a filthy wet dog. A dead filthy wet dog.


    The back lining of my trooper had been torn out after it started to mold from being used as a work truck (hauling firewood in the winter got it wet and dirty), so I figured that maybe the carpet up between the seats needed cleaning, and that some of the smell might be coming from Baron who if I remembered properly from the tag, was machine washable. I pulled him out, put him on the porch, stuck my bike in the back of the trooper, and drove down to the local carwash and auto detailing place to have the interior steamcleaned to see if that would help. My seat was slightly misadjusted and some of the controls were sticky for no apparent reason. The cycling ride home was uneventful. The bear was still in the same position where I left him.


    Once I got home, I stuffed Baron into my Staber washing machine, which is an expensive high quality washer, and ran him as a light cold water load. Afterwards, I spread him over a laundry rack outside to dry because it was such a nice sunny day. Right after coming inside, the phone started ringing. It was the auto detailer, and they wanted me to pick up my car (this was much earlier than expected).


    On arriving, I found the Trooper to be only partly cleaned but the smell was greatly diminished. None of the college students who worked there would look me in the eye or give me more than a monosyllablic reply. The manager pulled me aside, told me that he wanted me to take my car and leave, that he wasn't willing to discuss anything about it, and that there would be no charge. This made me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed, and I tried to think of what might have happened. The Trooper had the windows rolled up tightly while sitting in the sun and was very warm, so I put on the air conditioning on the drive back. There was almost no airflow, and then a few dried feathers started to spiral out of the vents, followed by a shaking rustle and a dead baby bird dropping onto the carpet from the under-dash air vent.


    I immediately pulled into the Target parking lot, locked my car, and spent an hour pacing and then looking underneath the car. I decided that the source of the stench and problems with the carwash had been birds nesting in the air conditioning ducts, which then died. I finally scooped up the dead hatchling with a plastic bag, dropped it in one of the errant shopping carts and got back in my car. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something looking at me from in back. Not malevolently, but accusingly. Like I had done something wrong.


    At home, I worked outside for a while cutting down some new brush growth and dragging it down to the ditch by the road, then went inside and out into the back yard to check on Baron drying. The rack had collapsed and he was sprawled on the ground several feet away, but completely dry. It almost felt as though there were hard objects inside him, just deep enough to be difficult to feel under the padding. There was no smell. I put most of my problems outside of my mind and carried him upstairs to be stowed away in the guest bedroom, with some of my other old stuff.


    For a few days, nothing happened. Then I began feeling like I wasn't alone in the house. My girlfriend came over, and started to mention seeing things out of the corner of her eye. I said they must have been my cat Harlequin, but we found her upstairs asleep on my bed. That night when we were watching The Island, we both heard a very loud banging sound coming from upstairs. Later, she swore she heard footsteps descending the basement stairs and then sounds coming from underneath us. I was still trying my best to be skeptical about the odd things happening, and made fun of her being easily spooked. Our night didn't last much longer, she went home and I stayed up listening to every single sound - and this is an old house, it DOES have some creaks from the heat making it expand and contract - with my hair slowly prickling up on the back of my neck. Some of the pieces from my chess set were missing.


    I went to sleep with a small light on for the first time in years, and finally drifted off around 3 am. I can't remember much from my dreams from that night, but I woke up with most of the coverings balled up on the floor and dark bags under my eyes. The one mental image that remained was the lingering sensation of being trapped deep underground in a space too small to pass through, with the knowledge that something was coming after me.


    Harlequin didn't show up for her breakfast, but I figured she was just out sleeping in the bushes or in a sunny spot. I realized that I hadn't seen any birds or squirrels around lately, and there hadn't been any birdcalls in the morning. Harley takes a bird now and then, but not enough to silence them all. Walking out the front door, I saw a massive puddle under the back of the trooper. It was something like motor oil but was dried and blackish brown. Test driving it showed no problems and there was no longer any smell at all. Also, the feathers were gone. At this point, I began questioning whether some of the events were just my overactive imagination running wild after a period of stress and extra work. I decided to take the car for a drive to make sure nothing was wrong, and ended up heading toward Cleveland again. The antique shop popped into my mind, and I made a beeline for it, thinking maybe I could ask where they found Baron. I was starting to put some of these strange occurences together.


    At the corner where I had picked up Baron, there was only brick wall at the section where the shop had been. I thought I was going nuts. It was the exact same place, but nothing was there. I walked to the next door down, a local coffeehouse. The grayhaired lady behind the counter told me that there never had been any "Merryweather" shop there.


    The shop was completely cleaned out, down to the cleaner area on the brick where the sign used to be. I don't know where it went and haven't had much luck in researching.


    Sure that I was going mad, I came back home to see the local utilities board scooping up all the brush I had been cutting over the past week. One of the orange hard-hat wearing workers flagged me over and pointed at what the backhoe claw had unearthed pulling up branches. There was a good four or five cubic feet of small bones mixed in with the twigs and saplings, drying white and brown. Feathers, fur, and scraps of flesh still clung to most of them. Among the bones was a pink flea collar exactly the same as the one Harlequin had been wearing.


    This incident caused me a great deal of difficulty with the city, fortunately some of the executives on the utilities board and city council members were close friends of my parents and didn't take to any wild flights of fancy as to why a small animal graveyard might have appeared in my discarded branches. I was beginning to be terrified about the possibilities. My house was rapidly taking on a very uncomfortable feeling, and no one came inside without commenting on feeling unease or even outright fear. At several times I heard low moans uttered from other parts and this happened once while a guest was over. The shuffling sounds increased in frequency, always happening on a floor I wasn't on until one day they started happening several rooms over on the same story. This set me on edge like nothing you would believe. It was worse than hearing the scraping sounds inside the walls at night had been. Sometimes I would wake up with a few scratches on my face, or feel something jump up onto my bed at night. I started to question my sanity more and more.


    Up to this time, I had only looked in the spare bedroom a few times, and Baron was always in his place, eyeless sockets staring into space. I looked at him that day I heard the shuffling, and caught myself starting to talk to him. This time it wasn't a pair of child friends, it was me threatening him with the evisceration of his stuffing and the fate of being stuffed into my woodchipper if he didn't stop whatever was going on, if it was related to him and I was sure it was. As I spoke, I felt chills trace up and down my spine and tears jumped into my eyes for no reason. The room felt twenty degrees colder and visibly darkened. My heart was in my throat and I felt an incredibly palpable sensation of hostility spreading through the air like waves.


    Shakily I backed out of the room, slammed the door, and ran downstairs to fix myself some tequila. I noticed in the kitchen that most if not nearly all of my knives were missing, and that there were chunks of wood missing out of the locked cupboard under the sink, a holdover from when the previous owners had had small children to keep away from drain cleaner, almost as if a very short person had been gleefully chipping away to try to break past the latch.


