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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by gabrielcharon

  1. Character Name- Chalice Tantrella

    A woman without a name.. she is disconect within a tight fabric of name and place and lace and anime is her shapeshift garment. Rarely a word spoken without an hypnotic shiver of strategic significance or a step taken without painful resentment... She is... unknown in that you thinks you know... She is her own parody of the world's boastings and her spite is her own undoing. Sleeps under the full moon at night and not well.




    Moved this post from game thread to sign-up/OOC, where it belongs to. Welcome to the Pen and to the game, gabrielcharon! ~Tanny

  2. Gabriel starts coughing. Doesn't stop. Cough on top of cough reddens face stings eye scrapes larynx. Sputtering incoherent gratitude steps over stinking exoskeletal shed with a wave of nausea to wretchen the cough. Past the door through the Keep she takes welcome breath of wooded air. Care taken to preserve the paper already creased and it's purpose now served deemed unnecessary. Stolen glimpses of her form now delivered by liquid source. She glances again into the pool her reflection backlit by lunar crown. Rags, filth, matted hair, tears, emptiness, disgust, fear... a head held high.







    (OOC: Thank you for the acceptance Wyvern! Glad to be here!)

  3. "Your writing's crap. What's your excuse? Why do you keep on writing when you do it so badly? Why don't you continue finding excuses not to write? It would make my life alot easier."


    "Becuase it would make your life easier."


  4. Gasping from the purposefully accidental fall and clutching black feathers GabrielCharon shakes her head laughing. Ah! It's good to have a friend in the world!


    But perhaps she's spoken too loud. Her voice returns and with it the Wyvern-styled cowlicks become eyes and whispers.


    A smile and a look shared by two new friends. A drink is offered in the name of many more. "Forever more"! quoth the Raven.


    OOC: So glad to be here and to receive such a great welcome, Raven! Look forward to "meeting" more of you guys. Here's to you!

  5. I'm working on my dialogue composition. Ideas, suggestions welcome.......


    "I'm not an insomniac though. I'm telling you I see things - sounds. I'm a synesthesiac!" She punctuated the greasy kitchen air with her fork. "Oh, what is that supposed to mean, Jess?" He pours his instant coffee with sadistic distaste picking his battles like a scab. "Oooh I'm a tell ya what ya mean to me bay beehee-ee Oh!! Lalalala I love you, yeah!!" She grins and wiggles in her seat, crooning into her fork with guarana induced neurosis. "Ugh, get your fucking life together!" It's that grimmace that gets to her. He never used to look at her like that. She keeps on singing, reduced now to a tight lipped hum, her heart still throbbing and sore. The dirty dishes are a flimsy escape. She turns up the radio and the sink turns colors on her.

  6. My application...

    (Hello all!)


    Treasures on tiptoes lightly go

    Phallic procedures complacent, slow


    Companion traces of wine in snow

    Vodka chases night and roe


    Many eyes are pleased to find

    A portion time once left behind


    Cruelty feins an honest day

    When sultans ply and farmers lay

  7. Troubled Sleep -


    The night knew when memory waited and fire tore from his eyes their waxen gleam that only once...only once can you ask at the depth of I AM... the night is waiting. The night has chosen its' hero - its' victim - and fire makes it so.


    But cats are animals - cats must kill. I had to kill was meant to kill - made to kill. Why has part of myself died in the killing then?


    The Waitakere's gave me life.... gave me death.


    There is none to witness my hurt. My love has forgotten me.


    I was running and climbing and bleeding and weakening.


    I asked for strength.

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