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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

First Lines (V. 2.0)


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In odd we place our trust,

For the relentlessness of the mundane, is the lie of the land,

Faking the promises of bounty, as she starves us,

Breaking our resolve on her rocky breast,

Opening our wounds anew with each faltering step.


Common ground is no friend to us now,

For the voices of reason are estranged,

And the open mic calls silently to us to speak,

Resonating with the obscene and vulgar,

Dousing the audience in a flood of unfamiliar truth.



New line: Stones thrown through a glass heart...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stones thrown through a glass heart -

Poor, fragile thing -

Will it break apart?

Will the pain sting?


Hammer blows of emotion to the mind -

Flashes of light to the blind -

Will it go mad?

All emotions drained sad?


Or will the glimmer of hope prevail?

Will she be able to lift the veil?

Her touch breaking -

Walls shattering -







Next line: Please stay...just another day

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please stay just another day?

Your whispered footfalls fade,

Empty rooms and hall devoid,

Vocal ambiance muted now.

Foggy shrouds strong as walls,

Each vacant space devours,

Mists of tears, and tendrilled fears,

Wrap, and tear, and taint my stare,

Creaking voice, creaking doors,

Crumbling roof, cracking walls,

No escape, tumbling quakes,

This little world just a void,

Dust billows into black.


Last breath of hope denied.

Lament my loss, move it aside,

Become the shadow in which I hide.





New Line: "The wind whispers woven words..."

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The wind whispers woven words

The stream sings soft songs

The ocean offers oblivion

The ship slowly sails...away



Crypt, I really liked the alliteration going on, of course, being me, I had to break it in the last line. Because structure in poems is made to be played with. ;p


Next line: The snow-capped mountains of hell

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The snow-capped mountains of hell

He grunted as the last pick fell

Whoever said this was a good idea

Obviously had a head full of dust hair


The snow-capped mountains of hell

Where if falling no one would hear you yell

The peak is here but what view for me

More damned mountains and then the sea





Oops, next line.... - Would you hold it for me?

Edited by Fluke
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  • 1 month later...

Responding to my own line (badly) because I's bored.




Would you hold it for me?

Would you ensure it's safe?

Could you wait and see?

Could you stand the chafe?


Would you hold it for me?

Would you treat it as art?

Could you let me be free?

Could you keep my heart?




Next line - Dusk and other deadly dances

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dusk and other deadly dances

Echo through the darkened sky.

With the dawn the music stops

and those who live will wonder why.


Leave the broken ground for now,

Take your place within the air.

And if danger rears its ugly head,

depart this world without a care.




Next line:

Across the river, under the boughs

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Across the river, under the boughs

grows a circle of mushrooms

A faire ring


Can you hear the music

Will you join the Dance

and with the Fair Folk

wildly prance.


Will They stay

and let you play

Or in an instant

fade away ?


Will you dance

till break of day

And like a Mist

then fade away...




Next line:


Will you join the dance

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Will you join the dance,

the fatal dance,

by the ring of steel accompanied?


Will you join the song,

the bloody song,

the heavens quaking at our hatred?


When your shield is splintered,

when your spear is broken,

when your sword is lost,

when your mail is rent,

when your knife slips from bloody fingers,

will you howl your rage and fight on, to their deaths and yours?


Then you are one of us.




Next line:

You are one of us.

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  • 4 months later...

You are one of us

In this fact I fully trust

You see us even tho we Shroud

And pick us out from the crowd


You see us when we are not there

And tho we're strange, You do not care

You talk with those less seen than air

And you can also disappear


One of us you must surely be

Else you'd not so clearly see

The things they say cannot be



Next line: Will you come with us and be set free ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will you come with us and be set free?

From bonds that bind and ties that be


Will you turn your eyes and walk away

From your past, your yesterday


Will you search, for the unknown

Strange new things, a brand new home


Will you take that step, wherever it may lead

And come with us


To be set free



Next line: Angry flowers lie in wait

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  • 8 months later...