    After drinking for a good twenty minutes, I started to rationalize everything that had happened. The feeling that washed over me had been a natural reaction, all part of my mind spooking itself and reacting on cue to my subconscious desires to find strange and scary things. Emboldened by liquor, I strode back upstairs and decided for no apparent reason to repair Barons eyes. I remembered that once, long after Baron disappeared but still in my childhood, that I had found a small box with a pair of stuffed animal type eyes in it, nestled in strips of paper with scrawled writing, and then was scolded heavily for snooping. As if my hands found it unbidden, it only took a few minutes of searching in one of the upstairs closets. The box was wooden with inlaid crucifixes and a carving of the Virgin Mary, which struck me very oddly as my parents had most definitely not been Catholic. Inside were many little strips of parchment, almost as if it had been put through a shredder. Written on each one was a latin phrase, repeated over and over from one strip to another. Underneath a wrapping of these were a pair of simple button eyes that I recognized as definitely having belonged to Baron in the past. They felt very, very cold.


    I took a needle and thread left over from my last shirt repair and took Baron downstairs. Slamming him onto the dining room table, I roughly stabbed the needle into the sockets, laced in the eyes, and sewed them both tight. Again, I felt as if there almost might be an actual skeletal structure under his padding, but after prodding quite hardly, found nothing. Tired of the whole thing and wondering why I had done what I did, I opened the basement door, threw him down the stairs, and locked it.


    Nothing happened all day and all night. Maybe I had solved the problem. Loading my week's laundry into the machine, I noticed that it was already full of liquid. Looking closer with a flashlight revealed a layer of scum floating on oily water, glinting red under the beam from my mini mag. My reflection swirled and distorted in the water, and I heard whispering, not just one voice but one main tone with a whole chorus of others in the background. I slammed the lid down and put a cinderblock on top of it, and ran the machine empty. Five minutes later all of the power to that side of my house went out and I have still not been able to find the circuit fault. I called up an electrician the next morning, after a tormented night of sounds and bumps, and then tried looking up an exorcist. Exorcists unfortunately aren't in the yellow pages. The workman came around noon and went down to the basement (where I had not gone) to check the breakers. He left shortly after going down and told me that he was never coming back and that he had a good mind to hit me with his wrench for calling him here. The shadows in the corners of the house seemed bigger than before, and I don't like shadows that shift and adjust when you aren't looking. There was a puddle forming under the washer.


    I went outside to pace under the sun, and started to notice odd scraps of ragged fabric stuck to some of the trees and brambles edging my property. One of them was recognizeable as part of one of my much older stuffed animals, from when I was a toddler. There must have still been a box of them tucked away somewhere. I went upstairs to look, and found only a decapitated Pooh in an otherwise empty cardboard box. Pooh's eyeless, mouthless head was on the seat of my car. The rest of the never-alive animals slowly came to view as I dug through some of the uncleared thickets, some of them with their heads seperated, some of them much worse. I saw the entrance to the crawlspace under the sideporch was open. This crawlspace leads directly to another crawlspace that goes to the basement. I saw some scraps of fur and stuffing laying in the entrance and was sure that I heard heavy, animal breathing deeper inside.


    Staying in the house for another night was a terrifying prospect. I was being forced to accept that some sort of evil supernatural entity was making a residence and destroying my life and my wellbeing. Looking in the downstairs bathroom mirror, my skin was almost china-pale, with dark veins showing through. The corruption that was overtaking the house was starting to get me as well. As I looked at my face in the mirror in the dim fluorescent light (I needed to change one of the pair and hadn't) the reflection slowly faded to grayish dark, and swirled into ornate patterns that gave way to a pure blackness that looked back at me through a pair of bright red eyes, the only thing I could see. I heard a horrible scream that might have been my own, as the lights went off through the entire house. The bathroom door is opposite the basement door, only a few feet to the other side and back a bit. I could hear slow shuffling sounds coming up them. My maglite was in my hand and my adrenaline was on full fight or flight mode. I chose fight.


    I shone the light into the door and pulled it open. I swear to god I'm not crazy, and this is what I saw. There below me on the steps was Baron slowly walking up on two legs, one of my kitchen knives in his paws, scraps of other animals hanging off him. I yelled at the top of my lungs and shut the door, but it bounced back open. I was already several yards away, running upstairs for my guns. In my bedroom, the moonlight filtered through my curtains and I quickly grabbed my 870 and prepared to charge back down. I felt prickles on my neck and turned to see the eyes outside my window. They winked out into nothing with an unearthly moan and I left the house as fast as I could. I did not see 'Baron' on the way out.



    The rest is too traumatic to tell, from the ordeal under the cellar to what we found in the crawlspaces. In short, with the help of a Wiccan aquaintance, my house is partially cleansed and the bear is now locked up in a box. I need to sell it, for someone to willfully accept it. There is something dreadfully wrong with this bear. I never used to believe in powers of darkness, but now I do. If you are willing to buy it, please let me know. I take no responsibility for what may happen afterwards and for God's sake don't keep it anywhere near children. The lingering presence is still in my house to some extent and I need to get the source out. Please help me.


    There is a large rip on the back, a small one on the belly that is sealed up with red thread. The eyes are firmly attached and for reasons I am not willing to discuss should not be removed under any circumstances.





    And so the auction went and went and I wish I had been able to save the full question and answer set because it was AWESOME, but c'est la vie.


    Here, for the first time ever, is the ending, which I typed up and sent with the bear:



    I made several phonecalls from a hotel room that night, and the next day several trusted friends entered the house with me. Under the guidance of one, a complicated cleansing ritual involving burning sage was performed, and we began feeling 'resistance' to our efforts after finishing the upstairs. The air seemed to thicken. In the downstairs, the house went noisy. Doors clicked, windowframes rattled, and the television turned on. This faded as we persisted in the purification. Finally, all that was left was the basement and cellar sections under the porches. Opening the basement door let out a rush of wailing cold air that left a rank mildew odor. We turned on our maglites, and in the case of the one friend who always obsesses over having the best gear, a surefire, and descended the cellar stairs. The fluorescent lights flickered and went dead before we got to the bottom. Then, nothing.


    Halfway through the basement, the lights went on, and there in the middle of the floor, un-noticed with our flashlights, was the bear, sitting motionless like a puppet with slashed strings. A faint buzzing sound, angry and hot, was coming from it. The wiccan friend raised his lump of sage incense and stepped forwards while chanting, and was immediately engulfed from the face down in an impossibly large swarm of bloatflies that poured out of the slightly torn hole in Baron's fur. Screaming, he staggered into the shadows as the lights dimmed out again. My flashlight began to turn off every few seconds and would only come back through shaking. Shining it on the spot where the bear had been revealed nothing but dirty concrete floor. From this point, everything became chaos. Fluttering scaly wings seemed to fill the air and buffet my face, I couldn't tell whether the screams were from an unholy source or coming from the other people in the basement, and unhealthily fast skittering sounds circled the floors and, from the change in tone, went up the wooden walls as well. Fighting my way to the stairs, I was able to account for everyone but the man attacked by flies. By sticking close together we managed to circle the basement shouting his name, but we didn't hear a thing. When we got closer to the porch crawlspace entrance, the floor surface seemed to become like carpet, except the entire basement is done in cement. I shone my light to the ground and realized that I was an inch deep in writhing pale maggots the size of ricegrains. The only thing my mind could think to do was to jump up off the floor, onto the counter that lines the wall on that side, and from there dive head first into the crawlspace.


    I really wish I hadn't.


    Inside I felt maggots dropping from the ceiling onto my head from the animal corpses wedged up into the floorboards, which my light quickly revealed. I saw the Doc Marten of the missing man and started to crawl toward it, screaming the entire way. Writhing drops of insectile larva covered my clothes, some going down my neck or up my sleeves. I had just reached the shoe and realized that it was sitting there by itself when a low bestial growl met my face along with warm, fetid ursine breath. The bear was on all fours with teeth bared, eyes shining demonic red. It smelled like it brushed it's fangs with year old garbage, the extra juicy kind. I yanked my hand back to the Benchmade at my belt and then it all went black.


    They tell me I fell out from underneath the basement stairs, with the wiccan friend over my shoulder. I don't think that's possible, since there is no area underneath the stairs that isn't open and it isn't anywhere near the crawlspace. They found Baron in my bedroom upstairs, ripped and unmoving. While the house still 'crawls', it isn't as malevolent for now and I think the main reason behind the bad things has been subdued. The rest might be symptomatic or just parasitic to the main infestation. Maybe they are souls the bear claimed, forever doomed to haunt his location.


    I sealed up the crawlspace with bricks and listed the bear on eBay immediately. After the sale finalized, I began to come down with a horrible case of hives. Once Baron was shipped, they began to go away.

  11. here is someone's experience of undergoing such a ritual




    I wait outside the apartment until Sam arrives, and we agree to go for a short walk because I am full of piss and the rule is no going outside until it's day once we begin.


    We head down a dark block, when we hear a very brief, high pitched screaming sound from a yard up ahead. The screaming lasted about half a second or so. To me, it sounded like a bird scream. Scared, we leave the area and go home, which is only two blocks away. When we get there, Sam sprinkles rock salt along the garden wall (ashtray during winter time) and we say a prayer rubbing it between our fingers.


    We go inside, Dad turns in at around 12:40ish, we start making minor preparations for the ritual and then watch some Fievel Goes West until 2:30. Then, the real preparations begin. I'm not listing them in order. We chronicled most of it on camera anyways, thanks to Sam.


    It is worth noting, that during the preparations a feeling of unease came over both of us, and after Sam finished sewing up the doll, she began shaking.


    - Sam unstuffs the doll, refills it with rice. Sews it back up with red thread.

    - We smudge my room, the livingroom and especially the bathroom with sage(we both felt much calmer after this). This is for cleansing.

    - Line Dad and my room's door with rock salt, making it spiritually "off limits" for the game.

    - Prepare our separate water bottles with salt water (I did this. I used like 3 tbsp of salt each. We used sea salt)

    - Put sage in our mouths, then against the soles of our feet, kept in pace by our socks.

    - Prepare the hiding place with a glass of salt water underneath it. We unfolded the futon in the living room and made this our hiding spot.

    - Filled up the bathtub.

    - Put rock and sea salt in the sink, covered up the bathroom cupboard mirror by turning the cupboards away from ourselves. Smeared the mirrors with the salt water.

    - I decide against a few trinkets and a coat I was going to wear during the ritual, out of respect.

    - Put three of my nail clippings into the doll. 3 was a significant number for this ritual and so I felt it should be three clippings.

    - We turned off the light in my room, got our things out and put them in the living room, found an appropriate channel and shut off the TV.

    - My choice for the stabbing utensil was scissors.



    At some point, after Sam had finished sewing up the doll and we hadn't yet left my room, we heard a scuffling sound and a click of a door opening. At first I thought it was another tenant in the apartment next to us, then I blamed my cat even though we clearly heard a door open Sam was looking right at Dante but I couldn't see him from where I stood. We brushed it off and after a brief exchange were ready to bring everything outside my bedroom. I went to step outside but backed immediately into my room because the closet door near the suite entrance had opened. That was the sound we heard.


    After confirming to ourselves we wanted to go through with this, we closed the door to my room and began the ritual. Before the ritual could begin, we set up our cameras and Sam set the doll down on the chair near the hiding place in the living room. When I went to pick up the doll, Sam noted the doll was in a different position than when she'd set it down.


    We turned off all the lights in the living room, I took the doll and scissors and Sam brought the camera and I brought the TV remotes as well as my water bottle. I stabbed the doll, did the first chant and named the doll http://www.tobaccobymail.com/images/roger.jpg (call me a faggot but I'm afraid to write the name out in text myself until I've disposed of the doll properly).


    The lights out, we ran into the living room, flicked on the tv and after a bit of struggling managed to get under the futon. We heard sounds from the bathroom and the kitchen entrance. We took mouthfuls of salt water from the same bottle, because by mistake I left my bottle in the bathroom(which I didn't find till after we finished the game). I kept the water bottle near me the whole time.


    After counting to ten and confirming to ourselves it was time to go, we got up and by the light of Sam's camera screen, navigated through the kitchen into the bathroom. We both had mouthfuls of salt. I got there first, Sam got there second and I saw the door open further behind her, I assumed it was her body weight hitting the door, after talking it over with her it is unlikely. When the door opened further I heard three consecutive bangs, like the door was bouncing against a wall. I forgot at that moment the toilet was beside the door so there was no way it could hit the wall. The whole scene played out very frantically.


    The doll was still in the tub. I scooped it up, spat my salt water over it and Sam kind of weakly horked hers onto the doll in turn. I stabbed it and said the next chant, we hid again. The second time around, with me no longer "it", the feeling of heaviness alleviated a little. I think we both felt in less danger this time, for some weird reason. Sam also knocked over our salt water and it spilled all over the floor and my legs and Dante(cat) went under the couch with us and I'm pretty sure he was licking up some of the salt water.


    I counted to ten in my head with my eyes closed, tapping Sam's side for every number. We waited a much longer time for round 2 to leave the futon. This time, only I took salt water from the bottle, and Sam put rock salt in her mouth to supplement (I needed the rest of the water to finish the game). I am unsure if we should have waited longer for it to look for us or not.


    The doll was gratefully still in the tub, and I scooped it up, spat out my water on it, had Sam spit her rock salt on it. I stabbed it and said, "I win, I win, I fucking win," out of relief.


    We cleaned up a little, and cleansed the rooms the game took place in with white candles. The eczema on my face (fairly under control usually) was inflamed and agitated from the salt that dripped down my chin during the ritual. I put on some cream and moisturizer. We submerged the doll in the salt water in the sink to cleanse it and lit a candle underneath the mirror. After a few minutes we drained the water in the sink and I set the doll on a rack over the toilet to dry.


    We set up my Nintendo Wii, and put our SD cards in it to watch the movies we made about the ritual. Sam filmed the whole thing, and we had my camera trained on the living room during the ritual's entire duration.


    When I turned on my speakers(I hook my sound up to my stereo, not my TV), we heard a girl humming. She hummed four times, and it sounded like she was breathing inwardly as she did it. It may or may not have been 3:30 AM at this point. The entire ritual itself happened in less than fifteen minutes. I turned off my speakers, and turned them on again. No humming. We brought a white candle from the kitchen into my room and I lit some incense. As we oriented the Wii, my speakers started getting louder on their own so I turned them down once manually and it was fine.


    We watched the movies, the one Sam filmed by hand was full of noises we hadn't heard during the ritual, most notably a shrieking like the one we heard on our walk, and a popping sound, like a balloon exploding or a cap gun being fired. The banging I heard before was also present, but I found out Sam never heard it once we heard it over the movie.