Angry Flowers lie in wait

Alluring scent, enticing bait

Colors that beguile the eye

All of it a cunning lie

Angry Flowers lie in wait

Toxic nectar dripping hate

While spiteful thorns accentuate 

And joyful moods evaporate

Flee before it is too late

When Angry Flowers lie in wait.


Next line:

Fairy Dust upon the wind 


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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A melancholy plum

ponders its plight, deep within a Christmas pie.

It silently shrieks in terror

as his world opens to the sky.

An endless scream of pain escapes his breathless lungs

as a thumb pierces his eye.

His last thoughts were the words of his god

"What a good boy am I."


Next line:

If I were to taste the tears of eternity

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  • 3 years later...

The missionary who no longer believes,

What will he become?

What will he do?

Does he seek to experience other . . .


Does he take his time,


And thoroughly,

Examining all his options.

Does he then choose . . .

Just one,

To master?

Through endless repetition.



Over and over,

Until he can perform his duties flawlessly?

Or does he attempt everything he finds before him?


And enthusiastically,

Moving from one to another,



Yet fulfilled,

He retires,

Knowing he has lived.

He has done everything he had ever dreamed of.


Will he hesitate?

Out of fear,

Of failure,

Of that which he had never known.

Will he be unmoving?

Frozen from simple indecision.

Befuddled by all the possibilities,

Will he go limp,

Fall to his knees,

Overcome with the task before him.

Stunned by the realization that he was now free.

Free to do as he wished.

Free to do whatever he desired.

All with no repercussions.

Will he be overwhelmed,


Unable to revel in his freedom?

Will he remain as he is,

Though he no longer believes?

Performing as he always has,

Going through the same old motions,

Doing only that which he has always done,

That which he is comfortable with,

Out of habit.

Out of dread that he,

Might not,


Be free.

That his loss of Faith,

Is a test.

A trap.

Will this paralyze him?

Constrained by the knowledge that,

If he never,


Indulges in his freedom,

Satiates his desires,

Or experiences any other position in life,

He will never know if he is,

Truly free,

Or what could be.

This is the Missionary's Position.



Wait . . . was that an arrow!?


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  • 2 months later...

Wait...was that an arrow!?

Pointing back the other way?

Is this a sign that perhaps I've lost my way?

And yet the road before me goes on as plain as day.

But now there is this nagging doubt that I have somehow lost my way.

Was that another arrow pointing to some hidden way ? 

The way is clear beforeme;

yet I feel ever more astray .

Wait... was that an arrow, pointing to a better way? 


Next line:

Have I lost my way ?

Edited by TLDunn213
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Have I lost my way? 
Or just my mind? 
Has influence become my guide, 
Or am I just blind? 
Somewhere out in deepest space resounds 
The nonsense of the human race, 
chattering, prattling, nagging, nattering
champing at the bit, 
in a race to nowhere
And sometimes things that felt so warm 
are the things that become
The first 
Focus runs away again, 
Flutters off, and we're at loss 
Or are we? 
I'll take my Coffee with salt today
The tears I shed,

at my own 

never-ending confusion. 



Next line: 

Please log off at the end of your shift 





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  • 3 weeks later...

Please log off at the end of your shift

And, your monitor, fully power it down

The glow of the screen

And electrical hum

Makes a hostile workplace,

We have found.


The demon that lives in your cubicle . . .

Of which you were unaware

Makes constant HR complaints,

And threats of lawsuits,

So its presence

We now share.


No need for concern that it lives there

Or to know the reason why

Just be mindful that when you leave

Be sure to log off, fully power down

And if you see the demon

DON'T look it in the eye.




Gently, gently as the shadows grow

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Gently, gently as the shadows grow

softly, now the snow is falling; 

Calmly, calmly, whispers in my ear 

Hold my spirit here, til dawning.


As I sigh, now, kindred spirits fly 

by my window, high--

bright! visible outside--but, never one within--


I could try, to rearrange my mind, 

never once to find--

life, for which I pine--ah!

Resigned to never win.

Closer, closer, as the shadows creep 

following my sleep and waking;

Weary, seeking, I will hope for peace

even when my heart is breaking.  


 Next line: 

Who's the most inspiring frog? 


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