    There is a faint possibility that at the beginning of my movie, someone said, "You listen to me," but it sounds like Sam speaking and for some reason in a half-whisper. It could be an otherworldly voice, or it could be the tail-end of something else Sam was saying. I am not pretending I know if it's legitimate spookies or not. The sound on my camera was bad, and we were too scared to turn up the volume on my speakers while we watched this stuff on my Wii.


    (at some point, I forget when, but it was either before or after we watched the movies we filmed, we shared an exchange that she said she didn't feel anymore presences from the game, and I said I still felt some kind of trickster around that wanted to try and scare us)


    We decided to finish watching Fievel Goes West, and I told Sam I'd go to the bathroom first. I went into the bathroom, and the doll was in the sink. Sam didn't move it, and obviously neither did I. Spooked, Sam called Angele for advice on what to do because Angele was a total Godsend and stayed awake during the ritual at her and Sam's apartment while we went about poking the figurative ectoplasmic bear. We did a small ritual to clear what may have been lingering, and watched the rest of Fievel Goes West. (NOTABLY during Fievel Goes West, I got up to get something and when I came back it was a scene I liked, so I skittered back over to the sofa to sit and I shit you not the movie paused and when I sat back down it resumed)


    On my way back from walking Sam home, I think I heard a man or else Seagulls laughing, two street lamps went off and I met the cutest dog ever that looked like a bull terrier but wasn't. When I got home, the closet door was open again.


    I don't feel any presences in the apartment - of this I'm sure. I'm on edge, and I think when that doll is dried out and burned is when the left over weirdness will stop. The ritual isn't entirely over until the doll has been burnt. We will do this at midnight tonight.


    That's all that happened, minus some very insignificant details.






    (Sidenote: This was written the morning after it happened. The doll has been disposed of and nothing menacing has occurred since. )

  12. The one-man hide and seek, aka the one-man tag, is a ritual for contacting the dead.


    The spirits which are wandering restless on the earth are always looking for bodies to possess. In this ritual you summon such a spirit by offering it a doll instead of a human body.


    Warning: If you have psychic abilities you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.


    Things you need:


    + A Stuffed Doll with limbs

    + Some Rice (enough to stuff the doll full)

    + A Needle and a Crimson Thread

    + A Sharp-Edged Tool (such as a Knife, a Glass Shard, or Scissors)

    + A Cupful of Salt (natural salt would be best)

    + A Hiding Place (preferably a room purified by incense and ofuda)




    1. Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice*1.

    2. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread *2.

    3. Pour water into a bathtub.

    4. Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.


    How To Do It:


    1.Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own)

    2.When it is 3 am, say to the doll "__(your name) is the first it," three times.

    3.Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.

    4.Turn off all lights in the house, go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV.

    5.When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc) in your hand.

    6.When you get there, say to the doll ,"I have found you, __(the doll's name)," and stab the doll with the edged tool*3.

    7. Say "You are the next it, __(the doll's name)," as you put the doll back in its place.

    8.As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.


    How To Finish It:


    1. Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don't drink it; keep it there)*4 and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll. The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water.

    2. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.

    3. Say "I win," three times.


    This supposed to end the ritual.

    After this make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.



    Please don't stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.

    This is a dangerous ritual and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.


    Other things to keep in mind:

    +Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.

    +You must turn off all lights.

    +Keep quiet while hiding.

    +You don't need to put the salt water in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.

    +Remember, if you are living with someone you might put them in danger too.

    +Don't continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.

    +For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment's noice, if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.




    *1 - the rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.

    *2 - the crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.

    *3 - by cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.

    *4 - if you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter "something wandering around" in your house which might harm you in some way. Apparently the way to feel the presence of the "something wandering around" is to watch "what happens to the TV."

  13. Proud Leader and Solo member of "The Pen|s is Mightier then the Sword."


    "Sizzle..." - Mr.Bunny


    "It's just a Man's Fantasy." -Deg


    "With great Geekness comes great responsibility." - PvP comics


    It took a while, but when their numbers dwindled from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect Hungry.


    "Time is Money, Money is evil. Therefore Procrastination is a virtue."


    "evil spelled backwards is live"


    "If you have to beat someone, beat him hard enough so he'll never get to revenge."


    "If you have to choose between two evils, choose the one you never experience before."


    "Living a life in the light can be blinding, So welcome to the Darkness, are you ready to see?"


    Beer is the prove that God loves everyone and wants us to be happy - Benjamin Franklin


    A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis a pain that pain to miss; but of all the pains, the greatest pain is to love, but love in vain!


    Ducking for apples; change one letter and it's the story of my life.

    - Dorothy Parker


    Walking on water is highly over-rated. Sh|t floats too.


    If you find yourself and a friend being chased by a king lion, you have one chance: Trip your friend

    -Some wisdom


    "War does not determine who is right - only who is left." -Bertrand Russell


    "The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense." - Tom Clancy


    "A coward was originally a boy who took care of cows."


    "If you steal from one author, It's call plagrism; if you steal from many, it's research."-Wilson


    The point of quotations is that one can use another's words to be insulting.

    - Amanda Cross


    The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization.

    - Sigmund Freud


    The only gracious way to accept an insult is to ignore it; if you can’t ignore it, top it; if you can’t top it, laugh at it; if you can’t laugh at it, it’s probably deserved.

    - Russell Lynes


    According to Gensis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg.


    “Communism is men exploiting men; Capitalism is the other way around.” -Tyrion


    "about 6% of murderd american men are killed by either their wife or girlfriend... or wife who caught them with their girlfriend."


    "Not only is life a b|tch. It has puppies." Adrianne Guswolf.


    The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs and ham breakfast. The Chicken was involved, the pig was commited.


    "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot proof programs and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning. " - Rick Cook


    "there are two types of people in the world, good and bad. The good sleeps better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more." - Woody Allen.


    “There are two kinds of investors: Those who eat well and those who sleep well.”


    "I think animal testing is a bad idea. They get all nervous and give the wrong answers."


    "If the punishment fits the crime, would a reformed vampire have to become a blood donor?"


    "Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb." - Dark helmet in Spaceballs.


    "it has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."


    " A T.V insults your intelligence. But nothing rubs it in like a computer."


    "Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?"


    "The book store is one of the only pieces of evidence we have the people are still thinking" -Jerry Seinfield.


    "The sea was angry that day my friend, like an old man trying to send back soup at deli." - George Constanza


    "I always get the feeling that when lesbians look at me, they're thinking, '*That's* why I'm not a heterosexual.'" - George, in "The Subway"


    "Now they show you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there. I think if you've got a T-shirt with bloodstain all over it. Maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem. Maybe you should get rid of the body before you do the wash." - Jerry Seinfield.


    "they don't have a decent piece of fruit at the supermarket, The apples are mealy, the oranges are dry... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!" - Cosmo Kramer.


    "Happiness is just an illusion, filled with sadness and confusion. "


    Side effects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful wreckalidge, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone, consult your doctor before use."


    Mat Cauthon, all the time: "Blood and Bloody ashes"


    "dovie'andi se toya sagain" - Meaning Time to roll the dice.


    "That could be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you look at it." -Mat on having two wives.


    The most common form of marriage proposal: "YOU'RE WHAT!?"


    This planet is obviously being used as an insane asylum by other planets. - George Bernard Shaw


    The rest is silence. - Last words of Shakespeare


    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it


    "Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose: it's how drunk you get afterwards." - Homer Simpson


    I think wet dreams are actually God giving you a handjob for being so good.


    "To speak before you think is like wiping your ass before you shit!"


    Clark Kent is a transvestite.


    "Kill my boss?!? Do I dare live out the American dream?"

    - Homer Simpson


    Hey, I don't like cocaine... I just like the way it smells. - Rodney Dangerfield


    I said "NO" to drugs!-(but they just wouldn't listen)


    Masturbation is nothing to be ashamed of. It's nothing to be particularly proud of, either. - Matt Groening


    Life is a bitch, then you marry one.


    It says right here you've got to be saved to go to heaven. But the way I see it, you've only got to be yourself to go to hell. - Marilyn Manson


    When I'm done with you, you're gonna wish your daddy pulled out early. - Preacher (comic book)


    Everyone likes a little ass, but no one likes a smart ass. - Mr. Jack Tinner


    "Asleep at the switch? I wasn't asleep, I was drunk - Homer Simpson


    "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the entire world" - Albert Einstein


    Never hit a man with glasses. Hit him with a baseball bat.


    I swear to drunk I'm not god.


    After all is said and done, a hell lot of a lot more is said than done.


    Stupidity killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.


    "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." - Ozzy Ozbourne


    Is adult entertainment killing our children, or is killing our children adult entertainment? - Marilyn Manson


    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. - Steven Wright


    "Can't sleep clowns will eat me... Can't sleep clowns will eat me... Can't sleep clowns will eat me... Can't sleep clowns will eat me... "- Bart Simpson


    I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. - A. Whitney Brown


    Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?


    I don't swim in your toilet, so don't pee in my pool!


    While money can't buy love, It can buy a damn good imitation.


    There are two major products that come from Berkeley: lsd and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. - Jeremy S. Anderson


    If I wanted to listen to an asshole, I would have farted.


    A virgin a day keeps the boredom away


    What Does K-Mart and The Church Have in Common?....Boys Clothes Half Off!!


    "English - Who needs that? I'm never going to England!" - Homer Simpson


    "Marge, old people don't need companionship, they need to be isolated and studied to see what useful nutrients can be obtained from them" - Homer Simpson


    "Sometimes you are the dog and sometimes you are the hydrant."


    Sex is like air, it isn't important unless you aren't getting any


    "Does God believe in people?"


    Inscription on a tombstone: "I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK" - Seen in Ashland, New Hampshire


    All that we seem is but a dream within a dream - Edgar Allen Poe


    If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?


    Please give me some money. I need it for drink, pot and a hooker. (Hey, at least i'm not bullshitting you)


    Advertising today has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate, and buying shit we don't need. - Tyler Durdan, Fight Club


    I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again... - Bart Simpson


    Love is a perky little elf dancing a merry little jig and then, suddenly, he turns on you with a miniature machine gun. - Matt Groening


    Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.


    Booze is the answer. I don't remember the question.


    No one gets into heaven without a glowstick! - Homer Simpson


    "Support wild life - vote for an orgy!"


    Prevent inbreeding: Ban country music!


    "Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes."


    I am neither especially clever, nor especially gifted, just very, very curious. - Albert Einstien


    "I see!" says the blind man, as he pisses in the fan, "It all comes back to me now..." - Sierra Mallett


    Alcohol... the solution to, and the cause of all of life's problems. - Homer Simpson


    What has been the fruits of Christianity? ...Superstition, bigotry and persecution. - James Madison


    Join the Army! Travel to exotic, distant lands. Meet exciting, unusual people, and kill them.


    "Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups."


    It all began when man made God in his image... -Dennis Voges


    Sex is one of the most beautiful, natural and wholesome things money can buy.


    Hey man, I may not go down in history, but I'll go down on your daughter.


    Now I know I'm not normally a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me, Superman! - Homer Simpson


    “You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists.”

    -Abbie Hoffman


    “The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.“

    -Nathaniel Borenstein


    Army: A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats.

    --Josephus Daniels--


    The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

    --George Patton--


    "Gentlemen, we are being killed on the beaches. Lets go inland and be killed."

    -- General Norman Cota: Omaha Beach, 1944--


    Onward we stagger, and if the tanks come, may God help the tanks."

    --- Col. William O. Darby, U.S. Rangers--


    "I'd rather have a German Division in front of me than a French one behind."

    -- General George S. Patton--


    "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

    -Thomas Jefferson


    At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.

    -Friedrich Nietzsche


    In heaven all the interesting people are missing.

    -Friedrich Nietzsche


    "The most interesting information comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop."

    -Mark Twain


    "I still say a church steeple with a lightening rod on top shows a lack of confidence."


    "I was so poor growing up ... if I wasn't a boy ...I'd have nothing to play with."

    -Rodney Dangerfield


    "You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy."

    -Charles Manson


    drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they're the scenic route!


    Don't you think it's just mildly ironic that most of the people against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place? - George Carlin


    Reality is an illusion caused by lack of alcohol.


    Have you ever been utterly infatuated with someone to the point of almost making yourself hurt? It's pretty tragic and pathetic. Against all possible logic, you find yourself unexplainably attracted to one individual and it pretty much kills you. There comes a point where you hate yourself for being the type of person who could never attain their love.

    I wonder when I'll break out of the vicious cycle and stop holding on the absurd hope of someday being with her.


    "Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try." - Homer Simpson.


    Homer: Let that be a lesson to you, sweetie. Never love anything.

    Lisa: Even you?

    Homer: Especially me.


    Okay, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me. Let's just take this exam so I can get back to killing you with beer. ... Homer Simpson


    Millicent: Our ponies start at five thousand dollars. Cash.

    Homer: Isn't there like a pound where you can pick up cheap ponies that ran away from home?


    "Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, then sold off piece by piece." _ Lisa Simpson


    "My name is Inigo Montoya. you kill my father! prepare to die"


    <link>once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

    <hokage> *cries*, scary....



    A few words from the visionary Steven Wright:------

    2)I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

    3) Okay, so what's the speed of dark?

    4) Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

    5) When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

    6) Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

    7) Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.

    8) Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.

    9) Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.

    10) I intend to live forever-so far, so good.

    13) When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.

    14) What happens if you get scared half to death, twice?

    16) I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.


    "I believe that sex is the most beautiful, natural, and wholesome thing that money can buy."

    "Sex without love is an empty experience, but as far as empty experiences go its one of the best"

    "The difference between sex and death is with death you can do it alone and no one will make fun of you"

    "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet"

    "I never want to marry. I just want to get divorced"

    “You can’t say civilizations don’t advance… in every war they kill you a new way”

    “Feminism seems to be a case of women having a leg-wrestling match with their own other leg. There is only one thing for men to do in response to this confusing situation, which is the same thing men have always done, which is anything women want”


    “A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain”


    “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society”


    “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. That is the principle difference between a dog and a man”


    "Vision is the art of seeing things invisible."

    Jonathon Swift



    Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey


    1)If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something.

    2)When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.

    3)It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

    4)At first I thought, if I were Superman, a perfect secret identity would be "Clark Kent, Dentist," because you could save money on tooth X-rays. But then I thought, if a patient said, "How's my back tooth?" and you just looked at it with your X-ray vision and said, "Oh it's okay," then the patient would probably say, "Aren't you going to take an X-ray, stupid?" and you'd say, "Aw fuck you, get outta here," and then he probably wouldn't even pay his bill.

    5)Children need encouragement. If a kid gets an answer right, tell him it was a lucky guess. That way he develops a good, lucky feeling

    6)I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex

    7)Have you ever seen a child, on his way to school, have a car drive past and splash him, and then he just stands there and thinks if he should just go to school or go home and change and be late... And then I drove past and splashed him again!

    8)I once met an assassin who's nickname was fart. I ask him why he has this nickname and he tells me it's because he's silent but deadly.

    9)I'd like to see a nude opera, because when they hit the high notes I bet you can really see it in those genitals

    10)A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby."

    11)Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis

    12)One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to DisneyLand, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said, "DisneyLand burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real DisneyLand, but it was getting pretty late.

    13)We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town.

    14)If you're a young Mafia gangster out on your first date, I bet it's real embarrassing if someone tries to kill you.

    15)Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what is I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny.

    16)I bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash is they don't want anybody walking in and lying down in the crash stuff, then, when somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and go, "What was THAT?!"

    17)Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I'll go over to the persons house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A jack-o-lantern with a knife stuck in the side of it's head with a note that says "You." After that I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.

    18)If I lived back in the wild west days, instead of carrying a six-gun in my holster, I'd carry a soldering iron. That way, if some smart-aleck cowboy said something like "Hey, look. He's carrying a soldering iron!" and started laughing, and everybody else started laughing, I could just say, "That's right, it's a soldering iron. The soldering iron of justice." Then everybody would get real quiet and ashamed, because they had made fun of the soldering iron of justice, and I could probably hit them up for a free drink.

    19)Too bad you can't buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out.

    20)To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.

    21)"I imagine a world without guns, without weapons, without war. Then I imagine us attacking that world, cause they never suspected"

    22)"I wonder is the world just a mess of screaming and yelling, as I sit and watch the lights go from green to yellow to red, and back again"

    23)"If you're falling from a skyscraper the thing to do is to make your arms and legs go limp like a dummy, because then maybe someone will come over and try to catch you, cause, hey, free dummy!"


    "Human body! Lestat, you can't become human by simply taking over a human body! You weren't human when you were alive! You were a born monster, and you know it. How the hell can you delude yourself like this." - Louis, On Lestat. 'Tales of the Body Thief'


    "Lestat! You are the damnest creature." Marius, Queen of the Damned


    Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. -Rincewind.


    Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong. Rincewind


    Rincewind had always been happy to think of himself as a racist. The One Hundred Meters, the Mile, the Marathon – he'd run them all. Later, when he learned with some surprise what the word actually meant, he'd been equally certain he wasn't one. He was a person who divided the world quite simply into people who were trying to kill him and people who weren't. That didn't leave much room for fine details like what colour anyone was. {The Last Continent, 1998}


    "Last one into the water's a man standing all by himself on the beach!" The Chair of Indefinite Studies, Unseen University, Ankh-Morpork, Discworld, from the book The Last Continent,


    Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. Rincewind, Rincewind the Wizard


    "'I'm not going to ride on a magic carpet!' he hissed. 'I'm afraid of grounds.'

    'You mean heights,' said Conina. 'And stop being silly.'

    'I know what I mean! It's the grounds that kill you!'

    -- Sourcery


    "Suicide was against the law. Johnny had wondered why. It meant that if you missed, or the gas ran out, or the rope broke, you could get locked up in prison to show you that life was really very jolly and thoroughly worth living."


    Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages.


    The truth is that even big collections of ordinary books distort space, as can readily be proved by anyone who has been around a really old-fashioned secondhand bookshop, one of those that look as though they were designed by M. Escher on a bad day and has more staircases than stories and those rows of shelves which end in little doors that are surely too small for a full-sized human to enter.


    The universe, they said, depended for its operation on the balance of four forces which they identified as charm, persuasion, uncertainty and bloody-mindedness.


    Luck is my middle name. Mind you, my first name is Bad. --Rincewind, "Interesting Times


    Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous.--Terry Pratchett


    Angua: Don't worry, we won't need weapons.

    Cheery: Oh, good.

    Angua: They wouldn't be any use.

    Cheery: Oh.

    --From "Feet of Clay



    Of course, Ankh-Morpork's citizens had always claimed that the river water was incredibly pure. Any water that had passed through so many kidneys, they reasoned, had to be very pure indeed.--Sourcery


    The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.--Wyrd Sisters


    "When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy. "


    Confuscious Say: Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.

    Confucious says: Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.

    Confuscious say: Man who run behind car get exhausted. Man who run in front of car get tired.". ...

    Confuscious say: Man who drops watch in toilet is having a crappy time"


    "The gesture of rejection which always met me did not mean "I don't love you," but rather; "you can't love me much as you like it; you are unhappily in love with your love for me, yet your love for me isn't in love with you.' therefore it is not right to say I’ve known the words 'I love you'; all I’ve known is the expectant silence that should have been broken by my saying "I love you." -Frankz Kafka, on Milenna Jesensica.


    "I will do this. Nothing in my life matters except this. No moment in my life exist except this moment. I am born in this moment, and if i fail, I will die in this moment."- Raistlin Majere


    "Yes, even If I'm twisted and warped I'm Smarter then you - All of you! Someday, You with all your strength and Charm and good looks, you - all of you will bow down before me and call me MASTER" --- Raistlin Majere.


    "... I can, We've all been laughed at one time in our lives; we've all been jealous of a sibling; we have felt pain and suffered, just as he suffered; and we've all longed - just once - for the power to crush our enemies! We pity him, we hate him, we fear him, all because there is a little of him in each of us, though we admit it to ourselves only in the darkest hour of the night." -Justanius, in regard to Raistlin Majere.


    "Magic is giving. You cannot expect to have but not to give. Magic does not come from words nor gestures within yourselves. Magic flows through your brain to your spine and to your arms and hands. Empty words do nothing but move the lips." -Par-Salin, Magic Aprendix.


    "In ancient times, sorceresses sought to learn the one true spell that would give them power over the world and understand all the magic. The one True Spell was a women, and her name was Mystra - and her kisses were wonderful."


    "Sharp Shooter are Loners by Nature. We hone our instincts, pouring our beings into a single bullet... the power of the moment, the release of each bullet means life and death. No, You do not understand, SO Just Let Me Be!" -Ivannan Kinnes



    It wasn't a dark and stormy night.

    It should have been, but there's the weather for you. For every mad scientist who's had a convenient thunderstorm just on the night his Great Work is complete and lying on the slab, there have been dozens who've sat around aimlessly under the peaceful stars while Igor clocks up the overtime. - Good Omens


    "Love must've been blind. Cause I certainly didn't see this one coming."


    "Afraid of the dark? Well you should be. Cause the only evil thing there is me!" -Dark Snider


    "Fate is like a caged gorilla. It will pelt you with dung if you mock it." -Warriv.


    I'm not prejudice. I hate everyone equally.


    "You can hate me cuz I am different,but you really hate me cuz I am not like you."


    Beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes right thru the bone.


    "You can't tell me what to do! You are not the Voices!"


    "I'm not Smiling, I'm Frowning Up-Side down =)"


    "Don't you worry, Totadile, I'm gonna teach you how to be successful in love, just like me!" - Brock


    "I wasn't calling for you. I said psychic, not psychotic!" - Jessie to Wobbuffet


    "Snap, Crackle, Pop"<--the last words you hear before being eaten alive by your cereal


    Dhremus: I'm afraid you've mistaken me for some one else, I'm Boob, this is my good friend Moron, and behind me you'll find Brainless and Dimwit.


    When you are lost in the world of Archmage-all confusing things make sense - Deliah


    "I hail from the magical land of frolicking naked nymphs, where your every desire is granted by bald, blubbering bugbears."


    Glimni Gnollslayer: There will be a house-boat full of gibberling on every lake in the realms before I let you back in the party!


    Xzar: Oh! How you would tempt me so! I will pine away the days on this very spot lamenting your distinct lack of humanity! And picking daisy's, WHEEEE!"


    "We interrupt this program to annoy you, and make things generally irritating."


    "Look Boo! Squirrells! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc


    Corianth: I see you still have that... rodent. Dare I ask how he slipped past our captors?

    Minsc: Boo is fast and agile, and there is ever so much of Minsc to search!

    Imoen: Ewwww... I really don't wanna think about that too much.


    Jan: I've heard this tune before. It's right up there on the oldies-but-goodies list with "Fail and I kill you". Or, maybe in this case, it's that variant sung by the famous ogre bard Chumba-Kahn, "Fail and I eat you". Of course, we could always just leave...


    Boy: Gee, mister... your robe is so colourful... Can I be like you when I grow up? Pleeeaaaasseee?

    Edwin: A commendable statement child, but... no, NO! Back, back! (Somebody get this... thing... off of me! It's...hugging...me...)


    Peasant: Aye, now, is that a rat yer carryin' there fella? He looks nice and plump. How's about two coppers for 'im?

    Minsc: No! Boo is NOT for eating! Boo is mighty and wise and probably quite stringy. Er, and he is my companion!


    Minsc: Boo says such a sphere would not fit in my pocket. If I can't carry it with me, it's just not a good buy.

    Man: Oh, the little fella says all that does he? What else does he say?

    Minsc: Occasionally he mutters about fellow hamsters that will kill you all, but he is just moody. See how he glares? We should leave him be.


    Lilarcor: So, are we gonna kill something now?

    Minsc: May I have your advise, o sentient sword?

    Lilarcor: Advise eh? Well besides working on your swordsmanship, y'know besides that, I'd have to think. *The sword is silent for several minutes* Umm, uh, f-find the wizard guy. Yeah sure! Find 'im, and kill 'im!Kill kill kill kill kill! Woo-hooo!



    "Someone must have done something very bad to make a rock that angry." -Rebel scout


    "The Kjeldorans keep the Orcs at bay, and we train their healers. Most human bargains aren't as fair." -Laina of the Elvish Council


    The Elves train our healers and we keep the Orcs at bay. Most Elvish bargains aren't as fair." -General jarkeld, the Arctic Fox


    "A ruler wears a crown while the rest of us wear hats, but which would you rather have when its raining?" - Barrin, Principia


    "I'm sure it comes with the place. I don't think you build one on purpose" - Gerred (Flavored text from "Bottomless Pit")


    There is time when destiny calls forth a people and demands an action. Now is the Time, We are the People. This is our action. Charge!"


    "Knowledge is no more expensive then ignorance, and at least as satisfying" - Barrin, Master Wizard.


    "The ingredient for panic includes equal parts danger, uncertainty, and helplessness."


    "'Davvol, Blast those elves. Davvol, transport those troops.' No one Cares that today is my birthday."


    "And the Ignorant shall fall to the squirrels!" Chip 2:54


    “Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    —Jaya Ballard, task mage

    “Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    —Jaya Ballard, task mage



    "Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery*. My mother was a fifteen-year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy... the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess in the insane lament. My childhood was typical... summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds... pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it."


    1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

    2. A day without sunshine is like -- night.

    3. On the other hand, you have different fingers.

    4. I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

    5. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

    6. 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

    7. I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

    8. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.

    9. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.

    10. Honk if you love peace and quiet


    "Love is Self-Torment with a Twist in the end."


    John Milton got married and wrote "Paradise Lost", Then his Wife died and he wrote "Paradise Refound."


    You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the track.

    Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.

    Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers something which either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition.

    Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand.

    If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

    The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.

    The attention span of a computer is only as long as it electrical cord.

    An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.

    Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

    All great discoveries are made by mistake.

    Always draw your curves, then plot your reading.

    Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.

    A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.

    The first myth of management is that it exists.

    A failure will not appear till a unit has passed final inspection.

    New systems generate new problems.

    To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.

    We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything.

    Any given program, when running, is obsolete.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    A computer makes as many mistakes in two seconds as 20 men working 20 years make.

    The faster a computer is, the faster it will reach a crashed state.

    Nothing motivates a man more than to see his boss putting in an honest day's work.

    Some people manage by the book, even though they don't know who wrote the book or even what book.


    Russian Capitalism: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 12 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.

    Japanese Capitalism: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create cow cartoon images called Cowkimon and market them World-Wide.

    Arkansas Capitalism: You have two cows. That one on the left is kinda cute...

    Hindu Capitalism: You have two cows. You worship them.

    Cuban Capitalism: You have two cows. They try to swim to Florida.


    40 Things Never Said By Southerners

    40. Oh I just couldn't. Hell, she's only sixteen.

    39. I'll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex.

    38. Duct tape won't fix that.

    37. Lisa Marie was lucky to catch Michael.

    36. Come to think of it, I'll have a Heineken.

    35. We don't keep firearms in this house.

    34. Has anybody seen the sideburns trimmer?

    33. You can't feed that to the dog.

    32. I thought Graceland was tacky.

    31. No kids in the back of the pickup, it's just not safe.

    30. Wrasslin's fake.

    29. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace?

    28. We're vegetarians.

    27. Do you think my gut is too big?

    26. I'll have grapefruit and grapes instead of biscuits and gravy.

    25. Honey, we don't need another dog.

    24. Who's Richard Petty?

    23. Give me the small bag of pork rinds.

    22. Too many deer heads detract from the decor.

    21. Spittin is such a nasty habit.

    20. I just couldn't find a thing at Walmart today.

    19. Trim the fat off that steak.

    18. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso.

    17. The tires on that truck are too big.

    16. I'll have the arugula and radicchio salad.

    15. I've got it all on the C drive.

    14. Unsweetened tea tastes better.

    13. Would you like your salmon poached or broiled?

    12. My fiance, Bobbie Jo, is registered at Tiffany's.

    11. I've got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl.

    10. Little Debbie snack cakes have too many fat grams.

    09. Checkmate.

    08. She's too young to be wearing a bikini.

    07. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts?

    06. Hey, here's an episode of "Hee Haw" that we haven't seen.

    05. I don't have a favorite college team.

    04. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side.

    03. I believe you cooked those green beans too long.

    02. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla.

    01. Nope, no more for me. I'm drivin tonight.


    These are ACTUAL announcements from ACTUAL church bulletins.


    1. Don't let worry kill you -- let the church help.

    2. Thursday night - Potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.

    3. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.

    4. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

    5. The rosebud on the alter this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer.

    6. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.

    7. Tuesday at 4:00 PM there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.

    8. Wednesday the ladies liturgy will meet. Mrs. Johnson will sing "Put me in my little bed" accompanied by the pastor.

    9. Thursday at 5:00 PM there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All ladies wishing to be "Little Mothers" will meet with the Pastor in his study.

    10. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

    11. The service will close with "Little Drops of Water." One of the ladies will start quietly and the rest of the congregation will join in.

    12. Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so.

    13. The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They can be seen in the church basement Saturday.

    14. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

    15. At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.

    16. The preacher will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, "Break Forth With Joy."

    17. Today...Christian Youth Fellowship House Sexuality Course, 8 p.m. Please park in the rear parking lot for this activity.

    18. During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when A. B. Doe supplied our pulpit.

    19. The Rev. Adams spoke briefly, much to the delight of his audience.

    20. The church is glad to have with us today as our guest minister the Rev. Shirley Green who has Mrs. Green with him. After the service we request that all remain in the sanctuary for the Hanging of the Greens.

    21. The `eighth graders' will be presenting Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.




    Top 10 reasons MARI is losing money:


    1) They trusted Wyvern as an insurance agent.

    2) They continuously have to reconstruct their building after having vigorous in door Nimball tournaments.

    3) Bead has to buy a constant supply of strange ties...

    4) The UBBs are actually upheld by the yakuza, and MARI has to pay 'protection money'.

    5) At the last Archmage gathering in Vegas, Bead and Nahual were violently mugged by the Archmage masses after suggesting to make multi-maging legal to increase funds. The hospital bills were enormous.

    6) They have to buy straight jackets for all the UBB moderators, especially Iuz...

    7) Their project "Archmage the Movie: the Life and Times of MARI inc." was the biggest flop film ever.

    8) All of the staff got addicted to the unreleased Stabat Mater project and ended up not working.

    9) Birdman refused to come back unless they got him a deluxe birdhouse and gourmet birdseed.

    10) AT&T decided to steal Orlan's rejected project and start Archchocolate on their own server. Players started switching to that...


    A god-awful ugly, grotesquely obese, sweaty naked lady. Who is sitting on a vinyl couch, hitting you over the head with the under cooked leg and thigh portions of a 48 1/2 pound turkey. All the while screaming at the top of her lungs, "THE TUNA! THE TUNA! I WANT THE TUNA!" and that, my dear TimeRipper, is life. ~Snypiuer


    "One Day, I'll have a signature longer and more varied then the infamous 'Lord of the Gay', and the get deleted by a jealous moderator." - Psycholis


    Don't argue with an idiot; they will bring you down to their level then beat you with experience In honor of Shivv (August 29, 1986-August 29, 2076)


    "How are you Gentelmage, all your Mr.Bunnies are belong to us."


    ---And what is it with those people with the fantastically long sigs? Don't they have anything BETTER to do? I mean, would it KILL you people to shorten it a little?


    ---And while we're at it, why can't you just say 'signature?' Is the effort required to type 'nature' really that much?


    ---So what about those people who make new topics 'just to test the new sig?' Those people can just POST, like everyone else.


    --And you know what else bothers me? When people go on and on about the SLIGHTEST triviality. I say, punch 'em right then and there.

    Absolutely stolen from Stargazers Funnies:


    “I like being able to anticipate your wants and needs, but the only person actually responsible for them is you,” she said. “Not everybody in this world is going to be nice, but if you won’t tell people what you want… or don’t want… you aren’t giving them much choice.”

    Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good,politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.



    Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!


    Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.


    Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.


    Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.


    Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.


    Rule 6: If you mess up,it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.


    Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.


    Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.


    Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.


    Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.


    Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.



    Words to Live By


    Never argue with an idiot. The people watching might not know the difference.


    If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.


    On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.


    When you're laying in bed at night looking up at the stars, don't panic when you suddenly wonder "Where the Hell is the ceiling?!"


    Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and SMACK the asshole upside the head.


    The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


    Just remember........if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.


    Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.


    Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you still can't help but giggle when you see one tumble down the stairs.


    In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.


    There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.


    The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.


    It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end to end someone would be stupid enough to try and pass them.


    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.


    The things that come to those who wait may be the things left by those who got there first.


    Birds of a feather flock together and then crap on your car.


    If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.


    Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.


    The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.


    Deg: [You know damn well why, I'm sick of editing, and will start deleting.]

  14. The young man stared at the flickering candle, the only light in his study at this time of night. Or was it morning. He sighed as he place his quill inside the inkpot, and flicked at the red-hair hanging down into his good eye. Nothing had come to mind, not a single random thought or sudden burst of imagination. He had wasted the entire day trying to create adventure or drama on paper but in the end all he had done was waste another perfectly good day to go and have some himself. He stood from his desk and grabbed his purple silk jacket from the chair. He belted his blades into place and flipped his top hat off the table and placed it upon his head.

    "There. The unnecessarily long prep scene is now complete, I can now head off."

    He had prepared 13 candles lid on a multicolored sparck Pentagram with his laying naked like DaVinci's famous porportion sketch. Beside it was a laptop with a horribly written chainmail letter waiting to be sent to each and every single person ever to create an account on the mightypen.net He pressed the sent button, and right on que a giant pendellium blade swings right down at him. Beheading the young pennite without even a sound.


    Whoever read this must post on this thread or face certain death within the next 13 hour. Happy posting!

  15. You waved your hand; you are saying hello to me.

    You held my hand; you wanted to be with me.

    You wrapped your arms around me: you are protecting me.

    You played with my hair; you are so tender to me.

    You cupped my cheek; you cherish me.

    You fondled me: You want me.


    You strangled me. You wanted no one else but me.

  16. Q:Well Im wondering if the visual images are coming across by the way it is written?


    A: By visual image I assume you mean do the reader visualize the objects being listed as your read the poem.... the answear is yes at the beginning. However because the third line isn't objects the imagary stops right there. Also it's a bit too ambitious to get a reader to imagine all these things going into their minds at once. Cutting a few objects would help thou.


    Q:Is there any feeling or does it feel like a grocery list?


    A: I can see how some of the objects are related. Charcoal? not so much.


    Q:Is it realistic? Or is it coming off as a corny teen movie?


    A: I think it's very origional and definately I haven't read any poem structured this way before. I can see why you would think it's sounds like a corny teen movie because you use these terms of endearment "My Dearest, Darling, Sweetheart, My Life, My Love, My Heart." and etc, but to be honest you can't be bias against young people. Old geezer like us use these words too! We just used them more maturely -_-;


    On the other hand the poem is very "bouncy" as it toss ideas so rapidly to the reader's face, and I do feel I'm too old to keep up. So maybe.

  17. While I do not totally agree to the idea in the poem about gays and trans and alternative sexual preference I do like how you pointed out her flawed logic. Abstiance has nothing to do with gay marriaged and etc and one cannot just stop being gay.


    Your second stanza is stronger and definately clever in pointing out her flawed idea of marriage. Your last stanza is the strongest thou and definately delivere the knock out punch and that becomes the centeral core to your poem: love is about giving and not taking, and taking for those you do not love will leave you with less. Sometimes I wish more people would understand that.

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